View Full Version : What are AGD's Used Mag Warranty Policies

02-27-2002, 04:29 PM
I purchased a used Mag, and have been very happy with it so far. In the last couple of months there have been some pretty substantial problems with it. The problem is with the bolt/trigger. I have been running an ANS Phase II Bolt(which I really don't like) and I thought that it was my problem. Well, let me try to explain what has been the problem. I have a pretty quick trigger finger and I like to use it. In long to medium bursts the trigger rod will stick back and there will be a whooshing sound. With a couple trigger pulls the rod will pop back out and I can keep playing. I tried replacing the bolt with a stock Mag bolt(which is a little worn) and the problem is not as persistant but it is still there.
The second problem I have been having has been with velocity. I have the rear adjuster almost all the way in in order to achieve 280 fps. And in some games I will be shooting and the first 10 shots are fine, and then the next five will go ten feet. I then have to wait for about five minutes and I will get normal velocity back.

I am running Nitro (CenterFlag 68 4500)
I have not messed with the trigger rod
I regularly clean, oil, and change the o-rings in my Mag
I know my Mag inside and out and am very adept and fixing things, which is why I am so mystified.
I also own a spacer kit and have tried every size to no avail.

So I need to know if I should send my Mag in to AGD to have it looked at. If I do will I have to pay? The valve on my Mag was replaced by a PMI Perfect Charger(manufactured by AGD) and has no stars. Duh!! If it is not free how much will it cost. And if anyone has any suggestions on how to fix any of these problems please let me know.

02-27-2002, 07:02 PM
Have you tried changing the spring? Sounds like your sear could be worn as well and might require a new one. AGD backs up used mags the same as if you were the first owner. Call them up and talk with the tech department,, see what they can do for ya. Mags don't like aftermarket parts like the ans bolt... my mag did but whatever :)

The ANS bolt will wear a lot faster then the stock bolt so you might have a combination of bolt and sear wear...

02-27-2002, 08:57 PM
If I were you I would call up AGD before you do anything else and let them know whats goin on they are extremely helpful. If you need the number its 847 520-7507