View Full Version : my first tourny

02-26-2002, 04:53 PM
im going to be entering a 3 man tourny in april.(my first ever) im a front player and the captain. if theres any tips you can give me or my team that would be awesome. thanks

02-26-2002, 05:08 PM
try and goto the field your going to play at before the tourny, as much time before as posible, if it's a local field. ask them if the field is going to be the same or moved around, if it's the same, make a little map of the field and go over it with you team, make plays and run them.

02-26-2002, 08:40 PM
As havoc said walk the field. If they do say they are moving it around get there early so you can look where key spots on the field are.

Bring backup equipment. We had a three man this last weekend and my tank was screwed so if it wouldn't have been for a backup we would have been out of luck.

Communication is what will make your first tourney a good one. If you know where the opposing team is then it makes it much easier to get them out. Also when someone asks you where someone is if you are not 100% do not tell them. I got send to my death this weekend because Major was told I think he is over there and in turn told me to move. That can turn the tides of the game fast.

Chrono at least 10 fps under what hot shot penalties are given. This gives room for fluctuations in velocity and prevents unnecessary penalties.

Coming up with codes for bunker moves, reloading hopper, squeeging barrel, moving, etc. can make it to where the other team doesn't know what you mean. Example: "Muchacho" (made that up) say this to your team means bunker move. Well if you yell out bunker him then they will know if you yell out Muchacho they won't have a clue.

Watch the other teams. Many teams make the mistake of doing the same thing and going to the same bunker on everyfield. If you know where they are going you can sweet spot them and get an easy elimination.

Last but not least DO NOT talk crap. As it is your first tournament I doubt that will be a big problem, but sportsmanship may not always win the first place trophy but does win respect.

If you have any other questions feel free to post or PM me.

Oh I forgot always carry as much paint as your tank will let you shoot. If your tank gives you 1000 shots bring 1000 paintballs. This is not always necessary for front players, but may be needed for your back player.

02-26-2002, 08:52 PM
I got a couple more I just remembered.

Do not be afraid to ask some of the better teams what you did wrong and how you can correct it. I take it that you are going in a local tourney so they should be more than happy to help you out.

And to add to the sportsmanship thing- shake your opponents hand after the game. This will look like you are a nice team that is only out there to have fun. WHICH YOU SHOULD BE!!!

Now this is the last thing I can remember but it might help too. If you have a gut (like you think you should move, bunker someone, etc.) DO it. I apolligized(that doesn't look like it is spelled right) ahead of time for doing anything risky before we played our tourney. Aggressive moves can break games wide open so if your gut is telling you to do it; well what is it going to hurt?