View Full Version : Opinions wanted

06-15-2014, 02:23 PM
Hey guys, I just picked up a triton frame and I'm having a bit of a hard time deciding which mag to use it on.....

I apologize for the poor quality pics and fingerprints but I think they'll suffice for now.

http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad310/snowboardguy7605/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-06-15144642_zps23015191.jpg (http://s946.photobucket.com/user/snowboardguy7605/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-06-15144642_zps23015191.jpg.html)
http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad310/snowboardguy7605/DSC00813_zps37bc217d.jpg (http://s946.photobucket.com/user/snowboardguy7605/media/DSC00813_zps37bc217d.jpg.html)
http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad310/snowboardguy7605/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-06-15143915_zps8790f52e.jpg (http://s946.photobucket.com/user/snowboardguy7605/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2014-06-15143915_zps8790f52e.jpg.html)
http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad310/snowboardguy7605/DSC00811_zps094f8348.jpg (http://s946.photobucket.com/user/snowboardguy7605/media/DSC00811_zps094f8348.jpg.html)

06-15-2014, 03:07 PM
Though it's all black, i like the second set up. Goes better with the rail.

06-15-2014, 03:18 PM
^^^same here^^

06-15-2014, 04:00 PM
The same, black shadow !

06-15-2014, 06:34 PM
I like it with the purple. :)

06-16-2014, 02:35 AM
I don't like the big gap between the frame and foregrip on the black one. My vote goes for purple.

06-16-2014, 02:42 AM
I don't like the big gap between the frame and foregrip on the black one. My vote goes for purple.

I picked up one of the early cf foregrip...and came to the conclusion I don't like them. There are very few guns they end up looking good on. Most it looks like a twig sticking out up there...too small and out of place. Occasionally it looks good with a cf barrel and the cf body mod...then it works with the theme.

06-16-2014, 07:13 AM
Both would look better with M90s on them :D

06-16-2014, 08:38 AM
After running a UMF on my RT-Pro, every other frame looks like there's a ton of room between the foregrip and trigger guard. I think the Triton looks great on your AM length purple mag.

06-16-2014, 08:44 AM
Both would look better with M90s on them :D

But M90 are not easy to find !

06-16-2014, 09:30 AM
But M90 are not easy to find !

They will be soon! :X

06-16-2014, 10:09 AM
After running a UMF on my RT-Pro, every other frame looks like there's a ton of room between the foregrip and trigger guard. I think the Triton looks great on your AM length purple mag.

Ever since I saw your silver mag I have wanted to find a UMF to go with my shadow rail. I think the UMF combined with an RPG stick grip would look great with the blockiness of the shadow rail. Unfortunately both of those items seem to be nearly impossible to find.

06-16-2014, 10:29 AM
Ever since I saw your silver mag I have wanted to find a UMF to go with my shadow rail. I think the UMF combined with an RPG stick grip would look great with the blockiness of the shadow rail. Unfortunately both of those items seem to be nearly impossible to find.

haha…those parts aint that hard to find man…..

they both look nice…but since your really wanting a Logic UMF frame for your shadow rail…put tha triton on tha black and purple Mag or try to trade tha triton towards a UMF frame.

06-16-2014, 10:40 AM
Ever since I saw your silver mag I have wanted to find a UMF to go with my shadow rail. I think the UMF combined with an RPG stick grip would look great with the blockiness of the shadow rail. Unfortunately both of those items seem to be nearly impossible to find.

I'll keep you in mind if I happen to see any UMFs pop up. I agree, they match well with the Shadow rails. I purchased that mag last year from correia3 here on AO, and I couldn't be any happier with it.

I've been looking for a Stick Grip myself, though, and they are definitely not easy to pry from folk's hands (no pun intended, haha).

06-16-2014, 10:46 AM
I would go with the purple

06-16-2014, 11:15 AM
Ever since I saw your silver mag I have wanted to find a UMF to go with my shadow rail. I think the UMF combined with an RPG stick grip would look great with the blockiness of the shadow rail. Unfortunately both of those items seem to be nearly impossible to find.

You're right, the combination Shadow / Logic UMF / grips stick looks great.

06-16-2014, 11:33 AM
haha…those parts aint that hard to find man…..

they both look nice…but since your really wanting a Logic UMF frame for your shadow rail…put tha triton on tha black and purple Mag or try to trade tha triton towards a UMF frame.

They are when certain people hoard them!

I am still going to try to find a UMF for the shadow rail but thought I might use the Triton for now and someday when I do find a UMF I can put the purple viper blade trigger in the Triton and move it over to the purple mag.

Then again, if I just put the Triton on the purple mag I might be more motivated to find a UMF........

06-18-2014, 10:33 AM
Hmm, pretty tight race. When I started this post I was leaning towards putting it on the black mag but the more I look at the pics I think I am leaning towards putting it on the purple mag and holding out for a UMF for the black one.

Decisions, decisions....