View Full Version : MOTM Poll Assembly and Specific Pictures

03-07-2016, 09:59 AM
Hey guys,

This month I received a couple PMs asking me to change the pics I have included in the poll thread. No issue there, absolutely but in order to avoid frustrations and trying to keep everyone happy, I just included a phrase on the rules, asking you guys to let me know which picture would you like me to use when I'm assembling the polls, ok? Do so by adding some text like "please use this one" or something, when you add your entry with more than one photo.

Also, as a clarification and for the sake of transparency, I usually pick the side of the marker that doesn't have the hose and fittings as this side usually shows the marker better. Same goes if you are using a Warp-Feed or equivalent loading system.

Still, as I said, no issues in following your preference so just please let me know in advance.

While we are at it, also please let me know if you think I can improve the MOTM monthly poll in any way. Suggestions accepted.

