View Full Version : AO Forum Feedback

06-27-2015, 08:30 PM
Why is it that many AO members dont return feedback ?

I have a much higher opinion of this forum than any other pb forum, but its discouraging when pbn members reciprocate feedback 9 out of 10 times but AO members seem to care less (1 out of 3).


captian pinky
06-27-2015, 09:00 PM
its not that i dont care about feedback but once you have over 100 or 200 or 300 with zero negative feedback its just a number. i think that since 95%( not calling anyone out just leaving room for the idiots from other forums that have accounts) of the people on AO are straight shooters same can be said with mcb. unless someone specifically asks or i happen to have free time when they say that what ever arrives is good, i don't leave feedback. not because it isn't important i just think it is less important here. especially since the majority of the active users are already the ones that will be involved in the deals.

not sure if that made since or not.

06-29-2015, 09:09 AM
I find that all sites lack in leaving feedback. I leave 99.9% of the time. I receive maybe 50% back.

06-29-2015, 12:12 PM
i agree with captain pinky. here on ao, unless it's someone that's new around here, i don't even bother looking up feedback. it's always the same people that hang out around here. and the community is small enough that if you screw someone over, word will get around.

if it was a deal on pbn though, i'm diving deep into their feedback. looking into who they've dealth with, looking up their old posts or threads started, etc.

06-30-2015, 07:27 AM
I agree with Soul, I dont look at people's feedback on here. I don't deal on PBN so so I don't even know what the feedback system is there. I generally buy/sell on MCB and I try to leave feedback when I do deal with somebody. Generally speaking if something is less than $100 or so I won't bother looking into the sellers feedback, if I make a large purchase from somebody I don't know I will look into feedback.