View Full Version : Matrix vs. Excalibur/Viking

02-27-2002, 08:50 AM
I would like to know if you guys have any experience with these markers. The Viking and the Excalibur are basically the same marker so either will be fine. Vikings arent totally out yet but some people have shot them. I am looking for a new back-up gun and would just like some help. Thanks Guys!!!!

02-27-2002, 10:10 AM
I've shot both. There is no comparison, the E-Matrix is far better. It's lighter, faster and cheaper. Out of all the electro's I've shot, the E-Matrix is my second favourite, after the Sonic Bushy, and that only because I like the Bushy's smaller size. The Excalibur is the most over priced and underperforming electro I've seen, out of the box it's slower than a Zap Electro, and looks and weighs about the same as a first-gen Shocker, this on a gun that costs as much as an IR3. If you want LP, go with a Matrix or a Shocker, if you want performance, go with a Matrix or an E-Mag, if you want a combination of the two, go with a Matrix or a Bushy, if you want to spend too much money, go with an Angel or an Excalibur.

02-27-2002, 10:14 AM
Thanks man thats some good info. First person i have ever heard of that shot both and had an explanation. Thanks!!

Tim Jacobitz
02-27-2002, 10:47 AM
i hav an excal and love it. I don't know where you got you info but the ematrix is heavyer than an excal. The matrix is also a gas hog.

Don't get me wrong though with a plamer on the matrix they do some serious rocking at a very low bolt pressure. I am thinking of buying one myself for a back up gun.

Tim Jacobitz
02-27-2002, 10:59 AM
buy the way my excal has a bolt perssure of 60 psi out of the bock and will go lower with tweaking. I can shoot a case of paint form 1 tank of comperssed air. 68/4500. It shoots 13 bps outa the box. and can be adjusted faster. It is so low pressure you just don't break paint. The bolt stops on more balls than it breaks. It weights the same as an angel. It is almost the same body design. Not to be rude but you said it weights the same as a shocker, Have you ever really seen one. I am not tring to be rude I just think you have been miss informed. The only 2 draw backs of the gun are that it does not have some of the cool upgrades like other guns. like the ace, but it does not need it. The other draw back is they are very very expensive. If the price came down you would see alot more of them.

02-27-2002, 11:03 AM
ive never shot either but i do know there is a HUGE price difference, so whatever you can afford:)
you can always make the matrix work great with the extra cash you saved from the excal

but the viking is like 800 or so

but like i said, i havent shot any of these


02-27-2002, 11:38 AM
The viking is just a hi price spyder with a hyperframe

02-27-2002, 11:42 AM
i`ve shot a matrix before they rock i love them if you do get one get a trenty and a bolt kit and when you get em set up right you cant beat em hehe http://www.midsouthpaintball.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=1190

02-27-2002, 12:00 PM
don't forget the 300 bucks worth of upgrades to make a matrix usable, easily putting it in the range of a viking. My friend has a matrix with a trinity and bolt kit, nice gun fast accurate. Last 10 man it went down and he used my excal......
Another 2 people at my field have stock matrixes without bolt kits and trinity's. These guns refuse to work, constantly bolt sticking with massive chops. As for the uniformed person comapring the excal size to a shocker.......
And worst of all matrixes are made in Canada shudder

02-27-2002, 12:00 PM
The viking is NOT a high priced spyder with hyperframe. It is more along the lines of BM2k or impulse or angel. I would go for the viking. AKA cust service is great, and you will have amarker that you dont see everyday. I see tons of Matrices, some work great, others can barely get them to shoot.

02-27-2002, 12:54 PM
spaceman the viking uses the AKALMP VLM spyder body Page 137 in APG January 2002

02-27-2002, 12:56 PM
that is old news
aka has revamped the viking to be a single solinoid open bolt marker along the lines of angels and impulses. I repeat the viking is no longer a super spider. Go to the aka forums in pbnation for more info.

02-27-2002, 02:24 PM
the 02 version of the matrix, whenever its released will
have those $300 worth of upgrades included, at hopefully
not much more than the present price.

The matrix is new, people are still learning. Ilove mine

02-27-2002, 03:55 PM
Umm, The Matrix is definitely lighter than the Excalibur, it's mostly open space inside, the Excalibur is mostly solid metal. And AKALMP was very upfront at the IAO about shipping the Excalibur set to 10bps, slower than even the Zap Crap gun. While the Excalibur has some serious tweaking potential, the Matrix is higher performance out of the box, and with some upgrades (The bolt kit and an LPR reg) it easily outperforms the Angel, juggling the trigger is insanely easy. I'm not that familiar with the Viking, but from what I've read, it's similar to the Intimitator, IE: a Bushy/Impy type gun built on a spyder body (The Timmy is pretty much a Bushy shoehorned into a heavily modified Millenium body). AKALMP really needs to do some work on the Excalibur in regards to out-of-box performance and price/performance ratio, it's biggest weakness is it's way overpriced.

02-27-2002, 04:34 PM
the viking is a very good gun
the matrix is a very good gun
the excal is a very good gun

all of them are very good guns, and all of them except the excal are about 700. the excal runs about 1100.
the excal is closed bolt, the matrix is closed bolt, the viking is open bolt.
there in no difference from closed and open bolt.

the matrtix is kinda gas hog, the viking and excal is very efficiant, all of them are low pressure operating.
my opinion is that i'd get a viking, 45/4500 bottle, 14 in. JnJ barrell kit. rev. and ya are set for about 1g.
fairly cheap for all of that and very good shooting.

02-27-2002, 04:37 PM
Matrix weight:3lb 6 oz (not sure what is on it)
Excal: 3 lb (no barrel no battery)
Viking: 3 lb (no barrel no battery)
6oz probably wouldn't even notice in a game.
Please check out the new viking before you say anything. The gun itself is built from the same extrusion as the excal, it is not a spyder body. Stock settings on the viking will be 13 bps and will have a low enough pneumatic pressure to not chop.

Tim Jacobitz
02-27-2002, 04:40 PM
the matrix is open bolt

02-28-2002, 10:39 AM
ahh come on it "emulated" closed bolt. just like the bushy (whatever emulated closed bolt means, i'm thinking it means open bolt though.) also closed bolt guns are only realy closed bolt for the first shot.

oh and put the red bolt (not out yet, but soon.) on a matrix and all your gas guzzeling problems will go away. strap a trinity on the front and no more chops. oh and did i mention that it's fast as hell?

Kaiser Bob
02-28-2002, 12:53 PM
theres a new bolt kit from aardvark; its silver now i believe.

Tim Jacobitz
02-28-2002, 01:25 PM
In my opinion the excal is better but I am getting a matrix also. Does any one know how much the new suped up version of ot will be?

02-28-2002, 03:27 PM
Matrices rock, although i have to say i've never shot a excalibur or a viking. But i do know that my matrix is great. Just got a trinity for it today. So low pressure won't chop a ball. Gas-Efficiency isn't great, but it doesn't really make to much of a difference to me. With a bolt get you'll get about the same efficency as an angel, and boltkits are now $95. (trinities $45). So with $140 you can make your matrix AWESOME. The trigger is AMAZING. The exact same trigger as an angel, and everybody loves the angel trigger. Infact, i'm about to order an angel trigger for my matrix just cause they look cooler.(you have to drill the hole for the trigger pin for it to fit)

05-25-2002, 09:25 PM
goto modified paintball and look at the prices for Vikings, at the bottom of the AKA marker page there are unmilled selected colors for very good prices... if I ever sell my cocker I plan on getting a Dimond dust 2x finger viking...

05-25-2002, 09:34 PM
These are some of my favorite electros, but I must say before I get into it, THIS THREAD IS FLOODED WITH MORE IGNORANCE THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE! The Viking has no similarities in design to the Spyder (in early design stages it did, but it was totally redone), the Matrix is open bolt (if you don't believe me, look into the breech and fire one), and the Excal is no way as heavy as a Shocker (it has been weighed, the weight is just a little higher than an Angel).

Excalibure and the Viking are very different. Viking is an open bolt while the Excalibure is closed. The Excalibure will have less kick and will be more accurate than the Viking. Not sayng the Viking is no good. I find the E-Matrix to be kind of a more economical version of an Excalibure even though its open bolt. It has very little kick and is extreamly accurate.
Where do I start? They have about the same kick, the Viking may actually have a little less. If you don't think so, go ask some guys over on the AKA forum on PBNation, like AuctionJunkie!, he knows his stuff. I will not debate the closed bolt accuracy thing again, all I will say is I don't think the bolt position makes a difference (and most of the paintball community seems to agree with that now).

My personal preference would be the Viking. You don't need upgrades, which means you are pretty much set for $775. The trigger is very nice, and it's a pretty compact gun. Plus, you get excellent customer service from AKA and a LIFETIME WARRANTY. I think you would see about the same performance with an Excalibur, just with a far higher price tag and a slower ROF. The Matrix is also very nice, but I think the Viking comes out ahead. The Matrix does have the nicest trigger and lowest kick, which is why I'd take it over an Excalibur, but not the Viking. The Viking is smaller than a Matrix, gets killer gas efficiency, and you don't need to buy an upgrade for it to pinch balls. Plus, when ordering a Viking, you can choose your trigger style, milling and anodizing, and whether you wan't a low or high rise feed neck. I don't see any of those options when ordering a Matrix. However, I think all of them are excellent guns, and you will happy with either of the three, just IMO the Viking comes out on top.

05-25-2002, 10:39 PM
I'd go for the Viking. Matrixes are gas hogs until you get a couple mods for them

05-26-2002, 01:28 AM
does the viking still have the huge body? last time i thought i saw one is was basically a openbolt excal i dont understand why the body didnt get cut down big time

05-26-2002, 01:30 PM
Well, the body is shorter than an Angel's, and about the same height and slightly wider. IMO, that's small enough. If you wan't to see it a little better, go to http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50355 (Gecko posted the link earlier in the thread).

05-26-2002, 03:34 PM
yeah i just looked at the pics of the viking its basically the same size as the excal not sure why. should be smaller since they have less parts to fit in