View Full Version : Pneumag won't fire, just goes "thup thup thup" and leaks when I turn up the fps

11-15-2014, 06:20 PM
Looking for some help - unboxed my pneumag after far to long (moved, didn't unbox it, haven't played in 2 years).

I was planning on selling it, since I apparently never play any more, and I wanted to make sure everything was in order.

I oiled it up, gassed it up, and it fired, but had a bit of a leak through the barrel and around the valve. I took it apart to clean and oil, and replaced a couple of o-rings. Reassembled, gassed it up, crazy leak from the valve, so I adjusted the velocity downward until it stopped leaking. When I pull the trigger, I just get a weak "thup thup thup" (one for each trigger pull) like it's trying to fire, and has very low air pressure.

I verified that the pneumatics are working properly - adjusted and tuned that portion - it's somewhere in the valve/powertube/bolt setup. It's a level 10 bolt, emag valve. It's been far too long, so I'm not really up to snuff on my mag skills anymore (not that I was ever that great to begin with).

I pulled the carrier and cleaned it, re-oiled the o-ring, made sure the space was in good condition. O-rings on the valve look good, replaced the on/off lower o-ring. Not really sure what else to do/check. It doesn't leak unless I pull and hold the trigger. Sometimes the bolt sticks and air continues to leak (slowly), and just barely touching the bolt will push it back and stop the leak.

Need some guru level help here, feel like I'm losing my mind. I want this bad boy cleaned up and working well... then I'll take it out for a day, and decide if I still want to sell it.

captian pinky
11-15-2014, 09:45 PM
retune your lvl 10. did you try lubing your lpr?

11-16-2014, 09:33 AM
...It doesn't leak unless I pull and hold the trigger. .... and just barely touching the bolt will push it back and stop the leak. These are symptoms of a level 10 issue. Generally, a leak like this can be fixed by removing all the shims from the powertube.

Bolt stick requires you to use a larger carrier size.

The low thup, thup that you were experiencing was probably because you turned the velocity down so much. The crazy leak after you replaced a couple of orings was probably due to a piece of dirt that got introduced somehow. Take the valve apart and do a complete cleaning. Inspect the orings as you put them back in to make sure no dirt gets put back in wth them.

11-17-2014, 11:06 AM
Thanks for the responses!
Yep, relubed LPR. I unfortunately don't have the full part set to retune the level 10, looks like I'll have to order some things...

The carrier, unfortunately, is the only one I have, so I'll order a set. In terms of the o-rings, I'll double check and see if I missed (or introduced) some dirt. I pulled one shim from the powertube, I'll pull the other and see if that helps.
Thanks! I'll update in a couple days, after I get some parts and retry this...

02-16-2015, 03:46 PM
athomas - you were dead on. I removed a shim from the powertube, and the issue was resolved. It took me forever and a day to actually find the time and wherewithal to actually get to it, but it's up and firing nicely again!

Thank you!

Now, to put it up for sale!

02-16-2015, 05:16 PM
Good to hear you got it working.:clap: