View Full Version : mags everywhere today. (btw I kicked much bootay!)

02-24-2002, 11:04 PM
Today there were 2 micromags, 3 rt, 1 e-mag, and 2 other "regular" mags at the field today. I couldn't friggin believe it.
My micro just got back from a pro-team rebuild (long story) and it was just absolutly dead on-accurate today. Everything just clicked. No breakage, no short stroking, no velocity problems... it was just perfect. At the end of our session today, I pulled some mag guys together, and took on the guys on my regular tourney team, 4 angels, and 2 black magic cockers, 6 vs. 6. WE had 2 micros, 3 rts, and the e-mag. We won in 45 seconds. 6-0. classic. It makes it even better with me being the only agd guy on my regular team.
I had to brag. Sorry. It was just epic today.

Tim Jacobitz
02-24-2002, 11:17 PM
it just goes to show you a mag truly is the best gun on earth.

On my team me and 1 other guy shoot mags everone else shoots angels. I tease the team captain that my rt is faster which it technally is. He said o yea well my gun is shineier. (his gun is crome) Any way the other mag shooter on my team got a micro rt(aslo crome). Guess who's gun is shineier. We disproved the thoery that angels are $600 shinerier. Long live the mag!:D

02-24-2002, 11:47 PM
I havent got my mag yet(UPS). But I cant wait to own my Spyder toating friends :)

02-25-2002, 01:49 AM
NICE! I can never get enought of these posts!!



02-25-2002, 06:08 AM

I say F' all those other guns... Mags rock.

Here is one good reason why i think Mags are the best. My best friend Matt is a neat freak/Pretty boy/muscle freak(Mr. I nearly own Ambercrombie and Finch). Hes the type of guy who has to have the best of quality equipment. He lives in a tiny USAF dorm with a pimped out room($2500. Bose/Sony home theater,$1500 water bad...ect) Basically he'll spend the extra $$ to get super nice stuff. Anyway, Matt used to paintball before Matt joined the USAF and he he only owned Mags, and now that hes got the PB fever(since I been talked about getting a Mag non-stop of 3 weeks) he says he going to start saving for a Mag now. He WILL NOT settle for anything less he says, and argues that Mags are the best in his oppinion. When Matt sware by a product, ya know its something worth while :)

Hi Tom!


02-25-2002, 08:17 AM
It was really nice hearing: STRIKE ONE! STRIKE TWO STRIKE 3.. at strike 3 we had actually eliminated all six. So there was some confusion because 4 people yelled strike 3. It was so sweet, it was the first time I saw the e-mag and actually held it. Actually each man eliminated his mirror so quick we couldn't believe it.
I had never really got in to shooting my micromag because it had a mechanical problem when i bought it. It would shoot fine then, the velocity would drop off, and then start chopping. So I sent it to pro-team (twice). The first time they actually made it worse, but the second time it came back perfect. The other guys micromag I played with had three stars on the valve, whats that all about? Mine doesn't have stars at all, but mine is newer.

Tim Jacobitz
02-25-2002, 05:34 PM
Tom we are glad you can't get enough of these posts. We can't get enough of AGD products. Your coustomer support is unsurpassable. And we all thank you.