View Full Version : Do E-Mags have shoot down??

02-22-2002, 10:44 PM
Hey everyone, I am just curious. I do not own a E-Mag but I am thinking of getting one and I have heard that they are not worth getting right yet because they still have a problem with shoot down. I have a 68 mag and I love it, but it does have shoot down. With the RT/Retro Valve in the E-Mag is there still shoot down or does it recharge fast enough to prevent that from happening. The big reason I am asking is because I would be using a E-Mag in Tournaments, such as Skyball (if I was going this year, costs too much right now) and other tournaments this summer. These are the guns that I am considering:

1) E-Mag (SFL, Extreme, or Regular)
2) SFL Cocker
3) Dye Cocker
4) Angel (any)
5) Bob Long (not sure what kind)
6) Other (Suggestions?)

02-22-2002, 10:48 PM
well i would buy an angel, ive had 3 and never had any shoot down, despite what the say about the recharge rate, so thats my vote, BUT im gonna bet that people will tell you to get the emag, since this IS the automags website, but i would just do some research and shoot as many of those guns as u can, then make up your mind on what u like, but ive played with a few emags and havent had shoot-down

02-22-2002, 10:51 PM
as biased as we are, up to 26bps without shootdown is a fact. ive never really heard it debated before.

so unless you have an insanly fast trigger finger, and a loading system capable of beating that, i wouldnt worry about shootdown on a mag. "shootdown on an emag" sounds like the opinion of an uninformed individual.

02-22-2002, 10:51 PM
The RT/ReTro/Emag valve will cycle 26 times per second without any shootdown. However due to the heavier sear for the Emag, it can only fire 20 times per second.

Well, it's either 20 or 23, I can't remember which. Either way it's faster than you'll ever fire.

02-22-2002, 10:55 PM
I'd go with the angel, e-mag, or bob long intimidator(I know it's ugly but it works)... Maybe a racegun cocker but that's pricey but it isn't more expensive than a nice angel or emag...

02-22-2002, 11:04 PM
I have to agree with Cliffo, you are posting on a mag website, what answers do you think you are going to get.

As far as shoot down, I don't know where that is coming from. Shoot down in mags is usually caused by a weakness in the airsystem. A normal mag won't shoot down until 14+ bps, and RT or ReTro valved 'mag not until 20+

As far as what you are considering:

1) E-Mag (SFL, Extreme, or Regular)

I'm on my second E-mag, and I won't get rid of this one until I can get my hands on an extreme. The E-mag just feels right to me. I love the feel of the trigger, and the hybrid mode is about as much fun as you can legally have on a tourny paintball feild!

2) SFL Cocker
3) Dye Cocker
The only prebuild autococker type marker I would buy is a revenge v2 because of it's unique trigger layout. If I was going to get another cocker, and it wasn't a v2 I would be building my own. But if you are seriously thinking about one of these two go with the SFL, it will out preform the Dye, the dye is basicly all looks.

4) Angel (any)
Angels are great markers, I just don't like how they feel, and if I'm paying 1000+ for a marker, it better be perfect for me. If you are going to get an Angel just buy one of the WDP ones. Don't worry about the "customized" ones, they are mostly about looks and fine tuning, the extra preformance isn't worth the cost. I was considering picking up a IR3 becuause of the "space grip" but the back log, has put me back on track for the Extreme.

5) Bob Long (not sure what kind)
I've had two Timmies. If you want angel like preformance for less, this is one way to go. The only problem I had with my Timmies was again I didn't care for the microswitch "clicking" trigger that are typical of most electros.

6) Other (Suggestions?)
The only other electro I've considered is the Excal by AKA. I've always liked AKA products in my cockers, and I'm sure that the excal is a great marker, but once again the trigger keeps me from laying down the 1200+ for one. If you are at all worried about effiency this is the way to go, can you say 1800+ off a 68/4500? AKA claims 2000+ but whoever listens to the manufaturer?