View Full Version : thanks Justice.

11-17-2014, 09:51 PM
Well got to play on justice's field again sat. It was cold. 35° cold. But the classicRT ran perfect. Handful of barrel breaks due to weather conditions. But not a single chopped ball with my oll level 7 and revy. Your hospitality was wonderful man. Really. And the play was great. No fancy stories or anything. Just play on a nice field with a bunch of novice players that just enjoy playing. As long as I can remember bunker tags is a rule. I look forward to every chance I get to play in your tire section. I'm at home there. Wife is really disappointed she missed out. Don't think she will miss the next one.

In the spring if you actually want me to lead a group give me a heads up. It can easily be worked out. Or not. Either way I look forward to hour next game.

11-19-2014, 01:19 PM
What's a bunker tag rule?

11-19-2014, 01:54 PM
What's a bunker tag rule?

Don't bunker people

11-19-2014, 02:25 PM
I've never played rec at an organized field so I'm clueless on how they run their games.

Sheesh, where's the fun in playing with a rule like that? Whatever happened to surrender or get shot? Bunkering is one of the funnest parts of playing.

11-19-2014, 06:07 PM
My understanding of a bunker tag is: you can run up to the bunker, call "tag" or whatever declaring that anyone & everyone behind said bu.ker is out. Safer albeit less dramatic way of wracking up the kills. I don't mind it so much, just a little hard to take that you are out without a drop of paint on you.

11-19-2014, 07:23 PM
My understanding of a bunker tag is: you can run up to the bunker, call "tag" or whatever declaring that anyone & everyone behind said bu.ker is out. Safer albeit less dramatic way of wracking up the kills. I don't mind it so much, just a little hard to take that you are out without a drop of paint on you.

Yep, it's a way of not shooting someone point blank... generally for newer players so they do not get scared off from coming again. The fields I played at in FL would ask us after the safety speech if we wanted a bunker rule or not. I was thankful that they offered this when I brought my kids because my daughter ended up being the last one left on our team and was bunkered without being shot. We would just have to yell "BUNKER!" x3.

11-19-2014, 09:06 PM
In woodsball its called fort-ing or the fort rule.

Any man made bunker can be forted, meaning a player can run up and tag the bunker and holler fort, and everyone using the bunker for cover is out.

Provided he doesnt get shot point blank before he touches the bunker.

Any God made bunker such as a big rock or tree is not eligible for the fort rule.

Lets experienced player have fun without lighting up newbys, and causing the newbys to quit paintball.

Its actually a good idea, helps grow the sport, and it does need all the help we can give it.


11-19-2014, 09:07 PM
We always used the "surrender?" rule because guys would try to surrender you from 15 feet away under cover! Meaning they didn't actually have you dead to rights. When I ask for a surrender it was because I was tapping you on the back of the neck with my barrel. ;)

11-19-2014, 11:35 PM
Luke. That's what I'm used to also. Surrender. Or be shot. But tagging their bunker is useless. On a field with a lot of noobs or rec only players though I understand the bunker rule. Just not used to it. And not a fan. Then again noobs and rec players generally are not as aggressive as us. Justice has one large tire fort that I was making laps clearing out. But none of my guys would push and advance to hold it. After I cleared the path. Such is life. I still had fun taking it out all afternoon.

11-20-2014, 12:24 AM
We call it the "Mercy" rule up here in Canada. Typically it's mercy or get hit point blank, your choice. I yelled mercy on a guy once and he said no and we just stood there, I asked if he was sure, he said yes, so I capped him.. It was a strange situation, he didn't even try to retaliate.. Haha