View Full Version : Hunger Moon @ Skirmish USA

02-26-2002, 11:52 AM
Hunger Moon 12 Hour Scenario- Skirmish USA- March 9th

Who's going? I'll be on the native american team. Good luck to all going!

02-26-2002, 02:24 PM
me and ken are going guess we will be injun too,i think there is another thread on this

02-26-2002, 02:26 PM
yeah chris, lets be native americans since our fellow AOers are also

[email protected]

02-26-2002, 02:30 PM
**** man dont you have anything better to do than stalk the bords, i have an excuse im at work

02-26-2002, 02:38 PM
I think there was another thread .. but anywho.. I'll be there early (also on the Native American side.. woot pc!) Bringing about 15 or so friends, but I'll try to save a spot for AO members if ya's want (at the pavilion.. probably the first one ya see when ya walk into the picnic area) Someone bring a camera, group photo! See ya's there..

02-26-2002, 02:48 PM
no chris your excuse is that your gay. anyway i'm at school with 2 hours to kill so eat it u dumbass.( we're friends so don't say anything about us flaming eachother.)

[email protected]

02-26-2002, 04:50 PM
i'll be there with some of my peeps.

02-26-2002, 05:04 PM
I am going am I am on the navtive american team, All of us Aoer's will have to play as a group with all of our friends. I will be looking for everyone so let each other know what you will be playing in.

I will be using my american bdus with an AO patch on the sleve and I will probilbly be wearing my moccasons so look for me and we can link up!

02-26-2002, 05:40 PM
ahh i wanted to go but I cant, forgot I gotta take the Praxis Teachers Cert. test at my stooopid University. While you guys are out having fun, I'll be taking a 3 hour test. whoo hoo me! :mad:

02-26-2002, 10:07 PM
I'll be looking for everybody, although I think I might be a little easier to find. I'll be with a 6'3" guy with handlebar mustache and a mohawk. Don't ask... However, if you see a Blue Xterra with a bunch of stickers on it, that's me.

02-27-2002, 09:11 AM
yeah, dorksquad and i will be there, i will be wearing a red winter beanie and a green JT jersey but i'll look for u guys too.

ps. i used to be dorksquad55, but my name won't work anymore so i started a new one.

[email protected]

02-27-2002, 11:21 AM
probably wearing some green camo pants and some kinda green shirt (hey.. i'm unoriginal) Just look for the guy lugging the big heavy Emag setup :D BTW... just called and asked they'll be starting to check-in around 8am.. but I'll probably be around before then.. probably easiest to find everyone if we all get there a little early ..

02-27-2002, 06:31 PM
Okay guys I will be on the look out for everyone!

03-06-2002, 01:23 PM
We're in Final Approach to March 9th. Hope to see as many AO members as possible. (On my side, not on the other end of my barrel) ;) :D

03-12-2002, 10:44 AM
Well, it was an ok scenario. We didn't get ANY of the nice weather promised. It was foggy, cold and wet, all day/night long. So that kinda sucked- although the foggy conditions made it kinda cool- you didn't quite know who was out there. As for the scenario itself, a good idea, except they were to reliant on props for points. It was more like a scavenger hunt than a scenario... Go, get stuff, bring it back. The other problem was the insertion points. They kept changing where the new players came in. There was one point on an open road where both sides were in the woods, and one team (cavalry) would get inserted right there, where as the Sioux got inserted WAY back in the woods. And it's not like it happened once, it happened all day long. (made for good firefights, but the Sioux were destined to lose b/c of lack of reinforcements) I met up with a few AO members- but I forget their names- Sorry guys! The next Scenario in our area is at Roughneck Paintball (www.roughneckpaintball.com) in April. Hope to see some AO people there!

03-12-2002, 08:31 PM
it was an alright scenario, i had fun too, except the rain and the cavalry cheating by reinserting without judges.
