View Full Version : light guns?

02-26-2002, 10:55 PM
I hear a lot of you talking about the weight of guns and had a thaught. I use an old AutomagRT that has a 5 year old SS BobLong barrel on it and A SS Megareg68ci tank. My gun is a hoss for most people. The berrel weighs like a pound and a half on its own. Now personally i like a gun that i now i am carying. Wouldnt traid my gun for the world.

I have played with some light guns like the Mark 2 autococker and just dont like the weight. I almost forget i was playing paintball with a gun in my hand.

Now i was wondering how and why you guys like your feather light guns that you almoast forget you are carying?

02-26-2002, 10:58 PM
I find it easier when I'm trying to snapshoot, and when I have to get all twisted up in wierd positions to avoid getting shot. My hand/arm starts to get tired with a real heavy marker. One thing that I do like about markers that weigh more is the stability. It's a lot easier to hold one steady and fire rapidly if your not tired, because there is little to no kickback.

02-26-2002, 11:27 PM
i think it's more about balance than weight, really. a heavy gun can be used for snap shooting if it's balanced properly

02-26-2002, 11:48 PM
Yeah, I think that training the arm works too... I'm gonna be carring around a 4-5 pound pg1 pro(by itself) for a month or so... It think that's going to help me a bunch when I change guns... BTW, how much do mags weigh anyways?

02-26-2002, 11:57 PM
i dont know but mine is over 10 lbs and i wouldnt trade it. It is very well balanced.

02-27-2002, 12:40 AM
Does nobody else have any thaughts on this?

02-27-2002, 05:36 AM
My gun weighs well over 10lbs with my warp , full hopper, and tank. I would much rather get a lighter gun. I think my gun is just to heavy to lug around. It gets tiring.

02-27-2002, 08:11 AM
A mag itself is like 3 pounds. Its all the extra crap we feel the need to slap onto it that makes it heavy :)

A full mag setup weighs between 7 and 10 pounds.

As for light guns, they are fun too. My spyder weighs nothing, and I can whip it around like nothing. Then again, if I had a flatline/revvy/warp on it, it would be heavier :)

02-27-2002, 09:28 AM
ive had a fly lcd and an adrenalin lcd and i COULD notice the difference between them

so i would go with a fly and a 45/45
that would be one of the lighter guns

also, bushy are very light guns
i had mine and with a full hopper and full 68/3k i almost forgot i had it

its a very lightweight gun

i would however like to try an adrenalin feather, but since they stopped making lcds i doubt ill have one:(


p.s.-thats one of my main beefs with the emag, is weight if there were some way to get the weight down i would def buy one, and dont say SFL, because those weigh about the same as a stock lcd--they were comparing price also
-there have already been many dicussions on weight

02-27-2002, 11:02 AM
Having a light setup is important to me. I play up front and find myself in situations where I need to post up on someone for a long time. Having the lighter setup has helped me. Also for long runouts, it's easier and faster to run with because you're able to pump both arms as if running like normal. Exactly right about having it balanced too. It can be a little heavier as long as it is balanced when snap-shooting. IMHO.

02-27-2002, 12:45 PM
I've played with heavier and lighter markers. I can't say I've ever seen a big advantage to a heavier marker. Lots of people talk about stability, but I haven't noticed a couple pounds affecting that a lot. Maybe its just me.

If you are going to have weight, I would rather it was at the back of the gun where it doesn't create momentum as I'm moving around and doesn't add strain to my arms when I hold it. The one place I REALLY don't like extra weight is in the barrel. Stainless barrels don't make any sense to me. About the only thing I can see as an advantage is durability and maybe looks. I prefer an anodized barrel, and I've played for years with AL barrels and never had a durability issue. You couldn't give me a SS barrel (well, you could, but I'd just sell it).

Anyway, that's me. Maybe you are different.

Play safe and have fun,


02-27-2002, 01:05 PM
I've used my Bob Long LS/SS barrel for a long time, but just bought a Freak, and the weight difference is nice.

02-27-2002, 02:08 PM
I like my Micromag with Retrovalve cause the weight is nice. Some mags w/ all the extras are heavier then what I like to carry. I like mine cause I can run and shoot better with a light gun. Reason being I don't have to use that much more energy to lift and keep it steady while on the run. Now I did have a pretty heavy spyder shutter a while back. It had a ELCD frame, PMI drop and I through my 114/4500 on it cause it was to big and funny looking to carry on my Micromag. Along with the boomstick and eVLution hopper that thing weighed to much and it started hurting my wrist. Then again I haven't really played with a real Mag before only felt how heavy a Mini Mag was. This will soon change as I am getting me a RT Pro and hope to have a good setup on it soon.

02-27-2002, 02:17 PM
try a nasty typhoon with 24 ounces of CO2 and twin vl3000's

1.5 pounds of co2 and 600 round of paint on the gun... and rememebr the gun was made of brass


That thing was heavier than heck. Id love to hand it to people and watch them laugh, then hanbd them my phantom... thats the extremes for ya. way light and WAYYY heavy

02-27-2002, 02:58 PM
How did the typhoon shoot. Did it shoot 2 shots per trigger pull or what? Gun looks really neat with the two hoppers.

02-27-2002, 03:15 PM
2 shots per trigger pull..

maybe one day I will buy another or build one... I found a few things I would change in the design.

02-27-2002, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Spaceman613
try a nasty typhoon with 24 ounces of CO2 and twin vl3000's

1.5 pounds of co2 and 600 round of paint on the gun... and rememebr the gun was made of brass


That thing was heavier than heck. Id love to hand it to people and watch them laugh, then hanbd them my phantom... thats the extremes for ya. way light and WAYYY heavy

Ooooo! Now there is a REAL MAN's marker. talk about a classic! Now I shot a phoon for a few years (not a Nasty!) Overall it was heavy but the weight is well to the back. Balance was nice, but I like my mag better.

Actually, weight is why I have a mag with a retro valve rather than an actual RT. Cleaner lines, smaller rail and frame.

Play safe and have fun,

02-27-2002, 06:34 PM
heavy gun = stable shooting platform & better work out.

02-27-2002, 06:44 PM
I dont think i said i want it real hevy. I just dont like it feather light. The ss beral i love thow. if i hit a tree on acident i dont have to worry but the boblong is a very hevy berrel. It shoots great with the paint i shoot so i hate to spend the money on a new barrel but i am thinking about the cp.

02-27-2002, 06:52 PM
I like guns that aren't too light or too heavy. Something like the mag seems to be nice weight to me. Those rental pmi traccers are so light that when I tried to peek around I overly adjusted my shots on accident. My gun right now I have to throw my arm into manuvering it quickly...

02-27-2002, 07:24 PM
I love the weight of my bushy so even. But now i have it with a benchy drop foward extender and a system x cradle. I never felt so much even weight before. With a full hopper im all set, not to mention my gun is light to begin with. Big change from my Basically all chrome mag (so heavy) but she was good for me for 5 years so what the heck.

02-27-2002, 07:59 PM
Few things.......

Weight *sometimes* can turn into a smaller profile, and smaller = better.

As for weight, snapshooting and running is the main reason. You dont see too many fast runners with a 6+5 and a 114ci and a 20lb gun.....Do you? Lighter - better, you can run without as much stuff on you, and if your a back player, you can get your gun up faster for sweet spotting....As well as snap shooting, or having to shoot someone out ASAP.

02-27-2002, 08:18 PM
yes, but lighter guns tend to be misbalanced and subject to recoil forces.

02-27-2002, 08:48 PM
I play front. I use a 400 round pack. automagRT with 68ci megareg, 18v revy(yes 18), and ss boblong 12in berrel. My gun isnt real heavy to me. the guys at the field with light guns complain thow. I can snap shoot with it great and run fast. i just worked my arms out so that it would be ok. I have actuly set with my gun pointed at one bunker with my shooting hand alone for 5 minuts. It didnt get that tired. i was pointing and reloading with the other hand.