View Full Version : Tom, this is blackmail

Zelda Ramras
02-23-2002, 12:47 AM
Why would you threaten your customers to buy an inferior product like the old Z-grips(and buy them all immediately) or else you won't make a newer more improved Intelli Z-grip? It is not fair to put your customers in this type of position, since the people who buy the old Z-grips will be missing out. I bought the warp feed so that I can use an Intelli link to it, and have the comfort of a Z-grip at the same time. I was under the impression that you always wanted the best for your customers.

02-23-2002, 12:51 AM
Shut up flamer... You're lucky enough that Tom is even trying to make them for you...

might as well add this...

Don't try to bring down Tom like this. It just makes you look bad.

BAM! Read what army said... heh heh...:D

Edit2: Looks like your posts aren't appreciated... (I know this is cheap revenge but it's sooo SWEET)

Edit3: I can't help but grin now...:D

02-23-2002, 01:00 AM
Mr. Kaye at no time threatened anyone into purchasing the old style Z-grip. Mr. Kaye said he found a few that were unfinished and overlooked. That he would spend some extra time to offer a discontinued product to the public should be praised.

A retraction of your statement should be in order. Army

02-23-2002, 01:08 AM
and I was under the impression you had a lick of sense. Who says it's not possible to intellifeed the old "inferior" z-grip? I did it and so did many others. What do you do for a living? Head bottle washer? It's really not difficult, it involves a drill, $12 worth of radioshack parts, soldering iron, solder and which ever size drill bit you feel most comfortable with. The 12 z-grips have already been sold. Army is correct, Tom never threatened that but I wouldn't blame him if he did. The public screams for z-grips but when they are finally available it takes them a while to sell. Everyone has an excuse these days. I own one and I plan on owning 2 more. One to hang on my wall, and one for a paperweight.

02-23-2002, 01:26 AM

I forgive you for you know not what you say. Maybe some people are not interested in the z-grip with link, I'm not, I'd personally rather have the older one, that is just me, but Just because your not happy with what's going on does'nt mean a thing, numbers I think point to Tom knows what he's doing and he's doing everyone he knows and doesnt know a favor cause he's just that cool...

02-23-2002, 01:42 AM
You have NO RIGHT to put these 2 posts on this forum. you people in general have no right to complain about Tom trying to do somthing generous for you. Tom said he would not spend valuble money in creating a new version of a product that failed unless these twelve were sold. Why would he?

If you want them to look even more unequ then you can modify it.

If you want diffrent grips modify them.
If you want it intellifed modify it.

I am tired of hearing you all complain about Tom not selling Z-grips which failed in there inicial dabue. if you want a Z buy in now while you can. If you do not none of you have any right to complain and ask for new ones because he tried.

Tom has tried to help in any way he can. All you guys can do is complain that he wants you to buy some new original version Z's to prove that a new batch is a seamingly profitable expence.

HOW DARE YOU gripe about this:mad: :mad: :mad: . You don't desurve what Tom does for you.

I wont buy one because i pursonally dont like them. I now wish i had one of these original ones because they are a colectors item. I baught my first mag 6 years ago. I now play with an RT with intelliframe because that is the gun i like. In the time i have played i havent found any company that cares for the customers as much as Tom cares for us. So be kind to him.

Tom i just want you to know that most of us appriciate evrything that you do for us

sincerly: Jason

02-23-2002, 01:50 AM

your cool in my book, my hats off to ya......


02-23-2002, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by AGD
AO Z-Grip Lovers,

Amazingly we have found yet another batch of original Z's under a work bench. They were missing the threads in the grip screw holes and got put aside. We tapped them and put them all together JUST FOR YOU!!

I will be putting them up in the store tonight around 8 central. If you guys don't burn through them (about 12) don't expect Y grips in the future.

I'll put them under upgrades for 115.00


I agree with Zelda 100%. Tom hopefully just did not word his post as it was meant to be taken as. I also took the no sale of old ZGrips as a hold back of the pending YGrips. Whether people want the old or the new style is up to them but why threaten to hold back on pending new product based on the sale of this 1 particular product if they were really forgotten or misplaced stock?

ZGrips have always been popular and if they did not sell on the first day I am sure they would have within a couple of days or a week or two. Why the threat?

It is interesting from a marketing perpective how Tom has everyone sort of jumping through hoops and as soon as someone questions him they get this that and the other thing and you should appologize posts.

I back AGD 100% and have for as long as I have had my AutoMag which has been a very very long time but I also believe that these forums are meant as a way to express ones thoughts regardless of who they may or may not contradict.

Now I will wait for the pile on :D

02-23-2002, 02:05 AM
Originally posted by Steven

I agree with Zelda 100%. Tom hopefully just did not word his post as it was meant to be taken as. I also took the no sale of old ZGrips as a hold back of the pending YGrips. Whether people want the old or the new style is up to them but why threaten to hold back on pending new product based on the sale of this 1 particular product if they were really forgotten or misplaced stock?

ZGrips have always been popular and if they did not sell on the first day I am sure they would have within a couple of days or a week or two. Why the threat?

It is interesting from a marketing perpective how Tom has everyone sort of jumping through hoops and as soon as someone questions him they get this that and the other thing and you should appologize posts.

I back AGD 100% and have for as long as I have had my AutoMag which has been a very very long time but I also believe that these forums are meant as a way to express ones thoughts regardless of who they may or may not contradict.

Now I will wait for the pile on :D
Here's the start of the pile on for you ;)

Case scenario:

OK, you have 50 customers beg for something that'll cost you some big bucks to make. You offer them something even better than what they want which will cost even more to make. Then they don't buy it. Would you be happy? Tom is just trying to reassure that the iz-grips/y-grips will sell

02-23-2002, 02:36 AM
u should prolly delete your post, your gonna make lots and lots of people mad, AND there really wouldnt be ANY z's or y's comming if tom wasnt such a nice guy
because the product failed, hence it wont be brought back, he really didnt have to do it at all, but he did because some people bugged him until he did it, now people want inteli-z's which we dont even know is gonna happen
because that means making all new products not just ones that were left over

so i really do think that you should delete your post to maybe save face here, its not gonna matter what u say your insulting/challenging the man that has earned almost everyone respect here


02-23-2002, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by AGD

...Second, I am only going to sell them through our online store not through dealers because I don't want them calling me up and returning them because you all said you wanted them and then didn't buy. Right before we give the go ahead to machine them I will open the store for pre-orders. If we don't get enough we don't go into production.

I would be mad to if they did not sell but seeing as he already mentioned taking steps to ensure they sell I do prior to them being made your glass is only half full grasshopper.

02-23-2002, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
u should prolly delete your post, your gonna make lots and lots of people mad, AND there really wouldnt be ANY z's or y's comming if tom wasnt such a nice guy
because the product failed, hence it wont be brought back, he really didnt have to do it at all, but he did because some people bugged him until he did it, now people want inteli-z's which we dont even know is gonna happen
because that means making all new products not just ones that were left over

so i really do think that you should delete your post to maybe save face here, its not gonna matter what u say your insulting/challenging the man that has earned almost everyone respect here


Show me where I insulted Tom? Show me where I challenged Tom? Show me where I disagreed with the ZGrips being finished and sold? Show me where I showed disrespect? I am merly stating I disagree with the wording and meaning behind his post.

02-23-2002, 02:45 AM
not u cheif

zelda, in this thread and the other one he made about his inteli-z obsession, that btw spammed the website with too man "!"

02-23-2002, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio
not u cheif

zelda, in this thread and the other one he made about his inteli-z obsession, that btw spammed the website with too man "!"

I understood his thoughts just I would have worded it differently thus my comments which I hope came across a bit differently.

02-23-2002, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Steven

I understood his thoughts just I would have worded it differently thus my comments which I hope came across a bit differently.

I like how you got your idea across... It isn't as offending, it's actually smart and mature.

02-23-2002, 03:02 AM
Originally posted by AGD

AO Z-Grip Lovers,

Amazingly we have found yet another batch of original Z's under a work bench. They were missing the threads in the grip screw holes and got put aside. We tapped them and put them all together JUST FOR YOU!!

I will be putting them up in the store tonight around 8 central. If you guys don't burn through them (about 12) don't expect Y grips in the future.

I'll put them under upgrades for 115.00


--you forgot to mention the list of about a million other things he has to do before "Y" grips come out, we are talking months before those "Y" grips come out
*edit*-altho i cant find the thread im sure people know what im talking abvout, tk is very busy with the new sfls and extremes, the 45ks werent that big of a hit, i dont believe and hes out of stock on warps, he has many prioraties and the "Y" grip is NOT one of them
creating a more expensive version of something that flopped in the first place isnt what i would call a priority, would u?

02-23-2002, 03:17 AM
Guys, Guys, CALM DOWN.... The issue certainly is not worth this much debate. My point was that since everyone screems for more Z Grips, when I come up with some they had better sell out. Obviously if I can't sell a dozen old styles there is no way I'm going to spend big money on 100 new ones. As it turns out you sucked them up so it's all good.

Lets just put this to bed.


02-23-2002, 03:39 AM
Originally posted by Cliffio

--you forgot to mention the list of about a million other things he has to do before "Y" grips come out, we are talking months before those "Y" grips come out
*edit*-altho i cant find the thread im sure people know what im talking abvout, tk is very busy with the new sfls and extremes, the 45ks werent that big of a hit, i dont believe and hes out of stock on warps, he has many prioraties and the "Y" grip is NOT one of them
creating a more expensive version of something that flopped in the first place isnt what i would call a priority, would u?

Having owned 2 companies I know rather well what it takes to bring a product from concept to reality. And your right I have no idea of the million things Tom has going on as I do not work for him nor do I have any business relationship other then using his awsome products.

I am not sure I am following your train of thought though as my disagreement was not the development of the YGrip, when it was coming, if it made sense to even have the product. I just did not understand why that product hinged so heavily on the sale of a few ZGrips.

02-23-2002, 03:40 AM
Originally posted by AGD
Guys, Guys, CALM DOWN.... The issue certainly is not worth this much debate. My point was that since everyone screems for more Z Grips, when I come up with some they had better sell out. Obviously if I can't sell a dozen old styles there is no way I'm going to spend big money on 100 new ones. As it turns out you sucked them up so it's all good.

Lets just put this to bed.


Ooppss, sorry Tom must have still been writting when you posted.

02-23-2002, 11:13 AM
yhea their is no need to drag Tom into this he is tryin his hardest to get these intellz's out... but he first has to finish everything else before he can make them. Be glad that he is even THINKIN of makin a new batch of Z's for us.

02-23-2002, 12:01 PM
hehehehehe, Everyone freaks out. I read the first 5 or 6 posts, you guys need to relax. If you don't like what this one guy has to say, then ignore him.

02-23-2002, 03:41 PM
I can't ignore him gimp! He sent me a nasty pm and I have to bug him for life! :D :p :D :p