View Full Version : Thoughts on double regulating MY Emag

02-26-2002, 09:02 PM
Before everyone flaming starts me, please read this entire post.

The focal point of my question is a Centerflag Hyper Flow 68/4500 adjustable tank as my HPA system.

I am thinking that maybe I should double reg my Emag FOR MORE CONSISTENT REACTIVENESS (is that a word) in HYBRID MODE ONLY. I am not trying to make my velocity more consistent - that is fine.

Centerflag regs are great, but they are designed to INCREASE output pressure as the tank pressure drops in order to deliver a consistent volume of air. I have noticed this effect, and the Centerflag rep on the phone confirmed it. But this means that the my Emag trigger becomes progressively more reactive as my tank pressure decreases, and as the output pressure into the gun increases. I normally set my pressure to about 750 psi initially, and this usually increases to 900-950 psi by the time the tank pressure drops to less than 1000 psi (at about 900 psi TANK pressure the begins to not cycle properly).

I normally play in straight E mode, but have decided to start switching to Hybrid to capitalize on the Emags' firepower. (My style has been 2-3 round strings in straigt E mode, but I figured that I will still shoot short strings in Hybrid, only faster strings).

Anyway, what do you guys think? If you use a Centerflag tank, and have an RT, Retro or Emag (in Hybrid), I would be particularly interested to hear from your experience.


Load SM5
02-26-2002, 09:13 PM
I run a Dynaflow on my SFL. I have'nt noticed my output pressure creeping that much. I set it at 750 and i've never noticed more than 100 psi increase as the pressure drops. Not enough to make a huge difference in the reactiveness of Hybrid. I'll try and pay close attention this weekend for you and see what I can find out.

02-26-2002, 09:19 PM
Yeah.......I run a Dyna on my E-mag. I played a tourny 2 weeks ago entirly in hybid, I never noticed an increase in pressure. But then again, I run my E-mag at about 650 input, whatever difference that makes.