View Full Version : ULE Trigger Kit and Retro Valve.

01-24-2015, 04:30 PM
Looking at the ULE Trigger Pull Kit on AGD's website and it states that in order for the kit to work on a retro valve it has to be modified. What modification of the valve is required to get this kit to work? Also, does anyone know another way of getting ahold of Tuna? I tried his contact me page but It wouldn't go through.


01-24-2015, 04:55 PM
If it has only single o-ring at the top of On/off it needs to be milled for two. Luke does the mod I think.

Tuna can be contacted here in AO or Tunaman5 (the usual sign) verizon.net

It's ULT not ULE btw. ;)

01-24-2015, 05:15 PM
Yes but only when you refer to it only as the ULT. I figured saying ULT Trigger (Ultra light Trigger Trigger) was redundant. lol besides AGD has them listed on their website as the ULE (ultralight) Trigger Pull Kit. Both ways are technically correct. Anyways, thanks for the info Laku. I will get ahold of those two shortly.