View Full Version : cleaning my balls

RT Lover
10-23-2014, 01:51 PM

Ok I have some paint that had a break in it and they won't take it back...is there a better way to wipe off the balls? I was going to use paper towls ....

10-23-2014, 01:58 PM
I typically use a large towel. Dump the entire batch onto it, fold it in half and rub them around. When done wash the towel.

10-23-2014, 02:07 PM
pretty much that. i put a towel on the coffee table (or any table you have), and then get another towel and rub down the balls. kind of like a "wax on, wax off" motion. put the balls in a clean gallon zip-lock bag (no sense in putting them back into a dirty bag).

you can also test the shell and paint. is the shell water soluble or alcohol soluble? is the paint water soluble or alcohol soluble? i got lucky one time with some winter paint; the shell dissolved in water but the paint dissolved in alcohol. so i just sprayed the balls down with alcohol and buffed off the paint.

10-24-2014, 12:34 PM
I tend to use a cardboard box and paper towels. Haven't found an easier/better way.

RT Lover
10-24-2014, 01:33 PM
It's hk army premiere

10-24-2014, 02:27 PM
I typically throw a couple of paper towels into the sack of balls and kinda move em around a bit to get some of the paint off of them then transfer to a clean gallon plastic bag like mentioned. No use putting clean balls in a dirty sack.

Yep, no matter how you talk about it it sounds dirty.

RT Lover
10-24-2014, 03:06 PM
https://fbcdn-photos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-0/10402473_10201853658702369_5687836154011852779_n.j pg?oh=3ca29518a7d78de9982c270176086730&oe=54AD2281&__gda__=1425497828_f7ea5f09c65ff6688355a63197d4648 a

That's how it's been for a few months.... Would of thought it would of warped the paint but it didnt

10-24-2014, 03:14 PM
oh...that's not paint, it's...oil, or something. it leeches out of the paintballs over time. yeah, just roll them around in a towel and put into a clean, dry bag. they'll be ok. if they are old, i'd do a "throw onto concrete and see if they break" test. sometimes old paint gets really hard, and tends to leave bruises instead of paint marks.

also, what brand is that, empire / rps?

RT Lover
10-24-2014, 03:27 PM
Hk premiere, and if it hits hard enough they will call out...I do lol

Temo Vryce
10-25-2014, 10:02 AM
When you buy a case of paint it's a good policy to open it right then and there to check for broken paint. This way it's easy to prove you didn't break it.

10-25-2014, 11:53 AM
Thats just oil from the manufacturing process, but it will coat your barrel and mess up accuracy.

I usually lay a towel on the bed and dump them on that and with another towel roll them around some.

I have several smaller towels that live in the gearbag and I use those.


10-30-2014, 04:02 PM
Thats just oil from the manufacturing process, but it will coat your barrel and mess up accuracy.

I usually lay a towel on the bed and dump them on that and with another towel roll them around some.

I have several smaller towels that live in the gearbag and I use those.


some manufacturers will call this "mold release" basically extra oil to release the paint out of the mold. it can happen in bags with no broken paint.

if the splotch of oil is one area then quarantine that area in the bag, get all the other paint out and just clear that area up with towels. aflat cardboard box(the kind used for sada) and paper towels on the bottom as a layer then gently roll over the top of the paint until all or most residue is gone.

I haven't bought paint at a field/store in the last decade that hasnt checked themselves or allowed people to check before leaving.

as a field/store owner it saves you two things...one upset customers that spent$20+ ona bag of almost useless paint getting mad and feeling ripped, as well as people taking the bag out the door, dropping it then bringing it back in saying they bought it like that(i have seen this happen atleast 50 times myself)