View Full Version : New to Automags! What should I be looking for?

09-16-2014, 03:22 PM
Hey guys,

So I've really gotten into Autocockers lately and plan on using mechs as my main guns of choice. I've picked up two cockers that I've made my babies and I've gotten interested in automags lately as well and hope on picking one up sometime soon.

I've still got a lot to go in terms of reading up and learning about them, but I was hoping you guys could help me me out in the mean time. I've got 3 general questions:

1. What are the main differences between the different types of automags? (i.e. classic, RT, etc.)
2. Which type would be good for me?
- I'd like a vertical feed, something with a lot of customizing options (which types does the Phoenix body fit?), autococker threaded, and one I would preferably be able to use in a tourney - I saw that the RT's trigger keeps it from being tourney legal
3. What would be a good price to pick up the answer to #2? Doesn't have to be upp'ed to the max, as I don't mind starting with the basics and building up. And would it be cheaper to buy a complete automag or find the parts and try putting it together?

Thanks a bunch for any help guys and look forward to getting my first automag :)

- Aesyrin

09-16-2014, 03:31 PM
Hey guys,

So I've really gotten into Autocockers lately and plan on using mechs as my main guns of choice. I've picked up two cockers that I've made my babies and I've gotten interested in automags lately as well and hope on picking one up sometime soon.

I've still got a lot to go in terms of reading up and learning about them, but I was hoping you guys could help me me out in the mean time. I've got 3 general questions:

1. What are the main differences between the different types of automags? (i.e. classic, RT, etc.)Main difference between the RT style valves and Classics is the RT's are capable of bouncing the trigger for an RT effect. Both RT Pro style valves (RTPro, X, Retro, Emag) and Classic (Classic, MiniMag, AIR) valves can be put into various bodies, rails etc. The only real exception to this is that Classic RT's, while RT style valves are a bit of an odd bird and the valves, bodies, rails etc are pretty much not interchangeable with RTPro or Classic bodies, rails etc.
2. Which type would be good for me? That is all going to be about taste and amount you want to invest
- I'd like a vertical feed, something with a lot of customizing options (which types does the Phoenix body fit?), autococker threaded, and one I would preferably be able to use in a tourney - I saw that the RT's trigger keeps it from being tourney legal As soon as you said "Tourney" it could go a number of ways. You may need to check the rules for the ones you plan to enter and see what is allowed. If RTing style valves are not allowed you most likely will not be allowed to use an RTP style valve. You could build a Mag using a Classic valve, but may be limited in how fast you can shoot it. With straight Mech (no pneumatics) you would be pretty hard pressed to shoot a Classic valve faster than 10 bps. Either Classic or RTP style valves will fit a Phoneix body.
3. What would be a good price to pick up the answer to #2? Doesn't have to be upp'ed to the max, as I don't mind starting with the basics and building up. And would it be cheaper to buy a complete automag or find the parts and try putting it together? Again, this is going to depend on your choices. A bone stock Classic valved Automag can be had for under $100. This would be a Classic valve, carbon fiber frame, AM/MM rail and SS body. Vert feed will bump it up is you find a SS vert body. If you upgrade to a ULE body which is aluminum, vert feed and accepts cocker threaded barrels, expect to pay about $100-125 depending on whether is has a nice clamping feedneck. From there the sky is the limit. You can spend hundreds and in some cases thousands of dollars customizing your Mag. It would be good to go through the armory and maybe find pics of markers you like and maybe ask questions about what it may cost to build them.

Thanks a bunch for any help guys and look forward to getting my first automag :)

- Aesyrin

See Red.

09-16-2014, 03:40 PM
#2: The Phoenix body will fit any valve or grip frame available with the exception of the classic RT valve. The Classic RT is a unique snowflake in the AGD world.

#3: The classifieds section here is the most robust marketplace for used AGD goodies. You'd be well served with a RT Pro straight from AGD or a dealer though. If you're already snagging a Phoenix body (I know there's at least one on the market right now, complete with rail), you'll need a gripframe, foregrip of your choice, and complete valvetrain assembly. gas it up and go. I'd recommend a Retrovalve with Level 10 bolt for great starter bang for your buck. Xvalve if you're feeling saucy.

Mags are like Legos, just mix and match to your heart's desire! :D

09-16-2014, 03:43 PM
Thanks for the tips guys! I think I'll end up going with a classic in that case since everything is interchangeable apart from the RT Classic parts, plus it'll stay tourney legal without the RT valve.

Appreciate the price ranges too. That way I can keep an eye out on things on here as well as on the other forums + eBay while I read up and get familiar with everything and average prices.

Yea too bad I didn't know the prices for Phoenix bodies. Saw one for $300 and it was snagged, didn't realize it was cheap for the price haha.

But yea that's why I like mechs! There's just something that feels "honorable" about using them vs electros plus you can build them any which way you like.

09-16-2014, 03:52 PM
For your first mag, get a classic valve with a lvl 10 bolt. If you want a vert feed, something like the one on the right is perfect.

http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq228/jtwusaf/photo-3_zpsa0e0837a.jpg (http://s450.photobucket.com/user/jtwusaf/media/photo-3_zpsa0e0837a.jpg.html)

09-16-2014, 04:40 PM
$300 for a Phoenix body and rail would be a very good deal. Just the body, its ok, not a steal though.

One other caveat when mixing and matching parts. Classic length SS bodies and even MiniMag bodies all come with a rectangular threaded mounting pim on the bottom of the body. These bodies will only fit AM/MM rails or RTP rails that have been modded. Also some Emag length SS bodies have pims that are a little tall to fit AM/MM rails. It sounds like you are probably going with a ULE body anyways, so you should have no issues as they will fit either style rail without mods.

09-16-2014, 04:47 PM
Yup that's what I was thinking I'm probably going to start out when I find a good price for one haha.

Yup the listing I saw included body and rail - shame I didn't post this two days ago. But thanks for the tip, I'm probably going ULE as you said but it's still a nice to know :)

09-16-2014, 05:04 PM

09-16-2014, 05:19 PM
Be careful, because Automags breed like rabbits when you are weak. For the most part, everything is modular except for the Classic RT stuff, some early mag bodies with new mag rails (the bodies with a foot), AM/MM sears with RTP rails, twist lock barrels with autococker bodies, and some other nuances.

09-16-2014, 07:08 PM
shameless plug...
I need to get rid of this setup (minus the body since that's not what you're looking for). I'll PM you.
Basically, throw a ULE body (and I'd recommend an RT on/off) on here and you have what you're asking for.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/q82/s720x720/10423931_10152757735474532_6892526418010129202_n.j pg?oh=113f208a41ad7d29d5611828e29093d4&oe=548B5762&__gda__=1422332561_638e3d6b72b6e05d9694196de961983 5

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/q82/s720x720/10659389_10152757735919532_80204651574841055_n.jpg ?oh=044d88235199b4d2335c42794a5e18d9&oe=54986441&__gda__=1422402000_c92396020deae7ff04458d0591cd253 e

09-18-2014, 01:52 AM
I have about the same interests. I have a ton of angels that I have been collecting and building for 14 years. And have always had a secret crush on mags. Now I think its time to try it. Thinking I need a ule body and probably a double trigger frame . And something to lighten the trigger pull. Thinking also a x valve but for some odd reason thinking old school co2 would be fun . All I do know is I dont want a electro . Thought about getting a classic but they are getting expensive considering I would probably end up not using half the parts. Saw Flatliners post and am in bad want but ,that would eat up all my starting budget.

09-18-2014, 07:07 AM
I have about the same interests. I have a ton of angels that I have been collecting and building for 14 years. And have always had a secret crush on mags. Now I think its time to try it. Thinking I need a ule body and probably a double trigger frame . And something to lighten the trigger pull. Thinking also a x valve but for some odd reason thinking old school co2 would be fun . All I do know is I dont want a electro . Thought about getting a classic but they are getting expensive considering I would probably end up not using half the parts. Saw Flatliners post and am in bad want but ,that would eat up all my starting budget.

For CO2, you cannot use an X valve or any "RT" type of valve, only a Classic. I have enough parts in my FS thread to set you up with a complete Classic Mag minus the ULE body. I have a chrome intelliframe, plenty of rails, and other odds and ends to get you going. You would pretty much just need a body to complete it. PM me if interested.

09-18-2014, 09:38 AM
OPBN's prices are more than fair, so snatch them up if you're looking for a custom build.

09-18-2014, 06:18 PM
Your Wallet! that what you will be looking for the most or the money that was in it.

09-18-2014, 08:01 PM
Obpn and I have a ton of parts if you are looking.

09-18-2014, 10:30 PM
What a cool bunch of guys! I think i am going to develope a bad agd habit.

09-19-2014, 12:42 AM
I'm in the same boat. For me I know what I want to end up with, it's just getting there without making too many mags along the way

09-19-2014, 04:15 AM
I'm in the same boat. For me I know what I want to end up with, it's just getting there without making too many mags along the way

Won't happen! I started with one,had as many as 25 at one point, and I'm at around 12 or is it 15? Plus lots of parts. It's just too much fun.
I've had to limit myself to selling something before buying more, not working too well but the ideas there. Dig through the "Markers" and " Misc." sections. And check the "feedback" form, make sure your dealing with the good people, long time AO'ers ,pretty good bunch.

09-19-2014, 07:39 AM
I'm in the same boat. For me I know what I want to end up with, it's just getting there without making too many mags along the way

Sell the extras. Most times if you buy it right you can sell off the extras and pay for the part you bought the marker for unless you over pay. Lurk through the BST's to get an idea of what parts sell for individually and price accordingly. Make sure to get accurate examples as there are some sellers that IMO are way overpriced and sit on parts for months on end. Just buy smart.

09-20-2014, 06:15 AM
Sage advice. there from OPBN.

09-20-2014, 11:42 AM
Thanks a lot guys! bowcycle actually gave me a really good deal with the mag above as a starting point - not a ULE body I know but it came with a barrel and will be more than usable while I save up and lurk for "the one". I'll more than likely go through your guys' sell threads to look for the other pieces I plan on replacing along the line and make sure to keep an eye out for them :)

PS: AH, just realized you were the one selling the Phoenix body I wanted to buy, knownothingmags. It was sad - no one was buying it up to the day before I got into mags. Then, the same day I decide to jump in the pool and be a mag owner, I go back to your thread and it's sold lol. Let me know if you ever get another (rail or no rail)!

09-21-2014, 07:46 AM


captian pinky
09-21-2014, 09:28 AM
i know this guy that lurks in the classified section who seems to always have parts for sale..........let me know if you need anything..lol

welcome to AA, it only gets worse

09-21-2014, 12:33 PM
For your first mag, get a classic valve with a lvl 10 bolt. If you want a vert feed, something like the one on the right is perfect.

http://i450.photobucket.com/albums/qq228/jtwusaf/photo-3_zpsa0e0837a.jpg (http://s450.photobucket.com/user/jtwusaf/media/photo-3_zpsa0e0837a.jpg.html)

I like the double angle on that cocker.