View Full Version : Automag rt pro leak problem

01-08-2015, 09:53 AM
Hi all, new member here.
I have an rt pro that leaks out of the barrel. I replaced the o rings but didn't help. I watched some videos and looks like it may need a reg seat? It does have a little brass piece, that some call the reg seat but in the video it looks like a small plastic ring, not the brass piece I'm seeing. Thanks for any help at all!! Been working on this for days.

01-08-2015, 10:13 AM
Does the leak stop if you pull and hold the trigger back?

01-08-2015, 01:25 PM
first, take a look at the exploded diagram (http://www.airgundesignsusa.com/downloads/retroexploded1.pdf). as for video, do you mean the troubleshooting video on youtube? if so, that is a classic valve, which is built differently than a reactive valve (rt classic, rt pro, retro, emag, x-valve...).

are you sure it's coming out of the barrel, and not out of the on/off? the answer to laku's question will provide more clues.

01-08-2015, 03:48 PM
Did you use the proper orings?
Do you have a L10 kit?
Do you have a ULT kit?

A bad reg seat would have venting out the back of the gun. A leak out the barrel is either the powertube or the on/off.

01-09-2015, 12:09 PM
When I hold the trigger down it still leaks out of the barrel. I replaced with factory rings

01-09-2015, 05:28 PM
When I hold the trigger down it still leaks out of the barrel. I replaced with factory rings

Then you most likely have bad o-ring in the on/off.

01-09-2015, 06:21 PM
What type of bolt are you using? A level 10 or level 7?

Typically a leak out the front that stops when you hold the trigger is caused by a bad or dirty powertube oring or a powertube spacer that is too long if you are using a level 7 bolt. If you are using a level 10 bolt, the leak out the front may linger for a few seconds if the level 10 bolt is not perfectly setup. If the leak out the front does not stop when you hold the trigger then the problem is usually a bad or dirty on-off top oring, usually the small one.