View Full Version : Missplaced or Stolen Emag

02-25-2016, 10:16 PM
Firstly, if I'm posting this in the wrong place my appologies.

So I moved mid last year and in the move I've misplaced (and I feel like an idiot if I have) my Karta E-mag. I've been keeping an I out for it but have so far been unable to find it.

Doubt has now started to creep in telling me that my beloved marker has been stolen at some point from my garage. I'd really like to put my worries to rest by posting a pic of her and having you awesome people tell me (hopefully) that none of you have seen her at your local fields or on any cragslist/ebay posting.


02-25-2016, 11:42 PM
Definetly an eye catcher, haven't seen it around central Cali

02-26-2016, 10:06 AM
Haven't seen that in any of the forums/fb groups I frequent.

02-27-2016, 10:27 AM
Nice mag! Nothing I've seen anywhere.

Don't give up hope yet. I had something "dissappear" during a move 6 years ago. Over the last few years I've spent hours searching literally everywhere (or so I thought). Well, a couple months ago the wife asked me where something else ended up... I pointed out the box to her and I'll be damned if my missing stuff wasn't right there in the box.