View Full Version : disgusting article

xtreme paintball
02-23-2002, 05:07 PM
this makes me sick...:mad: http://enquirer.com/editions/2001/05/06/loc_bronson_war_games.html

02-23-2002, 05:21 PM
He's a wuss for thinking it hurt, other wize nothing else wrong with what he's saying. :)


02-23-2002, 05:25 PM
I may not be all here right now but from what I read I didn't see anything to get upset about. Actually it is very truthful. The game that we all love and play is based on real time war. To some people paintball does hurt when you get thwacked. Anyways. I really didn't see anything upsetting by the article.

02-23-2002, 05:30 PM
Good article. I think he exagurated how bad it hurts but that is just mee.:D

02-23-2002, 05:31 PM
I don't think its really a bad article. He didn't put a negative spin on paintball. His angle on the story was actually kinda interesting.

Sure, he wrote that it hurt, but sometimes they do hurt, thats part of the game.

02-23-2002, 05:45 PM
What's disgusting about it?

I think it's actually a pretty good article. It lets people know that while it's based on combat (woodsball at least) it pales when compared to combat. Pretty accurate, I'd think.

Matter of fact, it's not even presented as a out of the ordinary event. It was a church organized outing, which makes it sound rather mainstream, doesn't it?

As for the hurting, some one who doesn't play football is gonna think that hurts too.

02-23-2002, 05:49 PM
im only half worried about that article...only because of how bad he says it hurts.people dont want to play paintball if we are shooting "co2 propelled marbles" at each other.Especially if it hurts like a swarm of bees on a motorcycle???or 5 bucks.i dont think it hurts that bad since ur testosterone and adrenaline is pumping....i dont mind getting hit...some do

02-23-2002, 07:19 PM
"Mommy! It hurts! Kiss my boo-boo." :p

the JoKeR
02-23-2002, 07:56 PM
Calling them "marbles" doesn't do us any favors, but even though he talks about how painful it was, I got no negative impression from his article. The guy looks to be my dad's age. I know my dad has nowhere near the pain tolerance he had when young, so maybe his descriptions were accurate... for him. At least he didn't say we are a bunch of war-mongering army-wanna-be's out to inflict pain.

02-23-2002, 08:03 PM
He made a reference to the Sgt. Rock comics, kickass.

02-23-2002, 08:47 PM
lol.... it wasnt that bad of an article... though i think i have a new line fer my sig

?Friendly fire? is the biggest oxymoron since ?Christian soldiers.?

lol i luv it

xtreme paintball
02-24-2002, 12:22 AM
Ok...it's true...I was exaggerating when I said that it made me sick, but I still don't like how he blew the pain way out of proportion. Something tells me those kids were runnong "hot". Also the reference to marbles, and the lack of pity to those surrendering does give us a pretty bad name. On the other hand, I did like the real message of the article, telling how veterans are the reason things are as good as they are. I completely agree.

02-24-2002, 08:32 AM
I agree with you Xtreme. I very much appreciate everything all the US veterans have done for me. They've given me the life I have and all my freedoms.

However, I don't play paintball to simulate wars or play US vs. Korea in a deathmatch. I play paintball to play what it is...a highly advanced form of tag, capture the flag, and other childhood games.

It just seems like this city slicker from wherever he is, doesn't know the whole story. He was a pansy, got hurt, and now has to put a negative spin on paintball because he doesn't fully understand it.

I think it's the same way with gun control. The only people who really want it are the ones who aren't educated and have no experience with them. Sure, outlaw guns...the law abiding will give up there guns, and the only people with guns will be the criminals that don't follow the law anyway.

Sorry for getting a little off track, but it's just another example of how closed-minded people are today. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean other people can't like it. Don't start writing up articles to get more people to go against it before they even try it or get more info on it.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts,

02-24-2002, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by nak81783
It just seems like this city slicker from wherever he is, doesn't know the whole story. He was a pansy, got hurt, and now has to put a negative spin on paintball because he doesn't fully understand it.


What whole story? How did he put a negative spin on it?

Recreational paintball is a bunch people going thru the words, like a millitary. (er, kinda, more like an un-trained rable) Not everyone plays speedball, a big chunk of the industry is rec players. That's a big chunk of the story. People do this for fun, Churches organize this for fun.

He said it pales when people compare it to real combat. It even got presented a wholesome event, it was a church outing, playing recreational paintball. That's hardly a negative aspect.

02-24-2002, 10:40 AM
Hey guys...we have done it to ourselves first. "Marbles"..."Marbalizer".We know Marbalizers are called that cause they look like marbles, but other don't.

02-24-2002, 06:02 PM
well, it must be kept in mind that Tourney Paintball and Rec Paintball are very different. Many rec-ballers go out there to play with the mentality that it is a war game. They wear camo and they act as if they are in a real battle. The only people I can see getting angry at this sort of article is the "tourney" paintballers, (speed-ballers, if you will) such as myself, who look at paintball as people in colorful jerseys competing for prizes in a friendly environment of competition. When I first read this article I thought to myself "have no mercy? shoot to kill? army commando style? that's not paintball". Well, it's not my paintball, but it's what a large group of paintballers think of when they go out for a day of paintball. There are two different games being played, both under the name of paintball, both on the same fields, both at the same time.
As opposed to the "colorful, yuppie, electro toting tourney players" being at odds with the "army/sniper camo military war-sim rec player" we should just learn to recognize the people that come from different ends of the game and realize that we're all out there for kicks, whether it's through friendly competition or military simulation.

can't we all just....get along?

02-24-2002, 06:30 PM

I play nothing but recreational paintball. Most of it is in the woods, with an occassional visit to a field for walk-on days.

Pretend you have never played or even heard of paintball before. You have just read this article speaking of a game that hurt like "5 bucks" and feels like "running into a swarm of bees on a motorcylce" or "getting shot with a BB gun." By, the way, I've been shot with a BB gun a few times (I love my friends), and being shot with a paintball is no where near as painful.

Now mix that in with talk of friendly fire and talk of a true war in which a hero tells of how many people he killed. Sure, I would really want to play a game where my own team shoots me...sarcasm.

I'll give you the part of how, being that it was an organized church event, it seems a little more civil.

Maybe I speak for myself, but I refer to elimations as tags or eliminations, not kills. The guy also said, "It was a good day to die." Come on now, we're out there to have fun, not die.

I think the author had good intentions, but he failed to realize that the way he presented his article may be misunderstood by many possible future paintballers.

I don't know, maybe it's just how I view things. When our group gets together, it never seems like a military activity. It's just an all-around fun game. I hope I filled you in on what I view to be the "whole story" and how I see the negative spin being put on things.


02-24-2002, 07:11 PM
He wants someone to rub his belly and pat his bottom. Lil wussie man. :)