View Full Version : The Worst Feeling

02-23-2002, 09:20 PM
Well in my opinion there are two things in paintball that make you feel the worst. One is getting bunkered while you are either reloading, fixing, or squeegying your gun. But the one I think is even worse is what happened to me today. Well me, MajorDamage, and Ni cD got into a three man tourney (which we placed 4th) but anyway one game we were playing and I hit the thirty and moved quickly on up to a right lay down bunkeer on about the 45. We lost one man off the break and when I got in I was yelling for Major to not get shot. But when I turned around I saw him in the dead box. Yep the dreaded three on one. There first guy came to do me but ran around my bunker and somehow missed and I got him out. Then I popped up and shot their second guy running to the fifty. One on one sweet. I pull up and see about the top half of this guys mask and let two rip, both busted on his mask. Great I pulled off the three on one and went and hung the flag and did my little dance when the ref said hey that is a hit:eek:. On the pack a "unnoticable" hit is what they called it. Which for anyone who doesn't play tourneys means that the flag pull or hang doesnt count. I would have normally felt very bad for playing on but I had two refs on me the whole time and each checked me numerous times. Other than that they reffed great but I just wish I would have felt it one or they would have seen it. But anyway long story short I went from super happy to extremly frustrated. And that in my opinion is the worst thing that can ever happen to you on a paintball field.

02-23-2002, 09:26 PM
NO! you SHOULD be super happy! You did pull off the 3on1 because you shot them all out cleanly instead of them doing you like a dog. The pack hit was a technical error be proud.


02-23-2002, 09:32 PM
Thanks, I know you have probably have had this happen to you before Tom, I mean you have played forever lol. I mean I was happy and smiling and stuff but after all that work it is a huge letdown to find out all was for nothing. It was a whole lot of fun but just a little disappointing. Oh and I have been meaning to ask you for a long time. Tom what is your best and worst moments on the paintball field?

02-23-2002, 09:33 PM
At least you did'nt accidentally shoot one of your team mates. It could be worse.;)

02-23-2002, 09:33 PM
Yeah dude, thats tight... even though they did get you.

I would be happy with myself in that situation,but I can see how it upset you. Its a bit discouraging busting your hump for nothing. Good job anyway!


btw, Hi Tom! I just bought one of your fabulous paintball guns (Automag)! Im so happy!

02-23-2002, 09:39 PM
At least you did'nt accidentally shoot one of your team mates. It could be worse.

Oh I have done that but it was like my third game. That is a common newbie mistake but sometimes happens to regulars too. Yeah it is embarrassing to be like man I am so sorry ahhh I think a ball busted in my gun or something lol.

Hey Tyler where in Nashville do you play?? I live in Murfreesboro and normally play in chapel hill, franklin, gallatin, and NPS in lebanon. Maybe you can come play with us sometime. It would cool to have some other people around.

02-23-2002, 09:42 PM
I shot Riotz in the back of the head once off the breakout.. I was running and accidentally pulled the trigger :)

02-23-2002, 09:53 PM
w00t, Hip Hop Assassins got last :( First tourney so its aight!

02-23-2002, 09:59 PM
w00t, Hip Hop Assassins got last First tourney so its aight!

Yeah man just shake it off it happens to all of us sometime. Talk to MajorDamage and maybe you guys can come out and practice with us. Are you guys going to play the whole series because if you are we will probably practice before the next one and we can show you guys all the angles and stuff on the hyperball field. But man if you need anything just PM me and I will be happy to help.

02-23-2002, 10:10 PM
Yeah guys it was fun playing ya! Come play with us again! :D! The tourney ruled, lots of fun, but I was SOOOO ticked off with the "unnoticable shot" also! When I saw him get all 3 of them I just like screamed and jumped and was like "YAY!" and stuff, then they take away our points :eek:! I coulda crapped my pants! If it wasn't for that shot we woulda had 3d place, and woulda had trophies. That would have been so boss lol :). But it was awesome, and Talls you rule the field! :D! That was like the second game you got everyone out! I think you are our MVP :D.
But I LOVED the warp/E(NDO)-Mag combo today! It ruled the ruling! :D:D! GO TEAM!


02-23-2002, 10:16 PM
HAHA you have more energy than anyone I know.:D The one thing that cracked me up today though was after I got out moving to the Y and you said hooha philip fifty lol. Yeah that didn't work out to well cause me and bryce were back there cracking up because Big Jared yelled go so loud everyone knew what you were doing.:p You didn't make it to far;) Rock Star told me that MB 2 WILL WIN next months on the hyperball field. I think we need to teach them another lesson what do you say:)

02-23-2002, 10:20 PM
lol! He yelled it? Is that why I didn't make it to bunker that guy!?!?! LOL! I mean I had like 4 steps to make it to the H and like 7 to make it to the 50, and after I come out its like "POP!" one shot hits me on the slide! lol, it was funny! But yeah we need to show RockStar a thing or two! :D I <B>OWN</B> hyperball! lol! With those satelites and my warpfeed all you see is a tube spitting paint at ya! <B>KOMINAYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHI!</B> So I have energy? Whered I get that from!? :D


02-23-2002, 10:25 PM
QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK:D For everyone is wondering what I am talking about that was a chant before each game:D We tried to come up with something original so that is:D

02-23-2002, 10:27 PM
Yeah, ours was. . . . 1. . . .2. . . .3. . . .BEND OVER!

02-23-2002, 10:28 PM
lol! NO! You wouldn't quack with us! And it wasn't original, I was making fun of the Mighty Ducks movies lol! :D! So I usually just yelled at everyone "INSERT WINNING HERE!" and stuff lol! :D:D or I'd say "Don't die of death!!" :D


02-23-2002, 10:29 PM
Ours was 1...2...3...Bend over
LMAO, that is one of the funniest things I have ever heard:D

02-23-2002, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Magic37220
Yeah, ours was. . . . 1. . . .2. . . .3. . . .BEND OVER!
LOL! Talls almost butt raped RockStar on a bunker lol, RockStar's bum is sticking up and Talls comes for the "bunker move"! lol! He moved in time to not get an anus full of paint lol!


02-24-2002, 07:15 AM
yeah i told talls to "go do him" in a mafia voice....it was funny, but when u pulled off that 3 on 1, i think i peed my pants.....pest thing i have ever seen, we should tell kasey when he goes to bunker somebody to find out where they are first! lol


Hey i saw the points run down....Mission Bravo 2: The Sequal lost to the Dogs by only 24 points!

YEAH MB 2 will do good in the next tourny, we just got to get Jermey to shoot a lot more....hes working on it

02-24-2002, 05:47 PM
lol, I don't know how Jeremy does it, it dosn't SEEM like he shoots alot but he almost ALWAYS goes through more paint than me! Whats up with that!?


02-24-2002, 06:03 PM
Yeah we also got to get him away from the "death triangles" on Area 51. ANYONE who went to those things got litup all day long. There is no way he shoots as much as you do! I have watched both you play and watched him yesterday and he couldn't have shot more than 500 paintballs. I will tell you a quick way to get him to shoot more...5 on 1:D I know it sounds mean but one whole day of 5 on 1's and he will be shooting as many cases as he can afford. Other than that he did pretty good. The thing we need to work on is not telling me to go to the Y when there is a guy at the center fifty;) not to mention any names cough*MajorDamage*cough lol. Just playing man, I still don't know how Dan-o got there that fast. Anyway, we need to get one practice in before the next tourney so we can work out some of the kenks in our teamwork. Later

Rock Star
02-24-2002, 06:26 PM
lol i was bum raped! but i do expect to place on the hyperball :) i was checking myself for hits when u bunkered my talls and i almost shot u after u ran by but then i saw a hit :p
PS lol remeber jermeys new nickname!....GangRape!!!:p

02-24-2002, 06:53 PM
i had the exact same thing happen to me. i grabbed the flag and went to hang it and after i hung it they said the hang didn't count cause i had a hit on me (although it wasn't) but we got second.

02-24-2002, 07:02 PM
Rock Star if you would have shot me in the back and then found one had broken on you it would have been one on one time.:D Ya'll had me dead because you were in the Y and the other dude was at the sub pinning me in. I don't know exactly how I pulled it off but I was incredably lucky to not get shot before I got to your bunker.

02-24-2002, 07:49 PM
lol! Yep Jeremy is GangRape! :D:D!
I wanna do a practice the Saturday before the next tourney, so that will be the 4th Saturday in March. You guyst hink you can make it???


02-24-2002, 07:54 PM
yep....we should practice against the Assasins!!

02-24-2002, 08:03 PM
I can make it but which of us is playing snake side and which is playing sub side?? I will play either but I need to play MOST of our practice games on that side. Just let me know.

Rock Star
02-24-2002, 09:03 PM
im pretty sure i can make it.

02-24-2002, 09:14 PM

02-24-2002, 09:52 PM
Yeah, we should practice together, I'd be good experience and not to mention fun :P

02-24-2002, 09:54 PM
r u matt???

heres a better pic so u can see the banner.


02-24-2002, 09:55 PM
Yeah! MB PIC! Josh sent me this pic of MEEEEE(dude who hasnt shaved...lol)! Come practice with us!


02-24-2002, 09:56 PM
Other MB Pic Josh sent me! It has RockStar's PEACE SIGNAL!!!*Edit, oh Josh JUST posted this! Drats! Well Top left to right here we go! Top left RockStar, MajorDamage, Blade, Ni_cD then the bottom row left to right Talls and Dodo!*


02-24-2002, 10:16 PM
That stupid tobagan makes me look like a thug in the first picture, and in the second picture I was scratching my head but instead it looks like I am saluting lol.

02-24-2002, 10:18 PM
lol, you do look like a thug lol :). But it does look like you are scratching your head :D. Oh and sorry again about the Y thing lol...my bad!


02-25-2002, 06:07 PM
PS lol remeber jermeys new nickname!....GangRape!!!
:mad: i hate that,you spelled my name wrong its JEREMY thank you , i might be able to go and practice

02-25-2002, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Dodo
PS lol remeber jermeys new nickname!....GangRape!!!
:mad: i hate that,you spelled my name wrong its JEREMY thank you , i might be able to go and practice
lol, like it matters, you misspell everything :D:D:D j/k


Ni cD
02-26-2002, 01:09 PM
Sorry about being loud guys. :)

It was a fun day...lots of good games were played. Can't wait 'til the next one!

02-26-2002, 09:04 PM
yeah i really cant wait.....WE MIGHT WIN 3 GAMES!WHOOOOOOO

02-26-2002, 09:07 PM
We only lost against midsouth :).


02-26-2002, 09:14 PM
WE only lost against. . . . . . . .EVERYONE! heheheheheh

02-26-2002, 09:14 PM
Hey Phillip you remember when Casey came over to us and said that they were glad they finally got to get a piece of us since we had owned them since the three man. Do you know what he meant?? He posts on AO but I doubt he will see this. Was he talking about the one where me and the refs messed up and they got the points??

P.S. Casey if you do read this I am sorry again for costing your team those points. I really wish I would have noticed it because it would have given ya'll second and dropped the 2nd midsouth team to 3rd. Sorry again.

02-26-2002, 09:16 PM
He meant about getting 3d place, and us getting 4th. But its not your fault about not noticing the hit because you had TWO refs on you ALL THE TIME! :D


Rock Star
02-26-2002, 09:22 PM
LOL Major THAT IS THE FUNNIEST PIC I HAVE EVER SEEN OF YOU! yo never have a pic that doesnt look messed up!!! lol jk! and talls looks like hes in the mafia in the first one :) and me....im sooooo sexxxxyy! lol jk must use peace sign MUST! Peace out!

02-26-2002, 09:25 PM
lol! I know, we alllll look super funny, except Jeremy looks like he's posing for school photos lol :D. The rest of us look like ultra-fun! :D:D And I don't think Ive ever had a pic of me that dosn't look messed up :) Have you seen the pic of my driver's license? <IMG SRC="http://automags.org/forums/attachment.php?s=&postid=175566">
lol, fun, huh? You shoulda seen my permit though, I looked psycho.


02-27-2002, 08:58 AM

02-27-2002, 03:10 PM

go here if u have a slow connections, and slow computers like talls'
High light low (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/s.a.davis/Highlights.wmv)

go here if u have a good connection
High light high (http://mywebpages.comcast.net/s.a.davis/HighlightsHIGHQUAL.wmv)

i know its not the best but i will get some better videos at the next tourny


02-27-2002, 04:00 PM
Man, whoever that team was in the white t-shirts was amazing! They really should have won that tourney, but EVIDENTALLY 7 points isn't enough. People these days. . . . .

Rock Star
02-27-2002, 04:22 PM
I was Rock Star now im.....MOVIE STAR! theres me runnig to the center standup! look at me go!! lol i tihnk ill stick to rock star :). but right after that i bunkered 2 people. serously! ask major and do do and talls! :p

02-27-2002, 05:25 PM
First off I would like to say Rock Ster didn't bunker anybody;) like the liar says he did:D Honesty I didn't see it but I believe him.

Josh to make the videos better I got a camera stand that ya'll could use. I don't know if it will fit ya'lls camera but I am going to bring mine next tourney.

02-27-2002, 05:31 PM
we already have a tripod, my dad stood to far back, cause their was no net....bet he should get some better ones when we play hyperball....when my bat charges up, I'm going to add more footage to the vidoes, i have a good one of MB 1 i want to use...

02-27-2002, 05:34 PM
lol, I didn't see those bunkers either, but I BELIEVE YOU:D! I didn't get to see some of your games(turn around was pretty quick sometimes, running to get air and paint!), so I bet thats why! Coo video, I just wish I knew who I was looking at half the time :) lol.


02-27-2002, 05:36 PM
When are team plays next tourney I am going to get someone to video tape MB 1 playing. I want to watch it at home and try and see if I can make a video like you did. I think that would be cool. Oh and by the way I downloaded the video and it only took me 20 minutes, Man that sucks.

02-27-2002, 05:38 PM
Originally posted by Blade
we already have a tripod, my dad stood to far back, cause their was no net....bet he should get some better ones when we play hyperball....when my bat charges up, I'm going to add more footage to the vidoes, i have a good one of MB 1 i want to use...
YEAH! MB1 video! THATS ME! :D:D! I'm in there! Do you have the video where I did stuffs?:D


02-27-2002, 05:38 PM
hey man, umm, ur going to need a lil bit faster computer to do that;) hey should i change the background music????

02-27-2002, 05:41 PM
Yeah, change the background music to dance of the sugarplumb fairy!!!! DO IT!!! DO IT!!! DO IT!!!... ...DO IT!!! :D:D:D:D:D!


02-27-2002, 05:43 PM
why do u not like the executioners and likin park??

02-27-2002, 05:46 PM
Not really(not a fan of rap soundin stuff tho), but dance of the sugar plumb fairy would rock!


02-27-2002, 06:53 PM
what about Staind gota love em...what would u use....since this is a team thing

02-28-2002, 03:07 PM
lol, I don't really care, although dance of the sugarplumb fairy would be funny lol


02-28-2002, 03:31 PM
i saw only one bunker and that was when we played michette
that was an awesome bunker and thats a cool video