View Full Version : paint

12-05-2015, 06:16 PM
they need to put born on dates on paintball cases.

12-05-2015, 08:25 PM
They would never. Then they would be responsible for the old paint.

12-06-2015, 02:53 PM
I foresee a problem with this plan.


12-06-2015, 10:30 PM
i had been out for a couple of months, no time to go anywhere and get any until Saturday. i had purchased 4 markers and not been able to do anything but run air thru them. So i went to the nearest field, got 3 partial air fills as their compressor was on at 3000 at that time and a case of paint. the last time they sold me a case of valken, this time it was draxxus and when i got home and opened it i noticed every pall has 2 dimples and a lot of them are out of round and i paid full price for this case. after i got over being p.o'd and since i was just going to shoot up my fence testing new toys i put some in my warped X mag and they all shot fine with no breaks and not that much point of impact difference. now the owner was not at the field Saturday afternoon and i could probably take whats left back and get better i probably won't but if i ever play there i will not accept paint like this unless it is heavily discounted.

12-07-2015, 09:13 PM
The lower grade paint seems to holds up better over time. I normally use Redemption by Valken and it looks the same as u described when it starts to age. Graffiti at the same age wont show those signs, the fill color isn't as bright over time though. Don't press ur luck with their Fate or Crusade. Seen them split in half just sitting in the Box. I've worked part time now at our local shop here in Indiana called Cliffs Edge for 2 years, and within that time I've had some time to experiment with different paint. We're now only stocking Valken paint and in only 3 Flavors: Infinity $45 a case(Great for Woodsball, it'll find it's way through the brush and holds up great over time), Graffiti $60 (Solid hitter, breaks easier then the Infinity, fill is dull after time, holds it's shape though), and Redemption $65 a case (like using it more for speedball, breaks easier on target, Great seams, dimples with age and prone to be out of round, makes it easy to tell if it's been on the shelf for more than 4months)

12-07-2015, 11:24 PM
I have had mixed experiences with older paint.

I've been planning a lengthy post on this subject and have been testing several paints for longevity to that end. Just finished up a case of Graffiti well over a year old, finished up the last of some leftover Evil from LL7 (roughly 17 months old), and still am shooting from a half case of super old Formula 13 that is going on two years old.

I had some Marbs from LL7 that was scheduled for this test but after only two or three months the bag went to soup, which is to say, remained nearly as good as it was fresh off the truck. :rolleyes:

Ironically, the Evil shot better the older it got. After more than a year it was about as weepy as Marbs is fresh, and I got some spinners shooting it straight from the bag, so stuffed some paper towels into the caddie, dumped in the Evil, rolled it around a good bit, and after that it shot great.

The Graffiti shot pretty decently, though not as well as when it was fresh.

The Formula 13 is still very round, still shoots nicely, and still breaks passably well.

Make of all of this what you will. The testing continues.

Also concur on the Redemption and its propensity to dimple with the slightest age or lack of proper storage.

12-08-2015, 07:52 AM
I spoke with a fellow the other day from Cali starting a new PB company , of course he was tryin to sell me ,, but he was sayin his company is in the process of makin Paint ,, that they will guarantee for 6 months ,,, haven't seen it yet , but thats what he says

12-08-2015, 08:35 AM
They would never. Then they would be responsible for the old paint.

Old paint rocks. By old I mean real old. Used a case of Marbilizer at the 2014 Reaperball games that was bought in 2002. It got misplaced for a little while.
After it was ok'd by the others I used it. Honestly for paint that was forgotten & never taken care of it amazed me. It shot better then the "fresh" paint we got the day before the games.

Unfortunately the current paint is no where near the qualitly of the older stuff.

12-08-2015, 09:30 AM
Where in the wide wide world of sports is Gordon when you need him ?

12-08-2015, 09:31 AM
Funny you mention that.

I remember playing rec pump back in the 90s with a case of marbs that kept getting recycled over the course of something like three years, and it shot as nicely at the end as it did at the beginning, which was very nice indeed.

Sounds like you may well have the record for old paint, though. :) Wish I'd had the foresight to lay up some paint back in the day for such a time as this.

In any case, with tech getting better in theory it is utterly unacceptable that paint should be getting more and more poor in quality. Over the last three years I've become increasingly fed up with marbs, and I used to swear by that stuff.

12-08-2015, 10:11 AM
No fair. The 10 year old paint I still had when I started playing again was dimpled and brittle as can be. It had been to many years for me to guess what it was since it was in my pack for 10 years.

However the valken paint I have been buying at justices field has held up quite well over time. Not long long periods of time. But 6 months to a year and I'm more than happy with that.

12-08-2015, 10:26 AM
I have noticed this past season (2015) that GI 3 star and GI 4 star are worthless after 2 weeks if the bag is opened. I have never noticed any paint having that short of a lifespan before. By the end of the season I knew I had to use up or give away any open paint I had before I left the field. Pitiful. Something is up with paint recently. At least GI for sure.

12-08-2015, 11:12 AM
Cheap cheap! I'd suspect the eco friendly, no stain, and price all play a factor in it

By price I mean overhead to the company to produce it.

12-10-2015, 10:08 PM
Midnight $24.99 from Sports Authority.

Paypal accepted.


I walked thru getting two cases and shipping was free, but there was sales tax.

I'll have to go see if its that price for walk ins....

EDIT: Looks like the price has now gone up

12-11-2015, 10:15 AM
6 Months isn't much of a guaranty on paint coming from the factory! Seeing how it will travel through several distributers before making it to us out on the field and it's exact age is unknown. For example I have both Redemption and Graffiti here in the house now and just noticed my first dimple in the Redemption which both cases came into the shop back in May or June. Before that it was at ANS for who knows how long. Hopes this helps.