View Full Version : Carrier Stuck Inside PowerTube - I'm guessing this is causing the leak

03-10-2015, 09:41 AM
Hey guys, first post here :)
Got an automag at the beginning of the year but haven't really played with it yet due to leaks. When I aired it up for the first time their was quite a bit of leaking down the barrel. I'd done my research and knew to put a drop or two of oil in the ASA and that definitely helped, there's a lot less leaking now, but the marker's still leaking. I read somewhere that if the leak stops when I hold down the trigger (which it does) then it's a problem with the power tube or bolt.
I took the marker apart and found that the carrier is stuck in firmly, really tight. Does this mean that the carrier being used is too large? A few others came with the marker so I can try those if I can get the current one out.
So first question: Is this the reason the marker's leaking?
If so, how do I get it out without damaging O-rings or the power tube inside?

More info: It's got the lvl 10 bolt and X-valve. I can show some pictures of the internals if anyone needs.

Can't wait to get this sorted and start playing with my Automag, thanks for any and all help!

03-10-2015, 09:50 AM
Yes, you need the next smallest carrier. Use the field strip screw to remove it.

03-10-2015, 12:53 PM
I just use an o-ring pick to get the carrier out. You work it one side at a time; it'll come out. Once it's out, use the next smallest carrier to stop the leak. You want to keep the same o-ring that's inside the currently installed carrier; the carriers are there to give the o-ring a proper fit to the bolt stem. You want to use the largest carrier that does not cause it to leak down the barrel. Here is a carrier size chart:


03-10-2015, 04:35 PM
Don't use an oring pick. You will scratch and nick the oring. Screw the field strip screw right in there and pull. Works every time.

03-11-2015, 11:12 AM
Used the screw to get the carrier out. Never actually knew it could be used for that. Went from the 1 carrier to the 0.5 carrier and it seems like it works! :D
Thank you so much for help, guys! Looking forward to getting to play in the next few weeks!

03-11-2015, 11:19 AM
Don't use an oring pick. You will scratch and nick the oring. Screw the field strip screw right in there and pull. Works every time.

i hook in behind the washer.