View Full Version : banning nitrogen

02-26-2002, 11:34 AM
hello i am here to state a big dissapointment to me and others who go to promisedland in wisconsin

they have decided to rid their park of tournament players because they say the tourney players beat up on rec-ballers. the way they are doing this is by getting rid of nitrogen and compressed air. Now they dont sell air they allow people with air to come but they might not after this little campaign to save rec-ballers from being beat on.

i consider my self a dedicated rec-baller. i like to play in the woods and in scenario type games. i am really looking forward to playing one of the 24hour games that wayne dollack coordinates. And guess what i have a mag a good, reliable, "tourney level gun" which will run awesome on nitrogen. promisedland is banning it to stop tourney players with huge artillery from blasting newbies well i agree that some(some) players do do this but its also the newbie who doesnt know when to stop firing or gets trigger happy.

the solution to just ban nitrogen is ridiculous my friend just upgraded his custom 98 into a low pressure gun and spent alot of money and he wont be able to use it at the field and it is his only gun!!!

so if anyone would like to give me more arguments to save nitro players and ways to eliminate "tourney newbie recball killers" and if you would like to see their site or read about this act go to

thank you and please help

02-26-2002, 11:43 AM
That is hella lame... Boycott the field... Get all the nitro people to pickett... Viva La Nitro!!!

02-26-2002, 11:44 AM
maybe they should just get better refs.

02-26-2002, 11:50 AM
I'd recommend going to another field. Try Paintball Sam's. Its in Wisconsin and only a few minutes north of Promiseland on Highway K.

I wonder if being a 'religious' field has some influence on Promiselands decision to ban compressed air. Makes you look nice to the newbies but bad for business. :rolleyes:

Face it, fields probably get up to 70% of their income from 'tournament' players. If it's true, they'll probably change their minds next year.

I just checked out Promiseland's website. Go here for info on the nitro ban. http://www.promisedland.com/paintball/nitro.html

02-26-2002, 12:05 PM
thats one of our points to get better or more refs.

i have played their for a while and i have noticed what people do there will always be some jack#@@ that will shoot at the newbies whenever he gets the chance and always will there be a person who overkills so it wont solve anything to get rid of nitro imean some guns only work on nitro or atleast work better on it. my minimag hates co2 and the cold and even in the summer it has problems nitrogen is the key towards my guns happiness.

they want to become a purely rec-ball field that doesnt mean they must get rid of nitro. i want it to be a rec-ball field i am a recballer but this is one bad thing their doin.....

anyone that knows about promised land or is a member please email them to make them see our points.

p.s. their fields are really nice thats why i dont want to leave them

02-26-2002, 12:22 PM
i did my share by emailing them

02-26-2002, 12:28 PM
who cares anyways....sams is 5x as good as promiseland is anyways. that's why i went there 2x and haven't been there since....

02-26-2002, 12:31 PM
Haven't been there yet, but would like to at least be able to go there and use my troublemaking marker...

Email complete.

02-26-2002, 12:42 PM
Ive known fields that arent friendly to anyone who has something better than a tippmann with a bent barrel. They have thier church groups and boy scouts and they dont care if anyone else plays there or not. They make enough with those groups and cater to them.

If this field doesnt have that kind of groups locked in then they will have to revert once they loose business..

course - what will they do when you still whup up on the newbies with a CO2 powered Sniper 2? <evil grin>

02-26-2002, 01:20 PM
wow 95 bucks a case

i wouldnt go there anyways!
thats horrendous

02-26-2002, 01:30 PM
$95 to play on a crapp field....lol I didn't remember paint prices being that high because this was a while ago -even before I had even my old 68 mag....i probably bought 500 rounds or less while there. but anyways, i say we ban "promised land" reguardless of whether they actually get rid of nitro or not. Just the fact that they're considering it shows that they're a shallow organization and I won't give them my business. besides why play there when pb sams is so close and has tons of cool people with better prices and better fields? I just think it's funny that they're trying to discriminate based on what marker you own....If it is a religious organization like you say I wonder if they only allow certain people to join there church or whatever too..."Sorry johnny but your father was an evil man, you can't worship here."

02-26-2002, 01:44 PM
that is sooo lame it is not even funny...

*EDIT- I e-mailed them and asked if the were going to ban people with revvys and aftermarket barrels to :D

02-26-2002, 01:45 PM
A standard mag on CO2 will still drop the bomb on their SL-68II's and Pro-Ams and 98's. Get a good expansion chamber and a remote and show them what it's about - heck, get a phantom and show them what 10 well placed shots will do. I do feel bad for your buddy that just built his marker to be LP, tho.

02-26-2002, 01:49 PM
I have heard other fields complain about “tourney players” as well.

What I find, is that they really don’t have a problem with Tourney Players, they have a problem with attitudes, and bad behavior…. Something that unfortunately goes with many tourney players. This is not saying that ONLY tourney players are this way, but they tend to stand out in a group. So they (some field owners) think if they get rid of ALL tourney players, they solve their problems… WRONG. They lose business from players who normally can afford more paint, more air, and generally more paintball supplies and equipment.

I personally think getting rid of trash is a good idea, but I would advise doing so by enforcing rules, field ethics, and standards of behavior.. NOT by making it so that dedicated players can’t play. And NO player should be penalized because they put more money into their equipment.

Here in NH there are many fields, and some are dedicated to the rec player while others are designed for the tourney player…. And both do quite well. I have even seen them send players to the other fields if they were clearly not at the right “type” of field for their style of play. This works out GREAT.

You end up with fields working together, and everyone benefits… the fields, and the players. It then is not a matter of a “good field” or a “bad field” but one that is most appropriate for YOUR style of play.

02-26-2002, 01:59 PM
Thats OK, just buy a Shocker and go beat the crap out of all of those newbies!!! WUSSIES!!!!!!!! lol!!! :D :p

haha no seriously, the gun dosent make the player, although it does increase a persons game. Just like putting Donut Tires on a ferrari. Its still a MEAN machine, it just cant go to its full potential. I say, take a bunch of tourney guys and give em rentals, TEE HEE!

02-26-2002, 04:13 PM
Geez, i saw the reasoning on their web site. Boy do they sound silly - how long has the owner been in paintball? there are numerous ways to deal with their "problem"

02-26-2002, 04:40 PM
I agree that the refs should help. I am a ref and player at the field I have been playing at for a long time now. On saturdays, we normally have a ton of walk-ons. Either being first time players or the seasoned players. Most of the time, I know everyone of the seasoned players. I tell them to take it easy on the newbies. Don't scare them away. When I play, and there are alot of new people, I either bunker tag them, or just do a one shot thing. Just be easy on them. Also, this is what the owner does sometimes. If we end up having alot of good players and alot of newbs...he would just split up the walkon's into 2 different groups. Easy solution. That so sucks about the nitro thing. See ya.

02-26-2002, 05:39 PM
hey I was there a while ago and they gave me some she cause I brought my ReTro mag there and laid down some paint. The ref kept standing right next to me and looking right at me so they knew where I was. Then he "politely" asked me to get rid of my ghillie suit cause it was "unfair" I told him fine but its not like my camo was winning the game. Then he got shot by some spray and pray of a guy on my team and told us that if we do it again hes going to get us kicked out. So I told some of the other guys w/ me and we went and got some friends piranhas and tippmanns went back and opened up on them again once again victorious. We explained its not the gun that makes the player and left with that silent honor that we all know and love. Well I have never gone back there and I think that APOCOLYPSE paintball is like the best place for pb in wisconsin. Its far away (near madison) but it is so worth it.... check that out and my fellow wisconsinites and supporters we shall rise against the promise land.

02-26-2002, 06:42 PM
As a Moderator on www.automags.org , I became concerned after a few of our members reported that you were stopping the sale of nitrogen at your field, due to the actions of tourney players.

In your own words, " We have relatively few incidents of people causing problems at Promised Land Paintball. In the rare cases when we have people causing problems, it is virtually always tournament players. There are not many tournament players that play at Promised Land Paintball, and virtually all of them use Nitrogen/Compressed Air." This is a terrible indictment of tourney players, when you have not proven they are a considerable problem.

"Relatively few incidents", In the rare case", "virtually always" . This looks rather silly, doesn't it? If you are indeed having conflicts with a few players, are you positive they are tourney players and not simply people with expensive guns? As you say, they do not have "tourney player" on their foreheads.

You say; " Helping a teenager develop an inner desire to be responsible and accountable takes lots of dedicated effort. Some of the very things that often draw teens into trouble, such as a search for fun and excitement, can be the very same things which can be used to help keep them on a straight track. You just need to have the patience, understanding, firm resolve, lots of imagination, and some of those embers of your own youth still burning inside. But most of all, you need a deep desire and dedication within yourself to make a positive difference in the lives of our young people." Are you forgetting this? As a Christian myself, I, too, would rather teach than punish. Would it not be more profitable for young minds to be taught fair and honest play, rather than simply punish all for the deeds of a "rare few"?

Your Refs have the most say during a game. If a player is overshooting, then out that player and explain why. If a player is obviously targeting a "newbie", then take the offending player aside and explain, that his actions may cause the less experienced player, to never play again, and that would not be good for him, the newb, or the field. Clearly inform all during the safety brief, that overshooting or hunting new players will not be tolerated and the offender will be asked to leave. This is what we have done at our local field, and it worked. We now have well behaved players that help and encourage new players, whether they own a Talon or Emag. We also encourage tourney players to play our field, for their presence shows the new people that they too, can become a better player with time and practice.

I ask that your nitro ban be disolved, and ask the experienced players to help the new players during the day. Everyone wins, and your field will be talked about favorably.

David , aka Army

02-26-2002, 07:00 PM
Army, you da man.

02-26-2002, 07:08 PM
I spoke to one of the owners today at lunch. They were quite happy to speak with me today.... and were amazed at the responce they got. I gained much respect for them today... I will be becoming a member there just to have a place to bring my friends who aren't ready for country club, and don't want to deal with the BS at CPX.

Very simply the field is private. They are trying to keep the games tame and easy for newbies to handle. Their own family memebers avoid playing there as to not ruin the atmosphere. The field is private so they can preserve the gentle ball ideal.

The idea is that it'll be a game between friends.... Not the mock tourament games that a lot of players are in search of.

The Banning nitrogen thing.. isn't happening. They just aren't going to fill it (they don't have the equipment.. and I understand their logic.. if it's a bit misguided.) The woman i spoke to understood my point on hating hot shots.. and why I ran nitrogen.

The jersey thing in their rules came from a few occations of a group of players... TWiB's IHMO... Who came as a team to storm the field. A set of 5 teammembers can flatten 50 newbies, and really provide a rotten experience for all.

This field IS NOT for playing balls to the wall, all out paintball. Think of it as a low stress game. I have some friends who could really use this atmosphere to re-aquaint them to the game. Or a place to go, for the disenchanted paintball player.

This place sounds nice....... it's NOT a place to hone and breed your skills. When I go, I'm showing up, PGP in hand. Jersey on. With a cocker and a mag to loan out. And I won't be turned away.

If you don't like it. Don't go. If you want high intensity... apoc, CCP and CPX will take your buisness...

02-26-2002, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by Scooter/Cootie
I'd recommend going to another field. Try Paintball Sam's. Its in Wisconsin and only a few minutes north of Promiseland on Highway K.

Face it, fields probably get up to 70% of their income from 'tournament' players. If it's true, they'll probably change their minds next year.

this field RECCOMENDS players who want to play hard to go elsewhere. Their own family plays at other fields when they want.... an intense game.

The field makes most of their money on church groups and clubs. they could live without open play entirely.

As for religion... The only religon you'll find is the fish, and a prayer before the day of play. they are accepting of all.

Yes.. i'm defending the field.. we need fields like this. to keep players... refreshed and alive. Burnout sucks.

02-26-2002, 07:22 PM
ah go buy a scuba tank or 2 & charge your own prices to people:D

02-26-2002, 08:55 PM
Dont live near there, but that just sounds ridiculous. They're asking for a decrease in profits with a ban on N2/HPA

02-26-2002, 09:07 PM
the difference is maybe 5 players a week. they aren't a "public" field. You can't just show up on saturday and expect to play.

02-26-2002, 09:25 PM
if they dont want your money just dont go there...

every field owner has the right to set whatever rules they want, no matter how lame.

if mcdonalds wants to stop selling burgers then so be it. sucks to those who like mcdonalds hamburgers, but im sure capitolism will solve the problem quickly.

02-26-2002, 09:40 PM
thanks to all those who have helped and also those who have seen this thread. I enjoy playing there very much and cant wait till the season opens. their fields are good and i like that they do cater to the newbie which is the future of paintball(read that in a magazine) and really is how this sport continues to thrive.

the fact that a field would do this to remove their problems is stupid i have played there many times and i think they have to have more refs and an addition to their safety talk.

Thank you army for responding

the only thing i have had problems with at this field is this one now on the ban...

it seems that it will not work in their favor anyway. i have emailed them several times so has my friend. they have not responded, but i do believe i shall give them a call...


02-26-2002, 11:54 PM
it seems that it will not work in their favor anyway.
then the problem will solve itself. just give it time.

02-27-2002, 06:00 AM
Sorry to hear that, but Promiseland is a very Rec field. Infact, their main purpose is to cater to youth and mens groups. In their opinion, letting these people have a good team is worth more than making some extra money on the tourny players who may have visted their field.

I will send aletter though.

02-27-2002, 07:19 AM
My advice is pick up a nice shocker with a maxflo reg. Then rip em up :)

02-27-2002, 12:47 PM
"My advice is pick up a nice shocker with a maxflo reg. Then rip em up" thordic, don't contribute to the problem. if you go around ripping all the newbies. we will not have anyone playing paintball.

02-27-2002, 12:58 PM
i think his point is you dont need nitrogen to rip on newbies. anyone with any gun can ruin a newbies day.

02-27-2002, 01:55 PM
this field seems like the opisite of a local field, it is common to see the players there with a gun setup in the area of 2000 bucks and with 2/3 of the players walking around with a freak kit(most of these are relatively newer/younger players). when i played there a month ago, there was a table of 5 kids, from 12 - 14 years old, all with guns in the 2000 range. they were going around stealing chairs, talkin s***, walking around like a jt ad.

i have been playing for about 6 years. i would raither play on a field like promise land than a field than the one listed above. some of my best memories of paintball were at fox river games playing with a rental pump.

if you send an email demanding them to change their rules and don't get a reply. i wouldn't be shocked, if i were in their shoes, i wouldn't reply to an internet troll that wants to stir up some muck on a field that is out of his area, and is never likley to play on.

02-27-2002, 03:53 PM
I will wright to them. thats crap!

02-27-2002, 04:06 PM
hey! im the guy with the 98 custom and the LP parts.

they don't sell the nitro, but allow it there, or did allow it there, maybe. the enviroment is nice there. its not really competative. the problem does come in with attitude, as some of you have put it. walking back to the hospital in a ressurection game, i was shot four times in the right side. the only person around me was the shooter and i had been yelling 'Hit' every 2 paces. tell me thats not malice, but the story gets better: when i told the ref, she damn near ignored me. what she did was worse, though. she listened to my compaint and then did nothing. "we want a nice enviroment"....yeah...ok...

i think they just like banning things. i sent them a letter myself. proper english and all. i gave them a few ideas to use instead and got a generic letter back. sam's is starting to sound better and better to me!!

02-27-2002, 04:07 PM
If a Rec-oriented field wants to ban Nitro, I don't have too many problems with that. I'm a good enough player that I'll do fine shooting my Spyder TL or PMI-68 instead of my Defiant or RT. The field seems to cater primarily to private groups, like on of the fields I play at regularily. When I play at Weekend Warriors up in Sudbury, there have been times when Vince(The Owner) has asked us to take it easy, or to play pump because of new players, when it's just 'The Boys' we do tend to go all out, and the paint just flies. That's the way the game goes, I don't play as hard when I'm playing with a bunch of newbies as I do when I'm playing against a bunch of hard-core players, it isn't any fun to do so.

02-28-2002, 07:17 AM
This right here:
<B>And it's also NOT our goal to completely eliminate them from Promised Land Paintball. But, if we want to mainly cater to Rec Ball players, we need to reduce the numbers of tournament players at Promised Land Paintball, or at least limit the increase in the numbers of tournament players.</B>

I know they meant to state this differently, but "limit the increase in the numbers of tournament players."? That alone, being in all likelihood, mistated is very disturbing.
I'm not going to go into some deep and philosophical drama about things that are a tune to ridding the earth of something someone else doesn't like. I will say though, and this is either a quote from someone who's had murphy kick him/her in the *** once too many times or it's straight from the Bible, "The path to ruin is paved with good intentions."

Here's my humble and as honest as possible opinion. If thier rules, guidelines and staff don't agree with your sensibilities, tell them you had fun. Thank them for letting you play. Move on to a different field if you can.
If someone asks you about the place, kindly say what good you can, state that you have your own personal reasons for not playing there but would rather not go into detail.
If you're going to boycott, don't do it real visible or rudely, this sport has a bad enough time with CBS and Extreme Stupidity shows giving it a bad name.

If any of you south eastern Wisconsin or north eastern Ilinois paintballers wanna hook up and go check out new fields, send me a message, I'll go with ya. I'm always game.

Btw: No field is perfect, if it is, congratulations. You've made it to the paintball heaven if there is one.

02-28-2002, 11:57 AM
first off, a few questions, do any wisconsinites know of any sup airball fields in WI? second may i suggest screamin acres it is a great competitive atmosphere with a good spectator zone. they also have an indoor sup air field

02-28-2002, 05:58 PM
Apocalypse is supposedly going to have sup air on one of thier fields this upcoming season. I can call a guy I know on Team Absolut who's team is sponsered by Apocalypse and find out for sure. I think Team Storm Front might have a mock-up Sup air ball field they built for thier own practices but I could be wrong as they might have built a hyperball field.

02-28-2002, 06:28 PM
Junglecat Paintball out by Watertown has a sup air field... never actually seen it up, but I've only been by there a couple times when it was really slow.

Click here for a map (http://www.junglecatpaintball.com/fieldmap.htm). Check out the top right corner, near the parking area... you'll see "Inflatables". That's it.

PHISH, were you at Screamin Acres on Sunday? I think we're teamates. lol


TKO Automag 68
02-28-2002, 07:12 PM
i play rec and tourney, i don't beat up newbies, but i have a r/t pro. now i can't run co2 on my gun but if they don't sell it at that field how would i play? thank god i don't live wherever that is or i would be buying an air compressor..lol

02-28-2002, 07:16 PM
storm front has a hyperball field i think....

Navy Seal
02-28-2002, 08:29 PM
I love my field-Velocity Paintball in Ramona CA. They mostly have tourny and pros there. Heck, I LOVE getten bunkered, it builds character! If a noob or Rec- player complains, all they do is say, "Thats your problem!" I love my field!:D

02-28-2002, 08:46 PM
my field has like 15 regs all shooting electroguns and nitro. and then 3 of us have AGD guns:D . we play like turny but its strictly reck. nubys now what to expect when they get there when they see all nitro and all electro guns. thats fast shooting and turny like play. I love my field too.

03-01-2002, 06:26 AM
yeah i was there sunday, i was shooting the silver spyder compact w/ the brown flex musta been in an open game

03-01-2002, 07:23 AM
Hey, look up my email addie on the members search and email me. I wanna get together with other Mag owners in the area for some games. Hysperion, I've reffed you before and you've been cool enough to give me a lift home from Dave's.
Man, if I'd known who you were here I'd have had you pick up the parts I needed for my inteliframe link to my warp :D

Anyways, email me guys, we can have a mini-AO outting. Maybe we could posse up to the Country Club, Sam's or maybe Apocalypse. If we beg enough, maybe Tom can spare us some time and join us ;)

Anyways, y'all email me....

03-16-2002, 11:47 PM
I wanna get some of you guys together to play some ball. Click on this link for more info. <B>PM me if you need more info.</B>


Really, all I gotta say is you have to see this place to get the full effect of how big this place is. It'll be worth the reasonably brief drive on out. If you know someone who's on the forum who you think might be interested in coming out to play some ball, let em know.