View Full Version : Mancow this morning

02-26-2002, 09:28 AM
Anyone listen this morning? They were saying air america was making him a custom hpa tank, he's like "You paintball geek I don't even know what that is" and their like, "well i think paintballs are propelled by compressed air or something" He never once mentioned tom kaye :( but went on and on about shatner blah blah blah I like mancow and all but he was making me want to light him up come shatnerball :) hehe oh yeah I'll be there all rigth.

02-26-2002, 09:58 AM
Listening to Mancow talk about paintball is painful. I didn't hear about his special tank this morning.
I still have to be on his team.

02-26-2002, 10:13 AM
Listening to him talk about ANYTHING is painful.

02-26-2002, 10:14 AM
Screw being on mancow's team, i'm signing up for Tom Kaye as my first choice so we can get all the ao'ers over there :)

Tim Jacobitz
02-26-2002, 10:38 AM
I have heard you guys talk about him. From what I have heard he sounds like a dj who is a howard stern rip off. Is he going to play in shanterball? Am I reght in my assumptions? If so how can I hear his show? I am going to shanter ball and will be on tom kayes team. If he is talking smack I want to hear it. It sounds like he has never played paintball before and thinks its a dumb man sport. If so he is in for a rude awaking

02-26-2002, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by Shaft
I still have to be on his team.

Do I spy our secret double agent? :D hehehe

Your sacrifice will be great for AO...

Nothing like the use of an inside assasin to make someone paranoid :) Such efforts have been known to sway events and win big games!

There are huge points for eliminating an opposing general... Friendly fire counts... (and the USA is renowned for it's abilities there :) )

Go get him Shaft ;)


02-26-2002, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by manike
Go get him Shaft ;)


Ha ha ha!
Mancow will probably bail when he learns that there is a possibility of a assasin/spy on his team.

02-26-2002, 12:25 PM
Shhhh don't tell him


02-26-2002, 02:48 PM
Ok, Im lost too. Who/What is Mancow? What doesn he have to do with Shatnerball? Does he play? How does he know Tom? Is Tom going to beat him up?

02-26-2002, 03:10 PM
mancow is a howard stern type shock jock based out of our beloved Chicago. The difference between him and the stern is that mancow is a card carryin' gun totin' republican, with a social agenda believe it or not.

Anyways I'm sure one of the reasons he agreed to do this is 'cause he supports firearms rights (yay), and maybe even wants to give paintball a shot.

As far as famousness goes, Mancow is a nationally syndicated guy, a couple levels below stern and limbaugh in popularity, but only a couple. He's got his following.

Anyone else notice how many mancow workers now work for 94.7?? Brian the big gay mule is now brian the whipping boy, etc. JVO made the move too.

Back to paintball, I signed up to be on Mr. Kaye's team, simply 'cause I'm scared to death of what an emag can do. I've been on the receiving end of the speed-dart-shootin crazy gun one too many times! You'll know me cause i'll probably be one of the only folks on the AO team with a 'cocker in hand :) I'll be wearin my AO lanyard fer sure!

See you guys out there, can't wait till August 31!

02-26-2002, 03:22 PM
what station is he on?
just wondering

i wanna listen in, i like howard stern but this guy is prolly an imposter


02-26-2002, 03:24 PM
101.1 i do believe, and he's on in the mornings.. some funny stuff on his show, i really cant complain about it too much

94.7 is much less hype/better music selection imho, but they dont got mancow ... yet ;)