View Full Version : Different Valve (rt) Lasering

01-31-2015, 10:42 AM
I am fairly new to the mag world and was an autococker guy in the agd vs wgp days so I missed the evolution of agd. Excluding the non-rt and classic rt valves, what different layering was offered on rt/e/x valves, and how rare are each? On a recent thread I saw a quote from Mr. AGD that said that he changed the layering of the x-valves to just an "x" to consolidate on valve parts. I realize the difference between the materials of emag and x valves but I want to know what lasering was available and how rare (including what was/is offered by tuna).

02-03-2015, 08:34 PM
I found this in another thread.

Basically it goes like this... I tried to think of all the "brands" I could off the top of my head.

Classic: Stainless Steel.
The old school automag valve, can run co2 but prefers HPA. Fits any standard Automag (not Sydarm, "classic" RT).

68 Automag A.I.R.
68 Micromag A.I.R.
Minimag A.I.R.
Automag Classic
Minimag Classic

Rental: Stainless Steel.
Basically a classic valve, but branded for rental markers, and not compatible with Level 10.

Sydarm: Steel front, Aluminum regulator back.
Designed to work on co2. Shorter than standard Automag valve. Fits ONLY the Sydarm pistol with built in 12g co2 cartridge adapter.

"Classic" RT: Steel front, Aluminum regulator back.
High recharge rate, first reactive trigger! Thinner than standard Automag valve. HPA only. Fits ONLY the "classic" Automag RT with airthru rail and banjo bolt.

Retro: Steel front, Aluminum regulator back.
The new-style Automag valve, based on the RT Valve. HPA only. Fits any standard Automag (not Sydarm, "classic" RT).

RT Pro
Micro ReTro
Micro R/T
Micro 2000 RT

X-Valve: All Aluminum.
The ULE version of the new-style Automag valve, based on the RT Valve. HPA only. Fits any standard Automag (not Sydarm, "classic" RT).

RT X Pro
X Mag
X Valve

I guess this answers half my questions. The other pertains to the evolution of the "RT" valve. I started paintball around 99 and remember the MM, Classic RTs, and Emags (rare). I would assume that the Emag came after the RT as a competitor to all the "E"-cockers, Shockers, Angels, etc. Then, due to modularity, they branded the ReTro and then later the RT Pro to be put in non-electric a la carte mag options. Then went to the RT Pro X (since that is actually a package on AGD's website, now standard with an X valve). So I would assume that all emags got emag valves and all mech RT options got the ReTro/RT Pro's. Then all the X variants came along. By the way the Tuna Emax is my favorite of them all!! Of course that are the changes within the valve such as ULT compatibility (early emag and ReTro valves if I recall). Then also the lasering of the X being off centered (being covered by the body of the XMags, covered in another thread).

Concerning the rare lasering, i would imagine that the Emax and Xmag lasered valves are the rarest.

My history is half educated guess and half more guessing. I am hoping for an expert to chime in.

What originally started this question for me was that there were so many different lasering options and there didnt seam to be any rhyme or reason to packaging the valve and marker. I have seen (in what appear to be stock pictures) Emag valves in SFL and Xmag models, X valves and Xmag valves in Xmags.


02-03-2015, 09:03 PM
You can check out a good list here too: http://pblegion.com/showthread.php?t=4194

For a while there was a turn in program where you could turn in your classic valve and get a huge discount on an X valve. The valves would come originally with their own markers new... Xmag valve with Xmags, but at some point there were just X valves going on them. I'm assuming it was just cheaper to do bulk lasering as opposed to making them different. Eventually, ones that were not X valves were probably swapped with an X valve, hence why you'll see some SFLs with Xvalves as opposed to their SFL lasered valve.

There are all sorts of craziness which is why you'll see people write sales out like this:
- "X" Valve for sale
- "X-valve" for sale
- 10 o'clock "X" valve
- etc.