View Full Version : wow! how things have changed

05-31-2014, 12:19 PM
Was just looking at the hells survivor webpage. They no longer carry co2 at the field. Man things have changed. A field that size and no need anymore for co2? Don't get me wrong. HPA is better on so many levels. Just never thought I'd see the day co2 was that obsolete.

05-31-2014, 12:26 PM
You end up having an endless supply of HPA instead of requiring deliveries of CO2. I think it ends up being a pretty good ROI for a compressor and tanks than CO2 delivery - even if you factor in compressor maintenance.

I'm all for it!

05-31-2014, 12:37 PM
It screws things up for people that wanna run a small co2 tank on a pump setup. But i can see why a lot of fields are totally doing away with co2

05-31-2014, 12:53 PM
Oh I'm not complaining at all. I've been using HPA since the days the AA rapter was a top dog.

Just shocked to see that CO2 has gone that much by the way side. Considering it was a major fight to get HPA accepted 15-20 years ago.

05-31-2014, 03:54 PM
I think more so the fight was with the cost more than anything. The players understand that HPA is better, but the initial hit to the wallet is hard to take.

05-31-2014, 04:31 PM
I think more so the fight was with the cost more than anything. The players understand that HPA is better, but the initial hit to the wallet is hard to take.

Safety was what I always read. Concerns with carrying a small 3k "bomb" on the field.

05-31-2014, 10:46 PM
friend and I were talking last week about how we used to pay $450 for a tank that only cost $150 these days. Much easier to jump into HPA now than it was back then.

OK D-Day is also HPA only.

06-02-2014, 03:08 PM
Filling HPA involves so much less waste, and is so much faster than filling a CO2 tank as well. I agree with Dayspring... the ROI is very high with HPA. It just took an accepting player-base to make it work for fields. Now we're seeing fields switch to HPA-ONLY to convert the remaining players who stick with CO2.

I would imagine, with the smaller HPA tanks available now too, that soon we will only be seeing CO2 in 12g's.

06-02-2014, 03:13 PM
I would imagine, with the smaller HPA tanks available now too, that soon we will only be seeing CO2 in 12g's.

And then one day 3D printed markers that integrate a 3000 or 4500 PSI air system into the frame of the marker itself. Maybe only for pump guns (if they still exist), but one might be able to actually squeeze out 10-13 cubic inches of space with some crafty design.

06-02-2014, 03:24 PM
I would imagine, with the smaller HPA tanks available now too, that soon we will only be seeing CO2 in 12g's.

With 30 shots per 12g being pretty common, I can see 12g usage going up anyway. I really hated them when getting 12 good shots on unmodified sheridans. 30 shots is much more playable for me.

When you out shoot a load of 12grams, it is a very small niche where a small bottle of CO2 is better than a small HPA bottle. For big CO2 bottles, I would rather restrict my fire than carry those fatties.

06-02-2014, 05:04 PM
With 30 shots per 12g being pretty common, I can see 12g usage going up anyway. I really hated them when getting 12 good shots on unmodified sheridans. 30 shots is much more playable for me.

When you out shoot a load of 12grams, it is a very small niche where a small bottle of CO2 is better than a small HPA bottle. For big CO2 bottles, I would rather restrict my fire than carry those fatties.

So if 12g usage goes up, would refillable 12g usage also go up?

I've been eyeing those RAP4 units. But now we've come full circle.

06-02-2014, 05:43 PM
I don't see the refillable 12gr as being a good idea. I'm guessing that it will have less capacity due to the valve and getting consistent fills probably won't happen. I'll stick with buying 100 Leland 12gr at a time.

06-02-2014, 09:22 PM
I was surprised at the amount of people using CO2 at CPX this year, probably 25 percent at least.

06-02-2014, 10:41 PM
Well you can still get a CO2 tank for ~$20 at Walmart.

06-03-2014, 11:45 AM
This was news to me, as Hell Survivors' is my home field, so I called and talked to someone at the pro-shop. I haven't used Co2 in years but thought they still had it on site. According to the manager that picked up at Exotic Sports Pinkney (Hell's pro-shop just down the road) he said it is no longer available at the field but they still have it at the pro-shop in case anyone needs it. It would be a little bit of a hassle, as the pro-shop is about 1/2 mile down the road, but at least their is an option close by.

06-03-2014, 03:49 PM
The field I worked at as well as other local fields were headed this way. It is a very smart business decision. I calculated a very significant cost savings by going to all HPA.

the only possible downside is if you end up having compressor issues on a busy day, but an agreement with a local shop to borrow some tanks if needed or having a larger bulk tank bank is a simple solution.

06-03-2014, 06:47 PM
This was news to me, as Hell Survivors' is my home field, so I called and talked to someone at the pro-shop. I haven't used Co2 in years but thought they still had it on site. According to the manager that picked up at Exotic Sports Pinkney (Hell's pro-shop just down the road) he said it is no longer available at the field but they still have it at the pro-shop in case anyone needs it. It would be a little bit of a hassle, as the pro-shop is about 1/2 mile down the road, but at least their is an option close by.

That is what there web page says as well.

And I totally understand the overwhelming change. Playing up with justice in march. A group of HS kids. I'm guessing seniors. Were staging next to us. One of the guys made a comment about how nice the HPA was. I responded back. Come to find out it was his first day of play with hpa. I laughed and TLD him welcome to the light. That group of kids was all pretty good players too.

06-03-2014, 09:03 PM
my only problem with not having the co2 option is what if you had an smg 60 you wanted to play with or something similar, they run on liquid co2 do they not?

06-04-2014, 05:37 PM
Or an original Tippman 68 special, which also runs on liquid CO2.

06-07-2014, 11:18 PM
Running HPA on the rental equipment must be easier for the techs to keep up on oring since they aren't getting frozen and unfrozen over and over again, and they can divert all the traffic to the self fill station which if I remember correctly has about 5 4.5k fill lines and as many 3k fill lines, instead of just 1 CO2 station for all the rentals and and all the others using CO2 as well.