View Full Version : Offical Tom Kaye Weekend at PB Sam's in Northern California / Sacramento

02-25-2002, 11:43 PM
Nor Cal AO!

I am comin to see ya!! I will be at Paintball Sams two retail stores Friday and Saturday the 15-16th of March in Sacremento CA. On Sunday we will be playing at Paintball Sams and you get the chance to shoot me!

Come by the store and see the new C&C Extreme and we can chat it up. I am counting on you guys so plan that road trip NOW!!

See you there,


02-25-2002, 11:50 PM
it's a little out of my way sorry tom.

hey how about a trip to southern ontario? i'd be up for that.

02-26-2002, 12:51 AM
I plotting and planning. I am planning on playing on Sunday and hopefully the wife will come also (she plays after all). Depending on how much paintball she is willing to put up with I am planning to try and get by the store on Saturday also.

02-26-2002, 01:56 PM
Sweet!!! You lucky So Cal peoples!!! All we got on the East Coast was some crazy SOB named Jon :p :p

He just screamed alot and sprayed and prayed. LOL!!!! Ya know im razzin ya jon!

When ya coming to the NY/NJ/PA area Tom?

02-26-2002, 02:32 PM
Yea Tom, you should come over to the east coast some time. :)

02-26-2002, 02:52 PM
I might play Sat. It is a tough commute back to the Bay Area esp with all the traffic from the ski slopes on Sundays. Hope to see you there.

02-26-2002, 02:53 PM
I should be there, I live in berkeley, so its a little stretch but who cares...

Are you going to be selling Xtreme Emags there?... Can't wait to get my hands on one of these! :)

02-26-2002, 03:01 PM
He is coming out late summer early fall to go fishin' with ME!:D

02-26-2002, 03:05 PM
Awesome Tunama! :D

You guys gonna shoot the fishes with emags? hehe

02-26-2002, 03:06 PM
hey tom you should come out to one of wayne dollack's scenario games. its great, night of the living dead, i was w/ a russian team that played at the world cup & we wiped everyone out(well mostly them but i was w/ them so i count to!:D ). they didnt want to play a night game so we let the 15 of them to go out to a base & take 5 other people against like 120 people. we waited for night fall & we had everyone around the base & about 5 spotlights came out of the woods, & the russian people were running around like chickens w/ their heads cut off. it was a great game, to add onto that my dad won the rainmaker that was given away. tom if you come out you should give away a free e-mag or rt or somthin ;) ;) (to me).TOM, THINK ABOUT IT!

02-26-2002, 05:47 PM
Damn...this might just work...I'll be in San Francisco the 11-18...hmm...not a far drive....:)

02-26-2002, 07:11 PM
Hey muzik (and everyone else who will be in the Bay Area) if you want to arange a carpool or something, lets do that.

PM me if anyone is interested in this!

02-26-2002, 09:37 PM
Hey deded i live in berkeley too and i might be interested in carpooling up. drop me a pm and we can work this out.

02-27-2002, 10:07 PM

I'll try to be there...I don't really have money to play though.

03-02-2002, 06:03 PM
DAG....wish i could drive......hmmm.....any chance of you coming out to east tennessee?sure theirs some people out here that'd like to meet ya:D

03-02-2002, 08:26 PM
how far is that from Rio Vista and can i have directions. i will definatly be there and i will bring my beast so you can meet it and the c&c extreem. i will be there around 5:00 though

~edit~ i just read the dat e at the top of when he'll be there and i cant come. someone told me the 6th and thats the day i was free

03-02-2002, 08:38 PM
well i was dissapointed to find out today that i will not be able to make it as i will be out of town. :mad:

03-03-2002, 05:27 PM
Rio Vista isn't very far at all from sac...

03-06-2002, 12:03 AM
hey tom i will see you at predator and at sams think you can bring a few sb sleeves? let you take a look at my new broken sb =( if you want you can take it back with you but just a replacement sleeve would be great....... oh and you might want to bring a extra high pressure gauge(shows pressure in take) for the flatline 3k.....

03-10-2002, 12:57 PM
I may not be able to go after all...the persons whose house I would stay at has work (he works down here in napa) that whole weekend except saturday, and that day we're going down to Sears Point to watch a friend race.

No source of transportation... http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/depressed.gif

03-11-2002, 08:53 AM
You know you can rent a van and split the cost 3 or 4 ways and it's works out to be fairly cheap.


Hell Tom is Missing the Pevs MegaSale :( I have been trying to get an Extreme from him for the show/sale...

Humm I wonder if I could snag Mannys SFL :)


03-11-2002, 09:31 AM
Does anyone know the address of the store Tom will be at on Sat. the 16th? What time does he plan on being there? I might make the trip up, but since I don't know exactly where it is, I don't want to make the long haul for nothing.

03-11-2002, 12:48 PM
Here you go Blennidae:

03-11-2002, 03:23 PM
San Jose -Silicon Valley AOer's...
I am dying to go to PB Sam's and meet,greet and play with you folks...who all is going and why not caravan...make things easier on traffic and such.

03-11-2002, 03:31 PM

Thats the link to the field. Tom mentioned 2 retail stores Fir and Sat, then playing on Sunday. I am trying to find out which of the 2 stores he will be at on Sat, as thats the only day I have free. Do you know which store and what time?


I was thinking of going up Saturday. I work Sundays, so I can't make the game. If you are interested in that, we might do the carpool.

03-11-2002, 03:34 PM

Sorry about that, I spoke too soon. I looked closer at the link and it has the address for the store he'll be at on Saturday. Thanks.

03-13-2002, 12:47 AM
Well, I talked my friend into driving down on Saturday, so I will be there! It will be fun to meet you all. I will be there unless something serious comes up that prevents me from going.

03-13-2002, 01:39 AM

I am leaving in the morining for Sacremento see you there!!


03-14-2002, 12:08 AM
I'll be driving out on sat. Don't know if I'll be able to hang out sunday. What sort of fun things are planned and when should I get there?

Ninja B0Y
03-15-2002, 09:52 PM
Hey Tom, I play for Pred Factory now. I saw that custom E-Mag you made for Oh, it's pretty sweet. Anyway, I won't be there but I hope you guys have a blast!

03-15-2002, 10:54 PM
i thought that oh turned down the emags for pred or something. well anyways i assume you know chad marino. i know him from some friends of mine.

03-16-2002, 04:51 PM
Just got back from Sams got my broken superbolt fixed and Tom showed us some sweet stuff he is working on....first time i shot a e-mag and it was a low pressure super emag at that, oooooo all i can say is sweeeeeeet.

03-16-2002, 10:55 PM
Ran into Tom at Predator saturday,I think i talked his ear off for 4 hours(poor guy).I just got to say he was really down to earth and answered all my questions(all 100 of them)
He let me check out all his prototype and personal guns as well as shoot one at a chrono range,and also gave me and a couple of guys a complete breakdown of the warp feed,and I mean complete,while eating pizza without missing a beat.If any of you guys get the opportunity to visit him,DO IT,it will be well worth your time.
Thanks Tom,

03-17-2002, 09:27 AM
WAAAAAAA I cant go to Sams....bah I hate all my friends, they pulled out at the last moment (Sunday morning) .....Tom you have to come back now and play again.

03-18-2002, 02:29 PM
Oh well, missed that one by a week. I'll be in San Fran This weekend comming up:(