View Full Version : Finally had to replace that tiny little ULT o-ring

04-13-2015, 08:28 PM
I bought an x-valve off of ebay around 2008 that was pretty abused, but I like it because it is all worn-in, runs loose, and likes to RT just a hair. It occasionally had had that goofy, tiny leak after the on/off top that you think is the power tube. It would stop with oil. It finally wouldn't seal up anymore, and after checking the lvl10, I was left with that little beast.

I had received a spare ULT o-ring in a box of parts VF-XX had traded me a few years ago. I was very happy to be able to locate that tiny thing in my garage, in a desk top full of boxes of parts. I pulled the other parts off the ULT and the bottom o-ring, clamped the pin in a brass hand vice, mounted the hand vice in the bench vise, and was preparing to pull out my MAPP torch to heat the bottom of the pin. I grabbed the pin bottom with my fingers to make sure it was held firm, and it turned (!?). After a little wiggling around, the bottom spun freely and pulled right off! I cleaned the old glue off, put on the new-ish o-ring and a little blue loctite, then stuck it together to set up. It's working great. The old o-ring didn't look bad, but it fit loose and had become hardened.

I love it when the parts all jump together! :dance:

04-14-2015, 05:09 AM
It will really burn your ass when I tell you that the oring can be changed without taking the pin apart!:D;)

04-14-2015, 08:06 AM
It will really burn your ass when I tell you that the oring can be changed without taking the pin apart!:D;)

Next time I'll have to order one from you anyway. That's a big stretch for that little thing, it's just as well I didn't torture the one I had (of unknown age) and fixed my loose pin too.

01-22-2016, 07:50 PM
It will really burn your ass when I tell you that the oring can be changed without taking the pin apart!:D;)

Tunaman, any tips on switching it out with out bending the pin?

01-22-2016, 08:23 PM
Half of the time the pin will come apart without any heat.


01-22-2016, 08:55 PM
Got it! The old one split in half while i was trying to work it off and then I was able to push the pin down onto the new one.
I did not need to separate the pin.

Guns up and running with out any leaks!