View Full Version : Apparently, after 10+ years, I owe my first x-valve a rebuild

04-09-2016, 08:59 PM
I used the trade-in program to get my first x-valve around 2004 or 5 (I used to think it was 2006, but that was wishful thinking). It started chuffing today and leaks a little through the on/off or reg pin and I'm all out of decent o-rings. Finally time for a real rebuild kit. It started out as a level 5 mag, went through level 7 updates, spent several years in the attic, and grew into something else a piece at at time. I can't remember changing any o-rings in this valve since I got it.


04-09-2016, 09:43 PM
I feel your pain / admiration.... My classic RT that I've had since the late 90s got its first true rebuild a couple years ago after the the main reg pin Orings decentigrated. Had to order a new sear and bolt for it this past week. Mags are the Sherman tank of the paint gun world.

04-11-2016, 06:53 PM
I recently was having weird issues with my rt pro x valve(my first or second valve)tried retuning the level 10...went through and cleaned everything up and it looked pretty damn good...broke down the mag a few times an still was scratching my head. I finally put new orings throughout the maker and tested again, with the same issue... turns out it was the ccm fitting. At some point I put 2 orings where the macro line is inserted and it was blocking airflow...probably had a few more years of life in the old orings...live and learn

04-12-2016, 09:50 AM
Yeah, I usually pick and choose also. The on/off top o-rings look good. I'll probably pull the reg pin out and clean it all up before I change out the other o-rings. I don't want to give up my nicely worn-in set just for some grime. On the other hand, if they are worn out, that's more than fair.

Now that I think about it, they had a supplemental air deck at the game this weekend, which didn't have any intake filtration. It was running in it's own oil smoke and a lot of kicked up dust from the foot traffic. I've cleaned some serious grime out of a marker after a game like that before. It killed my max-flo bottle reg, but that's not saying much (it was finicky that way).