View Full Version : Paintball and Nonunderstanding Parents

02-27-2002, 07:05 PM
i fell that all these guys (or gals) who love paintball but have cruel parents are getting a bad deal. i know footemps loves paintball but his parents are the only thing holding him back. i was thinking that someone should write a fact list out of all the reasons that paintball is good for a kid and they should be allowed to play. i am sick of all my friends saying that they cant come because theyre parents wont let them. someone prehaps even tom should put together this fact sheet and help all those guys that have to go with out paintball. after its writen im sure the link to that will be on EVERY paintball website' homepage and would get alot of credit. i would but every time i write something it turns out crappy.

and i just proof read this and ill say it before anyone else does. i know what i said sound like something familier and yes we should send our 23 cents a day to those needy african orphans:rolleyes:

02-27-2002, 07:13 PM
Damn, but I think a lot of people have tried this. Not to mention that my parents don't surf the net so they would see it, I've seen a lot of people offering me websites with facts, stats, etc. but those won't work. I think that the only way some parents would listen is if they saw some reporter make a persuasive essay on why paintball isn't very bad.

02-27-2002, 07:14 PM
i dont know about the facts sheet but if the kid cant aford to play and plans on having his parents pay i cant very well defind his playing. I know you didnt say his parrents wer paying but if they are. Paintball is expencive and young kids dont need to start playing unless there parrents or the kid alone can afford it. Just my opinion.

02-27-2002, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by Predater
i dont know about the facts sheet but if the kid cant aford to play and plans on having his parents pay i cant very well defind his playing. I know you didnt say his parrents wer paying but if they are. Paintball is expencive and young kids dont need to start playing unless there parrents or the kid alone can afford it. Just my opinion.

Very good point. Paintball isn't like food and shelter, a person should be responsible for their own recreation and comfort. The only problem is that I think that many parents spoil their kids these days though. For example, my parents just bought me a down comforter blanket and I offered to pay them back because I hate being spoiled with so many comforts. They refused my offer just because they thought I needed it.

02-27-2002, 07:24 PM
"mom, dad, I need to play paintball so I can learn what to do if I ever see a terrorist on the street"

02-27-2002, 07:24 PM
im not talking about parents whodont offer to pay. my parents flat out refuse to. i still play. and about the parents not surfing the net, there is such a thing as a printer:D so just offer a printable version

02-27-2002, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by BTAutoMag
im not talking about parents whodont offer to pay. my parents flat out refuse to. i still play. and about the parents not surfing the net, there is such a thing as a printer:D so just offer a printable version

Been there, done that... Doesn't work. I know that people who don't pay should really gain some responsibility before they're screwed. All my friends are independently paying for all their pleasures like paintball and computers. I pay for all my own crap too. The problem with your idea is that it won't give such a big impact unless it's released on serveral MAJOR news websites, or entertainment websites, etc... Releasing them on paintball websites won't do crap, many people will think that the writers are being bias towards paintball.

02-27-2002, 07:36 PM
well then go to the local newspaper. if there was a way i could help all the kids in the sheboygan area who cant play for parental reasons i would and i assure you if the article is written i would be at the "sheboygan press'" front desk with the article and a willingness to answer any questions. you see some of the stories they put in there im sure they could squeeze out 1 of the cats who got stuck in a tree for this.

02-27-2002, 07:42 PM
Hmm... Anyone willing to write an article to submit to local newspapers?

02-27-2002, 07:52 PM
Why play paintball?

1. Adrenaline
2. Excersise
3. Skill
4. Strength
5. Coordination
6. Speed
7. Its as safe as golf
8. Lighting up newbies and bunkering jerks is priceless.

02-27-2002, 07:53 PM
if someone writes it (a good person to talk to about making it worthy of the papers would be bill mills) i'll take it to every paper i can find around here, i know it doesn't help you foo but it may help someone around here. it's up to you to do your area.

02-27-2002, 07:59 PM
While you can present all the arguements in the world. You cannot tell a parent how to raise their kids. If they decide to say no, you have no leg to stand on. They do not have to provide a rational reason for their decision. You can offer advice to the kid to present. But most of the time that turns into a long winded begging session that does no one any good. Parents can come around some faster than others.
I'm an example.

02-27-2002, 08:00 PM
thank you at least two people are backing me. but i think its funny that i was thinking of footemps when i wrote this and he's the one who's disagreeing with it.:D

02-27-2002, 09:14 PM
lol, it's the truth though... I'd try to submit it to newspapers but I know that it would offend many people because they'd be thinking the same thing that frgood is thinking...

02-27-2002, 09:45 PM
well its worth a shot. if you fail then you know you tried

02-28-2002, 09:12 AM
insurance records show that paintball has less injuries than golf and tennis

Tony Arrivo
02-28-2002, 08:54 PM
i agree, i think every kid should be able to play paintball. My theory is that if a kid grows till he's well, no longer a kid and never even so much as plays half life or doom, or even can participate in squirt gun fights (I know a kid that can do none of these) he will just have more motivation to buy a gun and go shoot up a postal office or something. A kid who goes out and paintballs would never feel that he would need a gun. I mean how much fun is it to go out and shoot.. oh excuse me.. "mark" up your friends with paintball guns. It's a blast! And if some grumpy old parent won't let him play it's a shame..

02-28-2002, 09:09 PM
yea my mom would not even let me near a gun toy or not for my whole life until i was 10 at which point she got me and my stepdad identical supersoakers and nerf ball guns. we had the time of our lives with those and nerf ball guns are close to paintball and thats probably my first time ever "shooting" at someone. i have a good nature, so good in fact i refuse to kill rats when they get in our house. i hate hurting things but in paintball it does hurt, but not much or for long. paintball has been marked as a war game for too long. people say that all paintball does is teach you to kill people and that is far from the truth. paintball teaches you good sportsmanship and the only thing it teaches about guns is GUN SAFTEY. paintball needs to get publicised as a safe extreem sport not a war game.

02-28-2002, 09:11 PM
Maybe we should make a paintball "truth" commercial...

02-28-2002, 09:15 PM
Truth: they put rat poisin in paintball gell

Tony Arrivo
02-28-2002, 10:12 PM
Truth: Every saturday 20 newbies are lit up by the Radical Racoon Bandits.. mwahahahahaha

02-28-2002, 10:31 PM
Just tell your parents that your going out drinking and doing drugs. Then when you say your going to play paintball, they'll be like, whew. He's not gonna die.

03-01-2002, 07:35 AM

If you want info on parents and paintball I suggest you check out Action Pursuit Games magazine. They cater to younger, newer players; they have regular articles about young players and parents and paintball; and they are extremely paintball image concious. Look at some back issues and you'll find some good material.

That said, there are some people who you can say or do ANYTHING and they will NEVER change their minds about paintball. To them, the image of people shooting guns at each other produces an emotional response that simply shuts off their rational mind. Its almost religion. You can make the most sense in the world and they will simply choose to ignore it.

If your parents ALLOW you to play, but don't support it, then play as you can. If they won't allow you to play and they are in that group of "never to be convinced" then it's time to find another pass-time. I'm sorry, but until you are self established that might be the only way.

Personnally, I think many parents CAN be convinced. One of the best ways is if another parent who is involved in the sport can talk to them. Of course it has to be a parent they can respect. Try the rational arguments. Take 'em out to a field and explain what's going on. Show 'em a video of Hyperball or Sup' Air Ball or one of the newer promotional vids that emphasizes the "sport." If that doesn't work you may be banging your head into a brick wall!

Of course YOUR attitude during this process is ALL important (as I've mentioned before). If you're like "SEE!!! I TOLD you it's not like war. What do you MEAN you still don't think so! Jeeeze! Can't you even understand what I'm saying ..." you are not going to get very far, even if your parents *might* be swayed. You have to understand THEM and their worries and then show them you are a responsible kid.

Anyway, good luck and ...

Play safe and have fun,


03-01-2002, 02:29 PM
field fee-10$.......case of paint-70$.........2 air fills-10$.........lighting up newbies and bunkering jerks-priceless....lol

03-01-2002, 02:54 PM
Another good thing I think is by word of mouth, possibly by finding someone who is either a coworker/friend of the parents, and find if they play paintball or one of their children play (only do this though if you know they have something good to say). It helps parents and eases them into the idea seeing others doing it (helped with me).