View Full Version : superbolt woe's

02-25-2002, 11:43 PM
i have played with my superbolt and 3 seperate occasions. when it's in good functional order, it shoots great. really consistant, no breaks, chops, yadda yadda yadda. however, i keep losing the damn fomies. i lost one on each time i used it. i now have no more. obviously, the only thing it's good for after you lose the foamie is just seeing how much paint you can put in the barrel. this last one i thought for usre i wouldn't loose. i put so much super glue on it. it sat for about 5 days. what am i doing wrong. someone help me out.

02-26-2002, 12:30 AM
you could try epoxy insted of super glue it may work better.

02-26-2002, 01:24 AM
Scrape off the old epoxy on the bolt surface and then if you have a dremel use the roughing bit to make the surface more textured so the glue will have more to bite into. Get a good epoxy like Loctite 404 Instant Adhesive. I've been using it since I got my Superbolt and haven't lost a foamie yet.

02-26-2002, 05:14 AM
How about this? Return the bolt until AGD can make it right?

I am all for AGD, and think they are a great company, but all these “home fixes” for a stated “superior product” does not put them in the best light.

So far if you bought the bolt and it works great, you have no problems and will claim it is the best thing since sliced bread…. But if you bought the bolt (like MANY have) and keep having to mess with it, glue stuff to it, send it back because it cracks, etc., the only thing super about it is that it is a super pain in the rear.

It is a great idea, but looks like it just need a bit more refining. And as a consumer, I would never buy a product still in the development stage, or that needs that much refining. It also leads to wild stories floating around… and they ARE floating around. I was just asked about them the other day. The guy was worried that the bolt he purchased would break and send parts flying out his barrel and hurt other players.

(Note: Edited part was for duplicate words, not content.)

02-26-2002, 09:22 AM
Ragu couple questions
1 what generation is your superbolt, did it come from agd with foamy or did you do it yourself?
2 what brand super glue are you using?

i belive the foamies are considered wear items. My Long nose original foamy bolt requires superglue for the foamies. I don't send that back to agd every time i need to reglue them. If this is a product fault then it invloves a hell of a lot more than just superbolts... It's amazing that the damn things stay on at all. Think about all the stresses involved on the foamie. Bolt shooting forward and retracting in 20 ms and a blast of HP air. I think he is also missing somthing in glueing the foamy because i just lost my 1st foamy after about 20 cases of paint. The gun was used before that as well.
lol that got long, this is not meant to be offensive to anyone just my opinion.


02-26-2002, 09:27 AM
shartly, first of all you're a computer user, you should know what beta testing is all about, what do you think tom has us doing. second fomies coming off has alwase been and issue. that's why you order them in 4 packs for $.75 each. the cracking was and issue however i think that's mostly reslolved. AGD doesn't have the resorces to do full testing under every condition, so they relay on us. and i mean when tom offers us somthing and sais ok i need testers, if you don't want to be a guinny pig then don't just hold off for a few months untill others have found all the bugs.

02-26-2002, 12:03 PM
Sounds to me Shartley is doing exactley what you recommend - he's waiting until the bolts get all the bugs out and then he'll consider buying. Smart.

Never buy a version 1.0 software and never buy a car the first year the model is released. Of course, I've done both...

02-26-2002, 12:29 PM
The foamie issue has been something people have been fighting for 10+ years. I always use to blow foamies off my old SS bolts in my original mags. It's not a design flaw, it's the fact that you are attaching a piece of foam to a piece of steel and putting it under a lot of stress as the air passes bay it. You do not want to use a super glue, as just about every one pointed out, use an apoxy. I am still shooting the original foamie bolts in my two Automags and as long as they are afixxed correctly, they can take a real beating before they blow off.

02-26-2002, 11:37 PM
well, despite their inconsistancies, i am currently using ans phase II venturi bolt. when i chrono with these bolts, i get any varicance to 10+/- fps. however, i never chop. they have the foamie in the center of both of them. both of them superglued on. they are still both on their original foamies. i've had my first ans bolt for about 2 years now. they are inconsistant, but they never chop. the superbolt worked great, but once the foamie comes off, it's nothing but a blender. and i can't seem to keep them on the damn bolt. i really am considering sending it back. i will try the apoxy. i'm assuming probably get it from a hardware store or home depot. i'll look into it when i get a chance. after that, i think it's dumping the superbolt time. we'll see. first i have to get more foamies. pain in the...............

02-27-2002, 12:32 AM
I have always thought that they should have a hole in the middle that you can thread a plastic screw into that holds the foamie in place. There would be a recessed hole in the foamie that the screw could sit in so that the head of the screw is lower than the rest of foamie surface. I will try making one.


02-27-2002, 09:33 AM
this thread should be called the:

"Not so Super" bolt woes

i just think that if its having problems take it back, i woudnt settle for anything less than perfect if im spending 55 bucks on a bolt, i would like it to work flawlessly


02-27-2002, 09:42 AM
First off, I tried epoxy on my foamie, and it sucked. So I scratched up the tip of the bolt, and then used superglue. Foamie has stayed on through 6000 to 8000 shots so far, working great.

That loctite 404 adhesive is the same thing as Superglue, Black, compare the ingredients :)

But rubber doesn't like to stick to metal, thats just the way it is. Its a wear item, and although it should last more than a day, it won't last forever. Scratch up the bolt surface before you superglue, however, and it should last a while.

Shartley, this basically has nothing to do with the superbolt. This is a fact of foamie bolts which has existed for many years.