View Full Version : I need Paintball Information

02-23-2016, 05:08 PM
Paintball friends: I am doing an informative speech about paintball and I would like some topic idea suggestions for my speech. The one that is the easiest is safety. Under safety I will cover goggles, barrel covers and the importance of staying hydrated. I'll also cover team building and the benefits of stress release that playing paintball brings to some of us. I need a third topic to cover, your suggestions are appreciated in advance. If anyone has any old Action Paintball articles about Paintball for beginners laying around, please send me a copy.

02-23-2016, 06:56 PM
Talk about how the equipment has evolved over the years.

02-23-2016, 07:45 PM
Technology, diversity(paintball is played by all kinds of people), global reaching(China, Australia, Russia, Europe, Brazil nust to name a few).

02-23-2016, 09:56 PM
Usually it starts in the woods.

Then they move to speedball, and they think woods is so last decade.

Constant practice/tourneys/chasing the carrot leads to burnout.

Then back to the woods, they remember how much fun woods was and still is......


02-25-2016, 08:35 AM
It might be a hard concept to relate but the "brotherhood"(love for the game), That most people do not see... You can go out and shoot at each other, and at least for me,and somehow friendships are made... You would think that shooting at each other would make walls, IMO it breaks many down...

02-25-2016, 02:58 PM
That's true, where else are you going to find very different people from all walks of life having fun playing survivor games.

02-26-2016, 10:40 PM
Its funny, I will always give a pod of paint to some kid out there rocking a rental as hard as he can. and say dont worry about it....Most of us remember what that was like, and for me, That one pod made the world of difference...

I was that kid once, and even though I might have wasted that pod, I belonged.

Consider you audience? U want to tell them about PB, Or do you want them to go experience it?

02-27-2016, 04:16 PM

You can make a third topic consisting of nothing but pictures of fancy anodized markers. You need to tell your audience what paintball should be about -- whoring as many markers as you can.

There's no argument that can't be won by a simple anodized marker picture deluge. You don't even need words or anything, although you might try wearing a cowboy hat and yelling, "Whammy!" as you step through each picture.

I think you'll actually want to devote two sections to anodized markers. See if you can eliminate one of the other sections.