View Full Version : HELP Rt Pro Chopping Paint

02-24-2002, 06:07 PM
I just bought a used RT Pro, and took it out for the first time today. It's a HL PF, and I'm running a Proteam warpfeed on it, with the warp feeding from the top via the 90* addapter. I had the dwell set to max, and the sensativity set low. The warp seemed to be feeding fine, along with the Revvy, but the Mag was still breaking paint like crazy. It would fire fine when shooting one ball at a time, but once the reactive trigger kicked in it was all over. Paint would shoot out of the PF vent like a fountain. I adjusted the PF plugs several times, with the same results. Both of the plugs look to be Parabolic. Any ideas. I'm thinking an Intella frame might solve this, maybe a foami. Also considered a reg. to drop the input PSI down to the recommended 650-700 PSI.

02-24-2002, 06:16 PM
A few things to check:

You can tell if the PF plugs are parabolic if they have two holes for set screws in the knob you turn the plug with. If they're not Para plugs, that's one problem.

Make sure the battery in the Warp is good and it's spinning plenty fast.

Make sure your wire nubbins aren't broke or better yet, get plastic nubbins.

Make sure the Warp is spinning on EVERY shot. If not, turn up the sensitivity.

You can check to make sure your Warp is feeding smoothly by taking out the barrel, filling up the Revy with paint and holding the primer button with the gun pointed down at about 45 degrees and letting it dump paint. If it's hanging up anywhere before the mainbody, fix the problem.

Check these things and report back with your results.

02-24-2002, 06:34 PM
Thanks, Ok maybe the plugs aren't Parabolic after all, just figured they where since one of them came with the Warp. I have the plastic nubbins, along w/ long and short P plugs on order. I'll try the thing you discibed in a few days. I'm also going to order the Frame, just cause I want the double trigger anyway.

02-25-2002, 09:57 AM
It turns out the both of my plugs are Parabolic. So, I was thinking it might be the settings on the Warp. What is the recommended dwell for an RT Pro? I have it set to max right now.

02-25-2002, 01:01 PM
Usually setting it with two jumpers vertical for the dwell setting is good enough for most guns. The longer dwell just fills the gaps created by a slow feeding hopper during a rapid fire string. The longer dwell will put more pressure on the paint stack for a longer time and sometimes cause double feeding. Set the dwell to two jumpers on and then try different paints.