View Full Version : Automag questions (and how much is this setup worth?)

02-25-2002, 10:27 PM
I am thinking of getting back into paintball, and have been looking to pick up a marker. My budget isn't too large, so I have been considering Spyders and such. But, I came across a guy I know who might be selling his automag, and I figured I'd do a little research into them. So, I have a few questions:

1) How does a stock automag compare to a semi-upgraded Spyder Xtra?

2) How does the mag compare to the autococker? It seems that the autococker has a much greater following.

3) How reliable are automags? I always hear people talking about having to constantly fix and repair their higher-end markers, and would like to avoid that.

The other thing I'm wondering about is the value of the package this guy is selling. Here is a pic of the gun:

Automag Picture (http://www.shagnog.com/misc/automag.jpg)

His description: Automag powerfeed, with a $60 venturi bolt, a Dye something or another 14" stainless barrel, 47cu. in. Nitrogen tank, still have the stock venturi bolt, I think I have a remote somewhere maybe, and the gun, barrel, and tank are in a case that I bought and cut the foam to fit.

What do you think this package is worth?

02-25-2002, 10:38 PM
I'd pay 300-350 shipped for it I guess, you'd be more than fine with that maybe get a steel braided hose though. Automag's ARE the MOST reliable guns on the market and if you do have any problems anyone on here can help you or the good people at AGD will always do more than they have to for you. Autocockers are way harder to work with and in the long run, if you upgrade it all the way, you often more than pay what you got it for in the first place. you can not compare sypders and mags, sypders are entry level guns at all most any rate, the mag will be the last gun you will NEED. of course you could upgrade it, but you would'nt have to, nitro, the gun, your good. I've tripped and fell in mud gun first fully submerged underwater for about a half second, pulled the gun out and shot perfectly over and over. My buddy sneezed on his autococker and it started chopping balls(it's true funny story, it was'nt the sneeze though, it just got hit and lost timing or something). hope this helps..........

02-26-2002, 12:28 AM
if the tank is in hydro then about 300-350 sounds good. however i do recomend putting stainless steelline and a new triger frame on there. a double trigger will help a lot.

the probem with spyders is that you may as well get the cheepest one you can since they are all the same gun. if you upgrade one properly it will be a death machine but it will cost you about $700 in upgrades. they are however mostly relyable but you would be better with a pmi peranah of some sort insted. they are the same gun however pmi has better quality controle.

cockers tend to be a bit twitchy, if you don't mind screwing with the thing farly often then they are ok but otherwise i'd stay away from them. the flowing is mostly form mareting and missinformation.

mags are quite reliable markers however when they screw up it's usualy a bit of a pain to find the problem unless you know how they work. you can alwase ask up though and anyone on this board will be glad to help, also AGD's serivce is verry good. however if you want a gun that you can drive over with a truck (i'm not kidding we did this) then a tippmann custom98 is a verry good starter gun with an upgrade path that will allow you to field fire power comperable to anyting out there, the only down side is that it's a bit long fore some peoples tast. (and we realy did drive over one with a truck then gass it up and play all day.)

my best sugestion is to try everying you are considering, even if you can't play a game with them, at least put some paint through them. most people will let you fire a few rounds at a target, particularly if you offer to replace the paint.

the most important part though is that you take whatever marker you get and go have fun with it.

see you on the field.

02-26-2002, 11:57 AM
defintley go with the mag over the spyder, spyder are pretty much junk and are over rated. the mag almost never breaks down, and with upkeep it never will. that package is worth about 300-350, which is a good deal, welcome back to paintball!

[email protected]

02-26-2002, 12:12 PM
go for the gold (the mag):D :D