View Full Version : my spin on a wedge desig, direct mount design.

03-17-2015, 09:48 PM
, Will Not Be making T-Slot version or a Dovetail version right now, if i do make them ill start a different thread
let me know what you think,
it has captured hardware, so the asa screws to nuts that are captured in the design.

this design is just for direct mount asas' for the moment.

super simple design popped into my head over lunch today.:D

this design can of course be improved.

**do you want me to keep the sides blank? or would you like me to dirty it up with my initials in a half assed design.

I of course have other colors. :D

03-17-2015, 09:52 PM
for those wanting pics of how the inside works.
that will come in due time.

I am now working with 2 3D printers the 3rd is on its way.

03-18-2015, 07:18 AM
**do you want me to keep the sides blank? or would you like me to dirty it up with my initials in a half assed design. :stick:

Dirty it up.


03-18-2015, 10:23 AM
lol I don't know why I put the stick poke in lol

design has had some meat taken away so it is now smaller.

ill be trying to do a dovetail and t-slot version next

03-18-2015, 10:50 PM
working on the tslot now.

03-18-2015, 11:47 PM
T slot works, now need to throw in some captured hardware, for a real test.

now we move to the dovetail.

this is cool :D

and fun.

03-21-2015, 05:46 PM
t slot wedge mounted, Will Not Be making this version or a dove tail version right now, if i do make them ill start a different thread
pops asa in place.
its looking good.
don't mind the black marks I was hitting it with a hammer, testing it. :tard:
I have modified the design to be a little shorter out the back, this is not represented in this prototype.
more to come after I get a dove tail proto done.
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150321_174848_060_zps0dd44ca6.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150321_174848_060_zps0dd44ca6.jpg.html)
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150321_174832_070_zps25b7ffa3.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150321_174832_070_zps25b7ffa3.jpg.html)
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150321_174840_315_zpscb42cd3d.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150321_174840_315_zpscb42cd3d.jpg.html)

03-22-2015, 12:09 PM
once my emag battery packs get done im going to work on the dovetail design.

03-22-2015, 01:15 PM
Can it be slimmed down a bit? In the pics it seems kind of big and blocky.

03-22-2015, 01:31 PM
Can it be slimmed down a bit? In the pics it seems kind of big and blocky.
you want it skinnier?
its as wide as the frame .75"

I guess I can slim it down some.

03-22-2015, 01:38 PM
different versions I have dinked with, they look childish to me.
but then again they are plastic.
these are .75" wide as well though,

http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150322_134708_784_zpse4ed1a41.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150322_134708_784_zpse4ed1a41.jpg.html)
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150322_134718_544_zps2386241d.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150322_134718_544_zps2386241d.jpg.html)

03-22-2015, 02:04 PM
Awesome work! Can you do any color and how durable is the plastic. I'm not too familiar with all the details of 3d printing. I'm liking V1D so far.

03-22-2015, 03:02 PM
Awesome work! Can you do any color and how durable is the plastic. I'm not too familiar with all the details of 3d printing. I'm liking V1D so far.

the most durable design is the direct mount style, ( the one you are asking about)
because I capture steel square nuts in the design so you are not screwing into plastic.

***the other designs are strong as well, but the mounting is different of course comparing the direct mount to the tmount on the pops asa, compared to a dovetail mount on a cp asa.

yes I can print in many colors.
what did you have in mind?

03-22-2015, 03:32 PM
I'll bust out some design renders in the next day or so for you to mull over. I've been rendering all weekend for a 3D project t I'm working on.

I'm thinking an FLE, finger groove, and maybe something else design wise to come up with. Just wanting to throw out some possibilities...:)

03-22-2015, 03:41 PM
I'll bust out some design renders in the next day or so for you to mull over. I've been rendering all weekend for a 3D project t I'm working on.

I'm thinking an FLE, finger groove, and maybe something else design wise to come up with. Just wanting to throw out some possibilities...:)
yeah for sure,

ill add a design to them when im ready.
these are just functional blanks at the moment.

03-22-2015, 09:08 PM
Love the wedges so far. One thing I've never been a real fan of though is how the skinny end goes past the back of the grip.. Just my 2¢

03-22-2015, 09:11 PM
Some of the most interesting backgrounds of pictures I've seen yet.


03-22-2015, 09:34 PM
as long as the wife isn't walking around naked ill take pics for you guys.

03-22-2015, 09:36 PM
as long as the wife isn't walking around naked ill take pics for you guys.

As long as she lets you go to Tunaball.....


03-23-2015, 12:42 AM
As long as she lets you go to Tunaball.....


crazy enough, she doesn't keep me from tunaball.
but I cant quite quit my job yet for tunaball,

there are a few millions to be made yet.....

at the least I will try to contribute if I can. may be small but hope it helps.

03-23-2015, 09:28 AM
Liking the V1D the best, definitely feel you on the others looking childish. Intending on keeping them plastic or maybe move no to metal down the road?

03-23-2015, 11:00 AM
Liking the V1D the best, definitely feel you on the others looking childish. Intending on keeping them plastic or maybe move no to metal down the road?
I can do whatever .
but plastic works for me now,
metal version, the price would go up drastically.

since I cant post price here, just put it this way price would be 3-4 times more than the plastic one,

the direct mount wedges are very strong

03-23-2015, 02:16 PM
Gotcha. Very nice

03-23-2015, 03:18 PM
I'm curious how strong the t-slot is? It seems like it would bust off pretty easy with that thin of plastic... (?)

03-23-2015, 06:41 PM
I'm curious how strong the t-slot is? It seems like it would bust off pretty easy with that thin of plastic... (?)

yes. me too :D will check durability,
if it doesn't work then I wont make it available :rolleyes:

but then again, I can test with different printable materials.
so what works will be available to the public,

if I don't trust it, it will not go out.

03-23-2015, 06:48 PM
yes. me too :D will check durability,
if it doesn't work then I wont make it available :rolleyes:

but then again, I can test with different printable materials.
so what works will be available to the public,

if I don't trust it, it will not go out.

You say that with sarcasm as if testing it is a big deal, crank on the tank and see it breaks!? lol :rolleyes::D

03-23-2015, 06:58 PM
You say that with sarcasm as if testing it is a big deal, crank on the tank and see it breaks!? lol :rolleyes::D

no its not the testing that is difficult,
it finding time.

but I have a second now ill try it. lol

03-23-2015, 07:07 PM
so I tested it twisting the tank to the right no breakage.
but I did stand on the tank and pulled up very hard, it did end up breaking.

this breaking is not acceptable of course,
even if I went into work and did a pull test,
it will still break, with the current design with the material being used.
so at this time Tslot will not be made available.

I will post up the pull test results, when they are done.
just for piece of mind.

03-23-2015, 08:54 PM
just took the dovetail version off the printer it has failed as well.

so as for now the direct mount is a go,
the tslot and dove tail version has failed with PLA material.

I will get a design for the direct mount wedge done and get a finalized, and them make them available to people.

03-24-2015, 04:00 PM
don't mind the roughness on the back, that is not part of the design.
I was screwing around with my printer and it decided to mess up for a second.
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150324_160642_179_zpsnqdqqfaq.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150324_160642_179_zpsnqdqqfaq.jpg.html)
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150324_160615_461_zps6626w1ba.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150324_160615_461_zps6626w1ba.jpg.html)
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150324_160600_287_zpsihidwwrf.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150324_160600_287_zpsihidwwrf.jpg.html)
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150324_160548_091_zpsznuxownp.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150324_160548_091_zpsznuxownp.jpg.html)
http://i741.photobucket.com/albums/xx60/thetoolishere/IMG_20150324_160543_597_zps39m34opc.jpg (http://s741.photobucket.com/user/thetoolishere/media/IMG_20150324_160543_597_zps39m34opc.jpg.html)

03-24-2015, 04:02 PM
post up if interested.
if you don't like this design or contour pm you idea.

i can make a list.

03-24-2015, 05:26 PM
T slots are 10 times better than dovetails, as the surface area alone would mean that it is a much stronger and stable design. Now the materials used for them, that is up to Ryan. I wouldn't mind a little flex but not have it gummy or so soft that it could move readily. Good luck with this, as i think this would be a much lighter and better way to go with it.

Now, can you do regular rail mounts?

03-24-2015, 05:38 PM
Now, can you do regular rail mounts?

just need a sketch of what you are look for.
paint seems to work well, just post em to me in a pm

custom work is fun.

03-24-2015, 07:24 PM
Looking for cheaper CP mini rails. Prefer the smaller size to the full length rails.

03-24-2015, 07:30 PM
How would that hold up with the set screws ?

03-24-2015, 07:34 PM
How would that hold up with the set screws ?

Put an insert where the set screw goes, so that the screw isn't going into the plastic. Or even use softer than stainless or steel screws so that unless you are using an impact gun to tighten it, the material should have flex enough to secure the ASA.

03-24-2015, 07:54 PM
this idea will be in line with this stuff, but behind it.

I can not guarantee the stuff will work without breaking,
but I sure as heck will print it.

im always up for sum fun designs. no matter how simple.

03-24-2015, 09:48 PM
Put an insert where the set screw goes, so that the screw isn't going into the plastic. Or even use softer than stainless or steel screws so that unless you are using an impact gun to tighten it, the material should have flex enough to secure the ASA.

Tanks are heavy, with rough use I'm not sure the plastic will hold the set screws in place.....

03-24-2015, 10:26 PM
Tanks are heavy, with rough use I'm not sure the plastic will hold the set screws in place.....

yes I get it, :D ( no sarcasm here just being friendly )
I know plastics, I know a lot more than I let on,( reason being is there is a small area where plastic will work in paintball)
keep the thread from derailing.

I promise this,
I will let people know if what im making will not work,

I do not want anyone doubting my products, if it doesn't work you wont get it.

03-25-2015, 12:48 AM
Tanks are heavy, with rough use I'm not sure the plastic will hold the set screws in place.....

What you are saying is just the same back in the 60's with the original M16, or even the 80's with the Glocks. Hell, look at how plastics like lucite or Plexiglas has replaced regular glass.

There is a place for them, its more of finding it then exploting that whole when you find the right combination. If anything, i am looking for a couoke, but at a lesser cost than a new one can be had at. It might not be feasible in costs, but if i can certainly spit ball the idea and see if it is. Then the market will open up. I wouldn't put a AA Apocalypse on it, since those weighed 10lbs at the reg, but i am willing to wait and find out what KNM can do for me.