View Full Version : superbolt inquiry

02-27-2002, 12:14 AM
I hate to bother anyone, but I was just wondering if anyone knew when the superbolts would be back in the online store? I've been checking it many times a day now for quite a few days, to no avail. I've got a game coming up kinda soon and I was hoping to have one before it. Anyone offer any insight for me?

02-27-2002, 03:37 AM
We have a limited number and have been shipping them to stores. We don't put stuff in the store if we are on backorder to dealers. Check your local store or look around online. You should be able to get one. You can try our dealer forum too.


02-27-2002, 10:15 AM
Thanks Mr. Kaye. I'll call and see if Wolf Hill has any today.