View Full Version : Karma?

04-29-2016, 11:02 PM
A nice story:

I come home for lunch from work everyday. A couple days ago, I had the dog out for a walk over my lunch hour. As we were walking I spot a package about 6 feet off the sidewalk. I keep walking on, but thought "man, that sucks, looks like the mail person dropped a package". We finally get home (a good couple hundred meters), quarter mail, and I let the dog off the leash - but the thought of this package bugged me, I couldn't help but remember how much it sucks for someone to lose a package. Alright, I had ten minutes; I'll hop in the car, go grab it, check the address and just run it over on my way back to work - let's do this - I pulled up, looked both ways - "be inconspicuous, man.. It totally looks like I'm yoinking something off this lawn..". I picked it up and slowly flipped it over - It had my name on it! And holy crap it was from Tuna! X-mag parts! My vertical warp module! I got in my car and I DROVE - and it was a very, very good day. The universe was on my side :).

04-30-2016, 02:54 AM
I would be more pissed off that the package had ended up where it was versus curiosity & a good deed. That is me, i try to do the right thing everyday. I try to bank my karma for when i really need it.

04-30-2016, 03:44 AM
I worked in an area that had horrible postal service...as an example one day I was driving along and spotted several packages dead center of my lane...not one or two...like six or eight. I stopped and picked them up and sure enough they were something that had been sent usps. All I can figure is they fell out of the back of the truck. I dropped them back off at the business that had sent them. They had to have come out the back of the truck as the business was nowhere near where I found them.

And several times we had people bring our packages to us that they found laying in the road. One even watched them fall out of the truck. Several had been run over.

I so hated usps around there. Our business stopped covering the lost and destroyed packages that the customers demanded be sent usps. We covered what was lost or destroyed by every other shipper.

04-30-2016, 07:43 AM
I am very glad you got it. As a matter of fact, I recently recieved a gold watch from Amazon with someone elses name on it and MY ADDRESS! It was a 30 year gift for service awarded to a lady down the street but the wrong addresss was entered. I contacted amazon and they issued a pickup, and awarded my account with a 20.00 gift card. They told me they would contact the lady and let her know that a good intentioned neighbor saved her some trouble. Karma it is!

04-30-2016, 11:23 AM


<iframe width="853" height="480" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GXmFvHGlWjo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

04-30-2016, 03:46 PM
I try to bank my karma for when i really need it.

Dogma has run over your karma....