View Full Version : I have XMOD programming cable - need advice on how to use it...

02-21-2016, 12:37 AM
I bought one of the XMOD programming cables years ago and still have it - but never flashed my gun! I also have the images so I am good to go there. I need advice on what is required from a process perspective to actually do the deed with a modern PC. (i.e. 4 year old laptop running Win7 Enterprise) I've worked in IT for for 15 years, but I'm a security/firewall/network guy. I'm no dummy - but need help getting this thing moving forward. Any input or pointing me in the right direction would be really appreciated.



02-21-2016, 02:35 AM
You need more then just the cable.

I know I have, had the manual but cant find it right now. Some one here should have it.

BigEvil might have or know where to get. I thought I saw it over on BEO waaaay back.

02-21-2016, 01:28 PM
If all you need is the manual, PM your email address.

If you need the programs, applications, or other files, contact Paul - [email protected].

02-21-2016, 10:37 PM
Go to the Atmel web site and download their AVR studio software. You can load the file onto the gun with it.

03-29-2016, 09:52 AM
The Xmod programming manual anticipates using AVR Studio 4 because it's older like that. Using Windows 7 is going to be a little tough, because you're going to need a Win7 driver for your programmer (hard to find), and installing AVR Studio 4 is going to be a bear because of the newer operating system. I was able to get it installed on my laptop with Win7 by installing while in safe mode, though, and then going back to normal boot to run the program.

03-29-2016, 06:03 PM
The latest AVR studio program is the easiest to use and works well with windows 7. The required serial driver is based on the chipset used in your serial device. If it is usb based, then look at the chip number and get the driver for that chip. If it is a straight serial connection, then use a usb to serial converter and install the proper usb driver. All the AVR studio program needs is to be able to see the serial port that is connected. The protocol for the programmer itself is usually stk500 or similar and is built into the AVR studio program.

03-29-2016, 06:30 PM
For me on W7 it was plug n play if I recall.

03-29-2016, 10:51 PM
I use AVR Studio 7 on Win7, with an AVRMKii programmer.. Just had to build a wiring harness and a slight mod to avr studio to work with the AT90S2313 and bam, she works! Word to the wise.. Watch your fuse settings before writing.. Use the external oscillator @ 4mhz, and turn OFF the DIV8 whatever its called..

03-30-2016, 04:44 AM
I use AVR Studio 7 on Win7, with an AVRMKii programmer.. Just had to build a wiring harness and a slight mod to avr studio to work with the AT90S2313 and bam, she works! Word to the wise.. Watch your fuse settings before writing.. Use the external oscillator @ 4mhz, and turn OFF the DIV8 whatever its called..

Yeah what he said.

Watch the Oscillators.. they blew them up in Star Wars.

03-30-2016, 05:56 AM
Or, talk to Tuna. He is an authorized dealer for it. He should be able to reflash the board without any problems. ;)

But it appears you wish to go forth on your own, so what that guy said...

03-30-2016, 06:52 AM
Yeah what he said.

Watch the Oscillators.. they blew them up in Star Wars.

I was gonna go with, "I have a belly button."