View Full Version : why do i have such a hard time on MCB?

01-21-2015, 08:06 PM
I sell stuff on MCB which im going to stop doing.
I don't know why I havnt learned yet.
almost everytime ive had issues

I just shipped something to a guy in Canada,
after I ship he sends a message don't ship fedex.

now I had no way of knowing that this was such a big deal he says he will be hit with 50-100$ between customs and fedex for the package.

how am I suppose to know this?

and how am I suppose to help this guy out.

so he says if he gets bent over by the customs fees and such he is going to leave negative feedback.

pft. trying to be a nice guy, but not sure what to do.

any advise anyone?

01-21-2015, 08:16 PM
Well, you could offer to split the cost with him, provided he could show proof of it.

It's not a great solution on your end if things, but he should have informed you about shipping before you even had a chance to send it. Like, before he even paid ideally.

If you offer that and he still has issues and airs them publicly, then you can point out his lack of communication and your kind offer to help him out. Which, in my opinion, you shouldn't be responsible for at all.

At least you'd have documentation to show you acted in good faith after the fact, and that he is a genuine azz-hat...

Like I said, not the best solution since you take a hit you shouldn't have to. The other option is to say "Suck it up Canuck and deal with your own idiocy like a man."

01-21-2015, 08:18 PM
He didn't specify before you sent the package, meaning you're a fast shipper, and he wasn't communicative enough. Don't lose sleep over it, and if he does leave negative feedback, I'd describe what happened on his own feedback thread. If you do feel the uncontrollable urge to do what he would call "not enough" and others may or may not call "the right thing", MAYBE split the fees somehow (but ONLY if they're verified). In the future, always ask someone what the best way to send something outside the states is, or maybe do 3rd party.

He seriously should have told you his preferred shipping method when he sent you his address, though.

Edit: Pretty much what SummayJudgement just said, but he beat me to it.

01-21-2015, 08:23 PM
thankyou that actually helps a bit

01-21-2015, 08:26 PM
I sent him the message and offered to split the fees

captian pinky
01-21-2015, 08:30 PM
Part of the reason I try to avoid shipping out of the U.S. They want you to bend over backwards most of the time so they don't have to pay more fees.

01-21-2015, 08:38 PM
And Canadians wonder why no one wants to sell to them. Every deal I have tried to do with someone in Canada has ended with problems. Between the shipping costs, the fees, lack of tracking, lost packages...in the end it just isn't worth it.

01-21-2015, 08:59 PM
And Canadians wonder why no one wants to sell to them. Every deal I have tried to do with someone in Canada has ended with problems. Between the shipping costs, the fees, lack of tracking, lost packages...in the end it just isn't worth it.

I ****ing hear you. :D

01-21-2015, 09:04 PM
Its MCB. You shouldn't have to be pay anything. The buyer should have stipulated that fact before hand, though i hope that you also had in your post that you would be shipping through FedEx. You are not at fault here. I would definitely ask for proof of the costs, just to cover you own buttocks. Hell, even contact FedEx just to confirm this allegation. I have shipped multiple items to Canada as well as europe(England beung the worst-took a bath on the shipping, & never heard back from the guy about it either), but use USPS.

Overall, for all the bluster of MCB being the "best forum, with no problems from users", i have had the most problems there.

01-21-2015, 09:07 PM
There is a way that the canadian guy can avoid fedexs brokerage fee. But it involves a good amount of legwork on his end. It has to do with him going to the customs office and clearing the package paying the customs fee then go to the fedex office and showing them the customs fee has heen paid. At that point they can not collect the brokerage fee and must release the package. Its all there somewhere on mcb.

01-21-2015, 09:18 PM
Its MCB.

Nuff said.


Frizzle Fry
01-21-2015, 09:20 PM
MCB has always given me issues.

Canada has presented a problem to me a few times...

MCB + Canada has been a NIGHTMARE both times I tried it.

01-21-2015, 09:36 PM
When shipping International, I always ship:
As a gift
With a $20-$40 price tag no matter what it is.
No invoices (never do anyway)
All parts are identified as Parts kits, AGD parts kit, or aluminum replacement parts.
Being vague and very unprofessional packaging helps the process along because customs will normally open and inspect the contents.
I've never had an issue and have shipped around the globe.

01-21-2015, 09:49 PM
hmmm ok cool I like what im hearing
. I don't think Iv burned many bridges,

but im betting carma will tap my ass if I have, on this one.

01-21-2015, 10:10 PM
Nuff said.


We both have a high opinion of MCB. As high as an ant's arse.

01-21-2015, 10:14 PM
damn it

01-21-2015, 11:12 PM
Ok, so being from Canada, and having bought and sold lots of stuff across the border, I feel your pain. But in reverse of course. IMO if he never told you how he wanted it shipped, you shouldn't split any fees with him.
But shipping to Canada doesn't have to be a pain. The basic rules should be; always try to ship USPS because it is has a flat rate brokerage fee for the buyer no matter what the item cost is. Couriers like FedEx have their own private brokers that almost hold high priced items for ransom, and if you list an items value high ( in case it gets lost) they hold low priced items for ransom also.
Also, tracking numbers do not track properly, but in every case, they still show that a package was dropped off by the seller, and was received by the buyer. So it still does it's purpose.
Lastly, the Canadian has to be patient. The length of time will always depend on how long the package will sit on somebody's desk at customs. Sometimes things just take a stupid length of time, and it's neither the buyer or sellers fault.
Despite all of this it does hurt when there is something for sale that I need and a seller won't sell it to me even though I have lots of good feedback, but it's the sellers choice not mine.

01-22-2015, 04:58 AM
Granted I don't do a ton of sales and purchases but I have had good luck with transactions made with guys on MCB. Of course, most of my transactions have been made with the well-known regulars like Riddler. I check the feedback and so far, so good.

01-22-2015, 06:40 AM
I ship USPS to Canada and have done so a number of times. It has always worked out for me, but I tell the guy ahead of time, "I've had stuff shipped to me while overseas and sometimes it just doesn't show up." I promise to send them a picture of the tracking/customs form on the package at the post, but make sure they agree that I am not responsible if it never shows up.

Sometimes, the folks don't want to play by those terms (which I completely understand), but I've never had a package I sent go missing in all the times we've decided to go through with the deal on these terms.

01-22-2015, 07:57 AM
When shipping International, I always ship:
As a gift
With a $20-$40 price tag no matter what it is.
No invoices (never do anyway)
All parts are identified as Parts kits, AGD parts kit, or aluminum replacement parts.
Being vague and very unprofessional packaging helps the process along because customs will normally open and inspect the contents.
I've never had an issue and have shipped around the globe.

This right here.

I will only ship internationally for people here on AO. F-Everyone else. Too much trouble.

01-22-2015, 08:10 AM
Anytime i ship international, i always get a price on shipping first. I always use USPS also. Kind of a pain to use any other service where i live. Any additional expense would be on the customer in my eyes. Especially if they wait til afterwards to make some sort of special requests.

01-22-2015, 08:36 AM
i dont mind dealing with mcb, but i absolutely will not do deals internationally. i'm too lazy to deal with it.

captian pinky
01-22-2015, 09:34 AM
the bad part isn't the price of shipping. its dealing with the customs form, the post office if it gets lost, the buyer when it doesn't arrive and the thought that you may have to eat it if paypal sides with him.

01-22-2015, 09:49 AM
I suspect the customs is bitt of a pain on both ends, for the sender the customs form and for the recipient the customs declaration with additional costs.

Here in Finland I can at least do the declaration and payment online, so I don't have to rely/pay on any third party to do it for me.

I'd also like to add that I much appreciate those who are willing to ship to Europe, as most of the items just can't be had here locally.

01-22-2015, 09:51 AM
I try to avoid shipping to Canada on MCB mainly because they won't allow gifted payments. However, I find that most times I mention that I have had issues shipping there and need them to accept any responsibility for lost parts, they offer to gift it anyways. It also depends on the value. If it is a $15 part, I might now worry too much, but if I am shipping a $200 X valve its another story.

captian pinky
01-22-2015, 10:02 AM
i have started refusing gifted payments. unless it is a regular buyer. i would rather take the hit than deal with any issues like that.

01-22-2015, 10:49 AM
i have started refusing gifted payments. unless it is a regular buyer. i would rather take the hit than deal with any issues like that.
What issues? Not arguing, just seems like no downside to taking them. They are essentially paying in advance with no recourse.

Frizzle Fry
01-22-2015, 11:12 AM
What issues? Not arguing, just seems like no downside to taking them. They are essentially paying in advance with no recourse.

If you ship an item international as gift, PayPal will screw you on a claim.

01-22-2015, 11:39 AM
If you ship an item international as gift, PayPal will screw you on a claim.

Really? Main reason I only ship gifted is to eliminate claims.

01-22-2015, 12:48 PM
I never had issues there but reading your comments, I think you should not split or pay anything. Communication is an important part of the trade process and he should have said it when he confirmed the payment to you. That's how I do it, anyways. If it is important, say it upfront.

And that is coming from someone who have had several issues with international shipping (I live in Brazil), especially with UPS and FedEx. Today, I avoid having anything shipped from the US to Brazil and I rather have things sent to the hotels I stay in the US whenever I go there (3 to 4 times / year).

01-22-2015, 01:02 PM
When shipping International, I always ship:
As a gift
With a $20-$40 price tag no matter what it is.
No invoices (never do anyway)
All parts are identified as Parts kits, AGD parts kit, or aluminum replacement parts.
Being vague and very unprofessional packaging helps the process along because customs will normally open and inspect the contents.
I've never had an issue and have shipped around the globe.

What do you mean "as a gift?" Is this in reference to Paypal payments or a box that you check on the customs form?
Someone recommended to me recently that when doing international deals, always have them gift the payments because it protects you (seller) from being scammed on the back end (the buyer receives the item, claims not to have received it because it can't be tracked, get's money back, seller does not get the item).

01-22-2015, 01:25 PM
"Gift" can be a paypal payment or a customs declaration for shipping International. My statement is in reference to shipping.

captian pinky
01-22-2015, 03:27 PM
i was mainly referring to any issues that may arise from shipping something internationally( damaged parts, lost parts, customs keeping it etc, feedback).

i have had several deals lately that were out of country and seemed smooth. but as a whole i have been leaning towards doing the majority of my business in the states. there have been several people that i have shipped to in the past that have people regularly ship to them and i use that person as a 3rd party and basically claim that once my item reaches that location then we are good. i assume the 3rd party to open and repackage the box to ensure it was all shipped.

01-22-2015, 05:26 PM
To KNM going forward... you can just say that you ship all packages using XXX and that way the buyer can ask you to change to company ZZZ. That way there is no ambiguity.

01-23-2015, 04:28 PM
MCB'ers talk a lot of fluff, but business is where it all hits the fan (and there is crossover in here as well, let's face it).

You will find guys that talk all buddy-buddy and wanna be your best friend and this and that, and they even come with great references and guys vouching for each other, but ultimately will screw you first chance they get. And it will be YOUR fault.

Protect yourself in the ring at all times.

Assume anyone responding to you is a total freaking idiot, lay out all terms and conditions up front, and most importantly, never risk anything you're not willing to lose.

Personally, in this case, I would proudly accept the negative feedback, and then go all Johnny-letter explaining the situation openly so everyone could see. Because transparency only hurts dishonest people.

01-23-2015, 10:33 PM
And Canadians wonder why no one wants to sell to them. Every deal I have tried to do with someone in Canada has ended with problems. Between the shipping costs, the fees, lack of tracking, lost packages...in the end it just isn't worth it.

Aww we've dealt before and it went smooth! The first sale I made on this site was to you haha. Only downside was it started an online addiction! :)

I live in Canada and have never really been dinged with high prices (luck of the draw, maybe?). I hope KNM's issue doesn't sour anyone from shipping here, we need our mags!! Buddy is being a dink, let him give you negative feedback, give him negative feedback, post a link to this thread and let people see he's being a dink. All good man!!

01-23-2015, 11:28 PM
Aww we've dealt before and it went smooth! The first sale I made on this site was to you haha. Only downside was it started an online addiction! :)

I live in Canada and have never really been dinged with high prices (luck of the draw, maybe?). I hope KNM's issue doesn't sour anyone from shipping here, we need our mags!! Buddy is being a dink, let him give you negative feedback, give him negative feedback, post a link to this thread and let people see he's being a dink. All good man!!
can I go back on my good faith idea to split fees?

01-23-2015, 11:50 PM
can I go back on my good faith idea to split fees?

Are you talking about splitting the customs fees?
I would say no, those are import taxes, you don't live in Canada, why would you offer to pay them?
If he wanted something specific he should have said so up front. If he leave's negative feedback just respond and explain what happened then move on, you didn't do anything wrong.

01-24-2015, 12:04 AM
Are you talking about splitting the customs fees?
I would say no, those are import taxes, you don't live in Canada, why would you offer to pay them?
If he wanted something specific he should have said so up front. If he leave's negative feedback just respond and explain what happened then move on, you didn't do anything wrong.

I agree with Luke here, it's his problem. You did an A+ job of shipping quick, the rest is on him.

01-24-2015, 12:08 AM
can I go back on my good faith idea to split fees?

No, you are not at fault here. Whoever should have specified how it should have been shipped. As what has been said, you are not importing anything. If anything, if the buyer doesn't except it, you loose the shipping, but will get the item back. You might get NEG feedback, but again, explain yourself and those that wish to deal with you, will then have to decide. 1 black mark is not a bad thing. 10, is a nother matter.

So again, its up to you on if you wish to pay for it, though you could put to screws to the guy if you asked for shipping costs, which it is. Or you could just wait till you see proof that there is such a fee.

But the biggest question is, are you going to go back to MCB?