View Full Version : Dissapointing Customer Service

02-27-2002, 09:07 PM
First off i think that automags are the greatest markers ever made but right now i have some real issues with customer service. AGD does not have an e-mail address for tech info or questions in general. I registered my e-mag on line over 2 months ago and still have not received a reply or my e-mag instuctional video. The e-mag instuction manual is not nearly in-depth enough and i have alot of questions for Mr. Tom Kaye. Could someone tell me where the rear bottle adapter is on the e-mag for lubrication, the manual is not that demonstative. I hate to compare AGD to Tippmann, but i e-mailed Tippmann, got a response, and sent my gun away and got it returned in 4 days! All for 6 bucks in shipping and i got a brand new valve and chamber. Come on Tom, get on the ball. My e-mag is the greatest gun i've ever shot but i've got alot of questions about such a peice of sophisticated machinery. Help me out here, guys ask questions and enough of us spur AGD into action we can look forward to a more responsive and user friendly company.

02-27-2002, 09:12 PM
In addition to the pleasurable experience with my E-mag conversion, AGD fixed both of my warp feeds, (one updated, one replaced motor w/ battery wires ripped out) at no cost, and shipped them back to me free of charge. Round trip was about 2 weeks, both warps work flawlessly and have the updated plastic diverters and brass pulleys, and I cannot say enough good about the AGD tech department. Nice people, good service, I couldn't be prouder to own an AGD gun; and i'm sure most of the users on this board would agree with me

02-27-2002, 09:22 PM
they fixed my gun in 1 week. i regestered online and got a new owners manual in 5 days and a responce the next day. I love there service.

02-27-2002, 09:23 PM
I would agree with you, I love agd service. Its a little slow but my theory is that people in the midwest are more "relaxed" than us in the east so it doesn't really bother me. If you want something done just call, the people on the phone will do anything they can to help you. Last time I called to check on my order I was told that AGD was a little backed up and they sent my gun back ups overnight the next day for me.:)

02-27-2002, 09:31 PM
If you have any tech questions about your E-Mag, I will be more than willing to answer them for you. Please e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll be able to answer your questions.

As for the video, it's in the online store at no charge. You can get it there or send a request to [email protected] You can also call the main office and speak with either JoAnn or Marcia and they'll get your video out to you right away.

As for your question about the back bottle adapter. In the instruction manual it says to place oil in that before you play each time. Well, the E-Mag doesn't have a back bottle adapter, so to properly oil it, just place four drops of oil in the hose going into the valve. If you have stainless hose, you should have a quick disconnect either at the valve or at the tank fitting. Just disconnect that, put your drops of oil in the hose, reattach it and gas it up and dry fire without the barrel. If it's macroline, do the same thing by disconnecting the hose from the fitting and dropping your oil in it, reattaching and dry firing.

Also, please keep in mind that AGD is currently understaffed and at a point where they have a lot of things they're working and with employee's being sick, on vacation or for other reasons, things like tech support and such are taking longer than normal.

02-27-2002, 10:41 PM
Also if you registered your marker online two months ago, it might not have worked. They were having problems with the software that have only been resolved in the last month or so I think.

As for the tech questions, ask here, I'm sure anything you can think of has been asked before, and someone here will know the answer. If not TK often reads and posts here, so if he can't answer your question no one can.

Sorry if AGD's service hasn't been quite up to your expectations, I've had nothing but good results dealing with the people at AGD.

02-27-2002, 10:42 PM

Sorry you haven't gotten the response you needed.

AO is owned by AGD, Tom is here online a lot, and there are many experinced mag owners here who can and will answer questions.

Anything you post here will be rapidly answered, sometimes by Tom himself, but usually by someone who knows what they are talking about, and the Moderators are good to correct anyone who goes astray.

Actually AGD is about as responsive and user friendly as possible, many of us here have contributed to new products, either through suggestions for them or giving our input when changes needed to be made in existing products.

They generally will ship anything within a few days, so I wonder if your registration and request got lost online somewhere. There was a glitch a month or two ago with the registration process if I remember correctly, and you may have got caught in that.

The vast majority of us here are very happy with AGD's response to our problems and haven't had any problems. In fact I would be willing to bet that the satisfaction rate is somewhere above 98%, (maybe someone should start a poll!)

Hopefully BlackVCG has answered your questions, but feel free to post here as well.

Good Luck and Welcome to the AO/AGD family.


02-28-2002, 02:22 AM
Just pick up the phone and call AGD. They will take care of you.

02-28-2002, 03:48 AM
The customer service I received from AGD following my purchase of an Emag/WarpFeed was nothing short of stellar. Everyone there was well-informed on the product and clearly operating on a "customer comes first" basis, even when the problem to be resolved stemmed from the online store shipping me the wrong part for my order. Dealing with AGD was a first-rate experience all around.

Mike "marksman" Marks
Team - Dead By Dawn

02-28-2002, 07:15 AM
If you did not get a confirmation email when you registered it did not go through. And it was pointed out to you that the registration software was non functional a few montsh back. Thats the problem. They do not even know you exist or had a problem till you came here and told us and AGD. Marcia will take care of you. And Black has offered to help you direct. See? Aren't you glad you came now?

02-28-2002, 06:06 PM
Thanks guys I've already gotten a reply from AGD. At first i just didn't get the sevice i expected but it has just picked up a lot,