View Full Version : ?Do you like having your own color paint?

02-24-2002, 08:39 PM
I am a rec player that usually gets together with friends in the woods. I know this usually won't be able to happen at fields, but do you like having your own color of paint? I think it makes it easier to tell who you eliminated or who is shooting at you. Lately though, I've been getting frustrated. I picked a color I liked that no one else ever uses so I could have my own color. All the sudden, everybody switched. I thought no big deal, I'll pick another. Switch to that, and then everybody starts using that. It's making me mad. I hate it when 20 guys all shoot the same color. Even if a few had the same color that'd be alright, but everyone using the same paint, come on. Anyway, I'm switching back to a color that no one's used for a while, so we'll see what happens.

Probably only rec woods players should vote on this one, since you never know what the other tourney players will be shooting.


02-24-2002, 08:53 PM
though i am a tourney player i always shoot white w/ black tigerstripe nitroduck at practices

02-24-2002, 09:24 PM
i always shoot white paint...always....its what my field sells..so i got to use it.

02-24-2002, 09:48 PM
I don't care what color I use, I won't be wearing it. :)

The only color I won't use is white, because in the desert it's hard to tell if it's paint or dust.

02-24-2002, 10:38 PM
my parents like us to use white in your little paintball field out back bc it looks alot better.


02-24-2002, 10:51 PM
did we find another female visiting AO? That brings the count up to 4. I like to have my own paint, It's really bad when you're posting up a lane at the start. There's always some poor guy that everyone get's a piece of. It would definetly make it easier to see which ball hit him first. I was jus shot by friendly paint in the butt today, thank god it was Viper Venom and the splat was just a dot. For those of you who haven't used viper venom, the seam strips itself letting paint out as opposed to the shell just hsattering. it's meant for woods play. I would love to get a two tone shell that was Neon Green/Neon Blue with a green fill. I found it once but I haven't seen any recently, it was very distinct. You could actually trace the balls easily. The dull purple viper venom crap fades in with just about every background.

02-24-2002, 11:24 PM
I like using your own paint so when everyone is trying to hit something that nobody seems to be able to hit you can at least say

"that blue one on the barn over there is mine"

and jake says "we were aiming for the cow about 90 degrees that way"

but yeah, I use blue/black blue fill

02-25-2002, 11:03 AM
i love to use rps all star, because you can see it soo well if it breaks, i havent used any in a while but it use to be really thick, i dunno if its been changed or not but last time i used it it showed very well on people and was hard to whipe