View Full Version : Okay, done lurking

09-06-2014, 08:54 PM
So I've been lurking for a while now, made an account a month ago and I'm finally posting. I just can't fight the automag bug anymore. Before this season I hadn't played paintball in roughly 12 years, you know the whole real life, bills, starting your adult life, getting married ect ect. It's been about 12 years now but I'm getting back into paintball and in a bad way. I re-upped all my gear, new electro marker (which I love), mask, ect, it was kind of one of those "I can afford my own stuff now so I'm buying what I want" moments. My 68 classic was the first 'pro' or tournament marker I had and it was my pride and joy. Despite the new marker, my 68 classic is sitting here staring at me begging to be used and I can't ignore it anymore. A buddy has used it a few times and actually really enjoys using it, it's a completely stock classic so I'm sure you don't need to see any pictures of it (classic lvl7).

I didn't quite realize the scope of how custom you can make an automag and now I'm dieing to make my own. I'm not actually much of a tinkerer (I'm more of a design person) but I do know what I want. Taking notes from JWinter's thread, I've got a general idea of what I'm looking for and included a picture of another individuals mag that is in the galleries here on AO. I would like to put together a 100% mechanical, walkable automag (or close to it), which I believe can be achieved with an x-valve and ULT. I know karta bodies are hard to find but it's something to look for and I can use a ule body in the mean time. I have a feeling in the long run I would be better off selling my classic to a friend instead of attempting to create what I want out of it. I would end up with an entirely new mag anyways.

So a couple questions:
1) is a walkable mech achievable?
2) Would I be better off buying a custom ule from Tunamart or AGD to start and customizing from there? and if so, which would be better to go through, AGD or Tunamart.

I'm sure that I'm walking into an avalanche, especially with a lot of the cool stuff Luke, automags can be never ending. But I feel like it's just time to rip the scab off.


09-06-2014, 08:58 PM
I was never very successful at walking a Mag with just an X and ULT. I even went as far as to do a trigger mod as well as stops and never got a truly walkable marker. With that said... you can achieve it much easier with a pneumatic setup. M90 frames are going to be coming out soon and they are basically a frame that you can essentially "bolt on" pneumatics and bam you're done.

captian pinky
09-06-2014, 09:13 PM
there is a karta body in the misc sale section.

09-06-2014, 09:22 PM
It took me hours and a lot of air but you can make an Xvalve/ULT walkable, I did it to a Karta years ago.

Just like with any other marker , rapid firing does consume more air.

You have to fine tune the level 10 and ULT.


RT Lover
09-06-2014, 09:25 PM
u can do pneumatics on about any frame, then have you looked in to a ninja SHP reg on a tank. 1100 output you will destroy anybody walking there trigger when your running lol! u could buy new but if you build it you can make it the way you want it first time and look into XMT for more body options.... luke just FINALLY made a body also.

you could do a ego mag where its a ego frame on your mag and be able to walk

also there is the spyder mag mod

then hyper frames and old school booyaah frames bolt right on

09-07-2014, 02:36 AM
Think carefully before you sell your old classic, you might come to regret it later. ;)

09-07-2014, 02:40 AM
link to the Mis. section

09-07-2014, 07:56 AM
Think carefully before you sell your old classic, you might come to regret it later. ;)
Oh I know. I talked to him and I may sell it just to keep myself from having too many markers. I did say that if he decides to move on from it I get first crack.

I don't mind burning through the air until it's tuned correctly. There's several other mag players at my local field that I'm sure would be up for helping.

09-07-2014, 11:25 AM
welcome back to the addiction

09-07-2014, 11:32 AM
Don't forget Luke's frames are also made for pneumag with almost drop in points.

09-07-2014, 11:53 AM
pneumags are definitely more easily walkable than ULT'd x-valves, but also suck a lot more air.

so you need to figure out what balance you want of true walkability vs gas effeciency.

I bet a magnet mod and set screw on an trigger frame with ULT on/off would help it be more easily walkable; just something to give the trigger a little more return.

09-07-2014, 11:54 AM
Don't forget Luke's frames are also made for pneumag with almost drop in points.
I've been through his webpage, grips/frames/triggers. Right now I'm thinking about picking up a ule w/ ult from AGD then slowly adding in some of luke's custom parts to make it a bit more unique.

09-07-2014, 12:30 PM
Great idea, that is also what i am doing. I just need couple more things and a LUKE BODY. Hint hint.

really unless you are not playing at a field, most have all day air, efficiency on air is really not a problem.
I've been through his webpage, grips/frames/triggers. Right now I'm thinking about picking up a ule w/ ult from AGD then slowly adding in some of luke's custom parts to make it a bit more unique.

09-07-2014, 03:10 PM
Great idea, that is also what i am doing. I just need couple more things and a LUKE BODY. Hint hint.

Have you forgotten about your Armada body and rail?? lol

09-08-2014, 01:21 AM
Have you forgotten about your Armada body and rail?? lol

:confused::hail::hail: total face palm moment.

09-08-2014, 07:37 AM
Have you forgotten about your Armada body and rail?? lol

Lulz :rofl:

To the OP, since I don't think anyone else here mentioned it, I think it is WELL worth it to grab a brand new ULE Custom versus upgrading your current mag if you are looking to achieve the same end. It will basically come out of the box as the tops in mechanical (non pneumag) performance and will be everything you need. On the other hand, if you are looking to use mostly custom parts likes Karta bodies and Luke Frames and stuff, you may want to build it from scratch or buy a used mag that's a step in the right direction. For a true custom mag, most of the good parts on the ULE custom would be replaced anyways, barring the xvalve.

Good luck and remember to share pics your projects here!

09-08-2014, 06:48 PM
Lulz :rofl:

To the OP, since I don't think anyone else here mentioned it, I think it is WELL worth it to grab a brand new ULE Custom versus upgrading your current mag if you are looking to achieve the same end. It will basically come out of the box as the tops in mechanical (non pneumag) performance and will be everything you need. On the other hand, if you are looking to use mostly custom parts likes Karta bodies and Luke Frames and stuff, you may want to build it from scratch or buy a used mag that's a step in the right direction. For a true custom mag, most of the good parts on the ULE custom would be replaced anyways, barring the xvalve.

Good luck and remember to share pics your projects here!
This may very quickly turn into a two mag project, the first being an immediate purchase (probably from AGD directly) which I'll upgrade into a personal mag as I go. And a second mag coming from the leftovers.

Air is no issue, I have a season pass at my local field which includes free refills. If I have to refill every other/every third game no big deal if the performance is there.

09-09-2014, 07:18 AM
I would suggest just purchasing the parts you want and putting them together. It will save you money in the long run and you will have the gun you want very quickly. Once i replace about 4 more parts I most likely be selling my stock mag to recoup some of the cost of my build.

09-09-2014, 08:17 AM
I'm going with Jwinter on this one. I don't like having a bunch of parts lying around, so I end up getting stuff to finish the markers out. That whole "mag parts breeding more mags" thing can get really expensive. So if you know what you want, just buy the parts. If you think you're going to get it annodized, get cheaper stuff that has some wear since you're going to be stripping and covering it anyway.

In this game, the cheapest way is usually to find someone selling exactly what you want used. If that doesn't work or is taking too long, the next cheapest option is to buy your parts used and build up your marker just the way you want it. The most expensive route tends to be buying a platform marker and then starting to change out all the parts on it.

09-09-2014, 09:30 AM
If that doesn't work or is taking too long, the next cheapest option is to buy your parts used and build up your marker just the way you want it. The most expensive route tends to be buying a platform marker and then starting to change out all the parts on it.

that depends on what you're looking for. i find that building a 'mag from parts to be the most expensive way to do it, regardless of parts used. buying a "platform marker" or two to get what you want, then selling the stuff you don't use, can be the way to go provided the platform markers you buy are cheap enough. there are some good deals to be had if you're patient enough and know where to look.

09-09-2014, 01:11 PM
Air is no issue, I have a season pass at my local field which includes free refills. If I have to refill every other/every third game no big deal if the performance is there.

We generally say 10 shots/cubic inch on a 3k fill and 15 shots/cubic inch on a 4.5k fill, measured by a fill gauge and not just by the rating of your tank. You get more or less depending on your barrel and bolt, but it's a decent ball park number. It's at least as good as most fields' "4500 psi" fill.