View Full Version : Possible to build x-mag or e-mag just from parts?

12-28-2015, 12:19 PM
Hey guys,

What would it take to build an x-mag or an e-mag from parts? I'm pretty sure I've seen threads for aftermarket boards, bodies, batteries, battery housings...what is missing? I've always wanted an x-mag. :)

12-28-2015, 12:42 PM
Hey guys,

What would it take to build an x-mag or an e-mag from parts? I'm pretty sure I've seen threads for aftermarket boards, bodies, batteries, battery housings...what is missing? I've always wanted an x-mag. :)

would cost you more to part it together than to just buy one that comes up for sale.

12-28-2015, 01:52 PM
For an Emag, other than the lowers, its all standard mag parts. It uses the same rail or body as any other mag.

As for an Xmag, no it can't happen that way. What makes an Xmag an Xmag is the body. It has the unibody(meaning no rail, they are essentially 1 piece), and the feedneck modules. The lowers can be swalled out with regular Emag lowers or have Emag lowers ULE'D to be nust like what came on the Xmag.

12-28-2015, 02:15 PM
For an Emag, other than the lowers, its all standard mag parts. It uses the same rail or body as any other mag.

As for an Xmag, no it can't happen that way. What makes an Xmag an Xmag is the body. It has the unibody(meaning no rail, they are essentially 1 piece), and the feedneck modules. The lowers can be swalled out with regular Emag lowers or have Emag lowers ULE'D to be nust like what came on the Xmag.

yeah this, his explanation is better.

12-31-2015, 03:57 PM
For an Emag, other than the lowers, its all standard mag parts. It uses the same rail or body as any other mag.

As for an Xmag, no it can't happen that way. What makes an Xmag an Xmag is the body. It has the unibody(meaning no rail, they are essentially 1 piece), and the feedneck modules. The lowers can be swalled out with regular Emag lowers or have Emag lowers ULE'D to be nust like what came on the Xmag.

It is possible...just doesn't happen often.


That was built using an unused raw body. The lowers were used that I found on eBay. They have the ace.

01-01-2016, 04:22 AM
Thanks for the replies, guys. So if I wanted to run warp feed, with the newest custom board being listed on that one AO thread, I should probably try to track down an Xmag in decent shape I suppose and just swap boards out. I suppose it would be good for me to also swap out the battery, yes?

01-01-2016, 12:52 PM
no need to swap the board if its working unless you want to. i have one with the stock board upgraded to X Mod software that runs a warp feed just fine. i also have an E Mag with X Mod that runs a warp very well and you don't really need the X Mod upgrade for that, its a personal decision, some people like X Mod over the AGD software. I don't have enough experience with either to recommend one over the other. if you keep the AGD software i would upgrade to 3.2 my self(my second X Mag has it). you may not need a new battery either it just depends on how old the one in the marker is.

01-01-2016, 12:53 PM
Be easier (and a lot less expensive) to do a warp Emag, the warp ULE bodies are a dime a dozen.
