View Full Version : Pbnation thread about open bolt vs. closed bolt

02-27-2002, 08:11 AM
Well this topic was debating the Excalibur against it's little brother the Viking. Xcal is closed bolt the Viking is open bolt. I would to see if any of you agree with these statements, i'm not sure if they are true or false. I am not one to believe something when i hear it from one person so I will ask all of you. Thanks guys!!!!


02-27-2002, 11:23 AM
Cuten' paste from PBN

Flatter trajectory and longer range are impossible given the same velocity by the laws of physics. Velocity, trajectory and range are all mathamatically related and apply to a very accurate degree in the real world.

Military computers and weapons guidance equipment rely on these same mathimatical relationships that have not yet been broken.

Most of the explainations that state otherwise are just marketing ploys. There is no trajectory and range diffrence between closed and open bolt, high pressure, low pressure markers shooting the same velocity.

What is diffrent is visual perspective. Given your refrence point the same flight path can look diffrent.

Tape a peice of wood to the top of an automag to give it a higher larger blocky shape and your aiming perspective will change. It will shoot as "flat" as a shocker.

I urge the paintball community not to be duped. However great this sport is many companies and marketers are willing to lie to make a profit. Impossible as the claims may be, alot of people get duped because they dont know any better.

02-27-2002, 12:10 PM
Yea cuten' paste works and it got the point across.
(hey me and butter have the same post count)
Butterfingers i agree with all of which you say but still dont understand one thing. Does closed bolt put a different spin on the ball than open bolt. This isnt a big thing to me but still it's good to know.

02-27-2002, 12:15 PM
Well it could, it is unlikely though. But definately not enough to make a diffrence. If your bore matches your paint the barrel should stop any spin.

02-27-2002, 12:38 PM
Cool thanks alot man this was a big help!!!

02-27-2002, 01:16 PM
I posted what I have actually seen. I took an angel and a micro mag in a vise and the micro with the same inner diamiter bore 18 inch boomy got a flatter trjectory than the angel with an 18 inch boomy(same inner bore). Both were chrono'd @ 285-290 and emptied both hoppers. It is more apperant on the angel with the stock barrel. I used marbs from the same box. Both guns were level. So what did I see?(it was not just my perspective). Please LMK if I'm insane, I'm trying to gain as much knowledge as I can about this sport. Anyone else try this?

Thx, B :D

02-27-2002, 02:22 PM
I believe Warpig has something like this on their technical page. Except they used a Stingray I believe. Converted it to a pump and a semi. Good article.