View Full Version : Uberwedgitts dallara?

09-19-2014, 02:54 PM
90212Can anyone tell me where this Mag is? I'd buy it if I could find it. Or at least I'd like to find out if the rail is stock Dallara or if it was smoothed out afterwards. I like how the"AM/MM front is more integrated into the smooth lines of the body.

09-19-2014, 03:02 PM
That's definitely custom rail, you can see how it's been milled from AM rail. Really nice though.

09-19-2014, 03:09 PM
It may just be the reflection of the lighting. Its a Dallara Rail for sure, but I cant tell if its been polished in the front differently, or if its the lighting making it appear to have been machined or polished differently in the front. The other side appears to be normal, but its hard to say with certainty since its the side not pictured and there is a very small amount of it shown. Just cant tell with 100 certainty.

09-19-2014, 03:15 PM
You can see the sear lug if you click the image lager. And also the remnants of AM rail milling in front and towards the back in the side.

09-19-2014, 03:24 PM
I do like those Triton frames :)

http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b195/going_home/20140704_155920.jpg (http://s19.photobucket.com/user/going_home/media/20140704_155920.jpg.html)

09-19-2014, 03:27 PM
Rouge! your still with us:bounce: I've kinda lost track of you.
Yeah this rail have definitely been milled a bit more because the stock Dallara(am) wings?, dove tails, are gone off the front. gives it a much more flow to the look. So Rouge, you going to offer them again? Yes please I'm beggin.:) We got to find better pics somewhere. This is by far the nice-est looking Dallara I've seen and I've snagged lots of pics. I'm sure it's lounging in someones collection.

09-19-2014, 03:34 PM
Oh yeah the Triton rules! GH why'd you bury it under those grips?:dance: I gotta get another one if I can find one. I sold my 1st cause money was tight and the secound because the money was right. 2 dumb moves. I'm not selling my Chimera so don't ask!:nono:

09-19-2014, 05:26 PM
I got back into town from an extended business trip about a week ago. And then was called into going to a week long tradeshow. Ive been trying to catch up on all my admin stuff(e-mails, mail, bills, etc).

Its not intentional. Im just buried at the moment.

As for the Dallara. Take a look at the other corner. It appears normal in the pic. Which is why Im led to believe its the lighting/reflection. Its not something I will be able to offer again. The Dallaras that are out there, and the rails I sold, are whats available.

09-20-2014, 02:57 AM
Buisness seem to have a way of taking all the fun outta work.
If I ever find a Dallara set, I think I'm going to do what the light did, only for real. That looks so clean. I know the rails were milled from AM rails, I just never understood why the dovetails were left on the front. Of course I could never figure out what the dovetails were for in the 1st place. I tried to put an armson site on one once and couldn't get a grip and just holding it in place convinced me that it wouldn't do any good anyway. Still if we can track down this Mag or more pictures I'd love to see it. Better.
And I'm going to see if I can pick up a couple of Tritons from you also.

09-20-2014, 03:09 AM
Scratch my comments.. I never realized Dallara rails were made out of AM rails. I thought they were made from RTP rails like Karta..:rolleyes:

09-20-2014, 04:43 AM
Deadly Wind didn't re-invent the wheel, they just made then radials. I think the Dallara and Karta bodies were both milled from AGD slug bodies, but the rails were from stock AGD's. why fight it when it's easier to what was real easy to get hold of? They took common stuff and turned it into art.
I took the original pic and converted it to black&white, It really looks like someone really did curve down the top of the rail front. 90220
Kinda puts me in mind of Panda's Armada Prime very smooth and sweet.

09-20-2014, 05:08 AM
yeah all 4 of my Dallara Rails look tha same as tha one in tha pics u posted. looks like tha light is messing wit ya a bit…haha.

09-20-2014, 05:21 AM
yeah all 4 of my Dallara Rails look tha same as tha one in tha pics u posted. looks like tha light is messing wit ya a bit…haha.

4 of them and you won't sell me one? Oh, now your just showing off. If it don't exist yet it will as soon as I can get one. I'm currently working on turning Armada L rail #2 into a closer ver of the original cad drawings. An Armada smoothie.

09-20-2014, 05:29 AM
Hey shoot some close ups please. and put them up here.

09-20-2014, 05:32 AM
4 of them and you won't sell me one? Oh, now your just showing off. If it don't exist yet it will as soon as I can get one. I'm currently working on turning Armada L rail #2 into a closer ver of the original cad drawings. An Armada smoothie.

nah man I'm just letting ya kno that tha Dallara rails i have look like tha one you posted pics of and that tha light was prolly messing wit ya…haha.

good luck on making your Armada L rail into a smoothie…haha. i b loving my original Armada rail from Panda….i can't wait to see if he makes a body to match it…that will be Sa WeeT!!!

09-20-2014, 06:03 AM
A man's gotta have a dream! I haven't touched my luke's armada rail, it's not numbered but I know its #19 of the 1st 20. At least that's where I stood in the 1st run. I'd love to have Panda's Armada Prime, nice and curvie. Smooth and sexy lines.

09-20-2014, 06:37 AM
A man's gotta have a dream! I haven't touched my luke's armada rail, it's not numbered but I know its #19 of the 1st 20. At least that's where I stood in the 1st run. I'd love to have Panda's Armada Prime, nice and curvie. Smooth and sexy lines.

yeah that armada prime is Sa WeeT huh? i have a Dye UL frame that i was gonna use to make my own Armada build…but ive only got as far as fitting tha frame to tha rail and modding tha sear and trigger for it to work. I'm a lil nervous to trim any of tha trigger guard off so i can use tha frame on a AM/MM length rail w/a fore grip tho.

09-20-2014, 08:04 AM
Step back, take a few deep breaths and look at it. Then advance on it and go slowly. It can be done just not all at once. and play some mellow tunes, Music will help inspire you too greatness. Iron Maiden, Heavy metal sound track. Crosby,Stills,& Nash, Janis Joplin, Nirvana, Bring me to a zen state of creation. And then there's Buck Cherry's new one!

09-20-2014, 08:34 AM
I found that certain things were very good at putting me a mellow frame of mind back when I did such things..... I used to build scale model cars and I did some really amazing work when I was "mellow". Cough cough. Along those lines a UL framed Dallara or even an Ego framed Dallara would look pretty darn nice now that I think about it. I'd love to see someone come out with a AM length Unibody that had similiar lines as the Dallara.

09-20-2014, 12:48 PM
I'd love to see someone come out with a AM length Unibody that had similiar lines as the Dallara. Me too. That would be awesome!:headbang:

09-22-2014, 12:20 PM
I got back into town from an extended business trip about a week ago. And then was called into going to a week long tradeshow. Ive been trying to catch up on all my admin stuff(e-mails, mail, bills, etc).

were you at IMTS?

I wish I was there

10-14-2016, 06:14 PM
What on off is that

10-14-2016, 06:52 PM
What on off is that

Bob Long Gear Drive