View Full Version : RT Pro Air Leak after disassembly, Please Help

02-23-2002, 08:29 PM
I have a problem and I will be eternally greatful if some kind soul can help me solve it, because I would really like to play some paintball tomorrow.

I took my RT Pro apart to replace some of the o-rings simply because they were more than a year old. (Yes, I realize I already made two mistakes: (1) don't fix what isn't broken and (2) don't tinker with a working marker the night before you want to play) When I put it back together and try to gas it up, I have a major air leak. The air is not coming out of the back of the valve (i.e. through the velocity adjuster) but instead comes out around the sides.

When I pull and hold the trigger, as is suggested by the troubleshooting segment of the RT maintenance video, the leak stops. The leak does not stop when I press on the bolt with a squegee. The video says to check or replace the o-rings in the on/off. The o-rings there are brand new and look fine to me, but I could be wrong. I could even be missing one, but I really don't think so. I have tinkered with the RT for a couple of hours, and to say that I am frustrated would be an understatement.

Any help a kind and knowledgeable soul would be willing to give would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks!


02-24-2002, 03:36 AM
Sounds like you just forgot to put an o-ring back in the valve. First check the on/off assembly. You should have an o-ring on the outside of the base of the brass assembly. Also, when you unscrew the top brass piece from the bottom brass piece there should be a small o-ring inside the top piece. That's all you need to check for the on/off assembly. If the leak stops with the trigger held back, then that means your on/off top o-ring is in place and working properly. Next thing to check is the reg. valve pin area. There's the pin assembly that has the small black washer springs on it. Make sure that there's the two o-rings and the plastic spacer inbetween them on the end of the pin that goes in the front valve body first. With that assembly in place, there should be an o-ring right above it. That's the reg. valve seat. Then the brass reg. seat holder goes on top of that. Inside of the brass piece will be a small o-ring or it will be inside the well in the reg. body like this.


You can also look here and go through your valve making sure you have all o-rings pictured in place properly.

ReTro Valve Diagram (http://store.airgun.com/acb/showdetl.cfm?&DID=17&Product_ID=142&CATID=6)

02-24-2002, 06:59 AM

Thanks for the reply, it was full of great information and the diagram from the AGD website is a big help. I printed it out and checked each part of the Retro-valve against the diagram, but I had done everything right. I also double checked each item you mentioned in your e-mail, and those seem right as well. Unfortunately, I still have a leak!

Thanks again, if you have any other ideas please let me know.


02-24-2002, 05:07 PM
At first i thaught it was the banjo bolt o-ring but if it stops when you hold the trigger in i guess it counts them o-rings out of contention. check the power tube o-ring. if it is ok take the two halves of the on off apart and put your old o-ring back in and test it. I am wondering if the inside diamater of the new one is rong and is allowing air to leak around it. Thats about all i can thank of

02-24-2002, 06:09 PM
Well, it's an RTP so he doesn't have to worry about banjo bolt o-rings.

The only other thing I can suggest is to hold the bolt back with a squeege when gassing it up. The other thing to do is make sure that your tank has above 1K psi in it. I've dealt with RT's that will leak bad no matter what I do to it if there isn't enough pressure in the tank. What kind of tank do you have anyway?

02-25-2002, 10:23 AM
That low air small hissing leak thing sounds just like what happend to my kid RT pro yesterday. Its only been shot like a case of paint. Pull the trigger no leak let it off very small hiss that you have to put your ear right to it to hear He brings it home and I look and he has like no air in the tank. Like about 500 psi...No wonder huh?

02-26-2002, 03:22 PM
Hey Guys, I wanted to let you know what the problem was in case anybody else has it. I went to AO day at Pevs and, to my good fortune, the renowned RobAGD was there. Of course, he was immediately able to identify the problem. I had used the wrong sized o-ring on the top of the on/off assembly. The two o-rings are literally only about a millimeter difference in size, but once I changed it out the gun worked flawlessly. If you read this Rob, thanks again!
