View Full Version : magic mag

Tim Jacobitz
02-24-2002, 09:24 PM
no one at the field i play at uses mags any more. Everone has and angel or a cocker. They all say mags aint good enough any more. They all tell me to get a new gun. I am the only one who fixes guns at my field. When some ones gun goes down they come to me and say fix if please. I say ok use my mag this game so I can fix your gun. They usally sigh and then go out to play. When they come back they all say the same thing: I have shot a lot of mags but I have never shot one as good as yours. I get the ocasional my buddy spent 1500 plus on his mag and it is not as goo as yours. I tell them mine is so good because I use a tigh bore barrel and keep it stock. I tell them mags are like wine they get better with age. After that I get a lot of do you want to sell it? The answer is always no. At the field my gun is refered to as that mag or the magic mag.
The only problem with my gun is it caused me my girl friend. She used an angel. When ever I turned my back she would take my gun and leave me with hers. I got tired of shooting her angel; over time we grew apart (me and my mag) and I missed the good days when I got to shoot it all the time. So in the end I reclamed my gun and lost my girl. Not a bad trade. But a girl who plays is hard to find around hear.

All in all I love my gun and could not part with it. Now if AGD could only make me a girl friend my life would be complete.

Thanks for the best gun of my life Tom.

02-24-2002, 09:28 PM
*tear* *tear*

Love always prevails over evil...


02-24-2002, 09:32 PM
if you got along with the girl and she was hot(in your opinion) you should have baught another mag and sucked it up and broke a new one in.;)

Tim Jacobitz
02-24-2002, 09:46 PM
she was beatuiful But there is not a woman alive whos getting my mag. Its just not worth it. I would rather be alone.

02-24-2002, 09:50 PM
thats really sad..you can always buy a new mag.

02-24-2002, 09:53 PM
Your nuts:D :D How old was she, im 20, and whare from. I would gladly let her use my rt or my 68mag. ill use the other and get a gorgeous paintball playing girl in the process:D :D :D WIN, WIN:D

Tim Jacobitz
02-24-2002, 10:25 PM
she was nice but if you cave than whats next. She was to good looking for me any way, it was only a matter of time before she realized it.
next time you are in muskegon Michigan i'll intorduce you

02-24-2002, 10:34 PM
"That was beariful" expesially the part when u got ur mag back.

02-24-2002, 10:43 PM
I may have to start traveling. Or maby start looking harder for one hear in Illinois. I tend to cave but dont have a prob with it. I will spend most of my money on them and i still cant find a good looking one that plays or doesnt have a prob with me playing. And there you let one go for your gun. I guess it is personal prefrence but i would have kept the girl.;)

Tim Jacobitz
02-24-2002, 10:59 PM
i guess i should tell you the wole story. I bought her the angel and hooked if up because thats what she wanted.
everone said get an angel and i could not talk her out of it. like a good boy friend i bought her the angel and then all she wanted was my mag. The only thing good that angel ever gave me was a pass to angel heven at mardi grai (free beer). we are still friends (sort of) and she still shoots that angel every week end; because I make her. She wants to sell it to get an sfl e-mag. If she does I'm getting back with her so I can use her gun. What goes around comes around.

02-24-2002, 11:05 PM
ok now i understand.

Tim Jacobitz
02-24-2002, 11:21 PM
still want her? you can have her unless she gets ths sfl than shes mine.

02-24-2002, 11:42 PM
My wife plays (sometimes!) She's not a great shot but she's a pretty good player anyway because she isn't afraid to move. Even if she doesn't make many eliminations she still makes good with the cover fire and lookout. When she's not playing she doesn't mind me running off. And when she does play she prefers her tippmann to my mag because she's comfortable with it. I sure do love that woman!

02-24-2002, 11:42 PM
Originally posted by Tim Jacobitz

Now if AGD could only make me a girl friend my life would be complete.

You hear that tom, you need to manufacture girlfriends... you think you could work on that after the extremes come out?

Tim Jacobitz
02-26-2002, 11:04 AM
I have given it alot of thought and I want you all to let me know what you think. If it worked Tom would be a rich man. Here are the specs on the AGD girl friend I want:

Modular body. I like women with tatoos and percings and things of that nature; but mama don't! With the modular body she could be as tatooed as me than with a quick switch she could look just the way your mother wants her too. A product thats keeps you and your mother happy; it would be a big seller.

anti complaint eye. Stops all those complaints we always get for being guys. This would mean no more getting griped at for playing paintball. Of corse if she was made by AGD she would play paintball her self.

And she must have the AGD costumer support we all love. If we screw up and make her mad we could call in and the office girls could tell us how to fix it.

Well thats her. What do you think? Tell us what you AGD girl friend would be like.


Tim Jacobitz
02-26-2002, 11:10 AM
I should change this thred's name to AGD girlfriend

02-26-2002, 02:35 PM
i think this post have a really funny "autococker" joke coming soon.

02-26-2002, 11:07 PM
Wow. First it was pricing and balancing between an emag, or a rt-pro. Crap. Not I have an a-girl-d in there also. This is getting difficult. :p

Tim Jacobitz
02-26-2002, 11:47 PM
you thought choseing a gun was hard wait untill the start making girls. Try biulding a package deal with that. You will want them all.

02-27-2002, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by martlet1
i think this post have a really funny "autococker" joke coming soon.

Or maybe a "short stroke" problem?

Tim Jacobitz
02-27-2002, 12:38 AM

02-27-2002, 07:57 AM
OK.. let me get these out. They will have to work on Ball Breakage, Ring problems, double feeds, nubbins, I could go on and on and on. Building a chick takes a lot of work.:D

02-27-2002, 08:08 AM
All I have to say is if the AGD girlfriend chops as many balls as a paintball gun, they can keep her!!! ;)

02-27-2002, 09:54 AM
They would probably rename the company:<br><b>A</b>wesome <b>G</b>irlfriend <b>D</b>esigns :D