View Full Version : pressure

02-27-2002, 07:31 PM
what is the best pressure to run to your air valve, from your tank?
someone told me to run it at 400 so that the air valve wouldnt have to waste time to regulate the high pressure, but if the pressure isnt high enough wont the mag starve? i think this was just a lie but correct me if im wrong

02-27-2002, 07:34 PM
The A.I.R. valve needs at least 500psi headpressure in order for it to be totally consistant and recharge at full speed.

02-27-2002, 07:37 PM
they are wrong. if you run 400 psi into your mag the reg will recharge slower then a govenair. most mags have around 400 - 450 psi on the low pressure side of the gun. and you need at least 200psi accross a reg. therefore you should be putting AT LEAST 650 psi into the valve, i would recomend 750 - 850 my self.