View Full Version : Barrel plugs

02-27-2002, 04:57 PM
Time to vent!
One of my biggest problems in paintball has got to be one of the smallest most insignificant things. Black barrel plugs!!! I hate them! why would anyone make these? part of having a barrel plug is to show that you are hit and you have a barrel plug in to show this, and make sure that anyone who is unaware of your state doesnt shoot you. So why would someone make a barrel plug that doesnt stand out? Mine is yellow and I think that it stands out very well, hell i even hang a small thing off it to make it stand out even more.
The reason Im *****ing about this is that I have seen to many people who walk around with their marker in the air and arent out, so i shoot them. sometimes I have shot an already marked person but cant see the black barrel plug in their barrel and they wonder why I shot them.

I may be over exaggerating on this but I wanted to also see if anyone has the same problem as me.
And to anyone who reads this- If i ever see you with your gun in the air and a black barrel plug I will shoot you and just say I didnt see it (just so you are forced to buy a new barrel plug)

02-27-2002, 06:31 PM
it's called "the dead-man's walk". If I recall correctly it a team started doing this in the NPPL, and they fooled inumerable players; however, a rule was soon created to prevent this, but it still happens. Barrel plugs, in general, suck. They don't do their job after a paintball has been broken in the barrel, or after a significant amount of firing. This is because the paint/paintball residue lubricates the o-rings; turning it into a neon-plastic projectile. Barrel condoms are they way to go; and I don't think you can buy a black one.

02-27-2002, 06:55 PM
You actually can get black barrel condoms. My friend has one on his impulse.

02-27-2002, 07:12 PM
ive recently started using a barrel condom but you guys missed my *****ing. Oh well.

02-27-2002, 07:16 PM
calm down with the profanity please. No need for that even in this rant. I see what your saying but I mean heh that's life. I don't think it would be kind to go shooting someone just because they have a black plug in... that's very... mean? And having a plug in doesn't always signify your out, you could be out without a plug too...

02-27-2002, 07:35 PM
I say light 'em up, and ignore their whining.

Top Secret
02-27-2002, 07:51 PM
Don't shoot me dude! I have a green flame AP barrel condom over my Angel's barrel and it's kinda camo. But my E-Mag's if a red flame. Much easier to spot. Black ones are kinda stupid, but whatever floats their boat. Light 'em up! :D

02-27-2002, 07:54 PM
I'm sorry guys but for those that are saying light em up and shoot the guys with black barrel plugs... are you kidding me? No wonder this sport has a bad name.... i'm sorry but that's so wrong to do that... where's your common sense...

02-27-2002, 07:55 PM
as long as it stand out i wont shoot you dont worry. and im sorry about my toungue ill cut it off next time.